Bumble has taken a few baths, and most of them not exactly against her will, but she might not have loved them. Part of our evening ritual is that she takes a drink from the faucet, I make a pool out of my hands, and sometimes she sticks her head in and sometimes I drizzle some water on her (and then I usually get the angry quack).
Last night, she clearly told me she wanted "drink time" - she flew halfway to the kitchen and then back, and then she flew to her cage top and I could see her eyeing the kitchen looking for a place to land - she's never done that before. So I asked her if she wanted her drink and took her in, and she took several good drinks and then splashed into the hand-pool and stood under the running water. When she hopped back up, I drizzled a little on her and rather than flying to my head (which is how she lets me know we're done), she turned around so I could get a better angle! She fluffed her feathers and spread her wings and did all the cute birdy bath things. So I wondered if she wanted even more. I filled a little tupperware with water (which she mostly ignored) and got out her bath spray bottle and sprayed over the top of her head and she LOVED it. I think she'd have let me go on spraying her for hours. So cute - and the crazy/amazing part was her so clearly telling me what she wanted to do. I don't think I'll ever get used to how smart she is.