I’ve been home from work this week with a pinched nerve in my lower back. Bumble has been funny and amazing. If you’ve ever had this, you’ll know it can be difficult to walk. I might have chosen to crawl a couple of times, and I got the full on alarm call when I did! I also borrowed a cane and a walker and those produced a similar response.
The ER gave me a list of exercises to do, which all involve being on the floor. Today when I was doing them, she came to the bottom of her cage to watch and was grinding her beak at me in encouragement. So cute. And she usually doesn’t let me nap-that’s when she thinks she should really get to chirping, but this week when I’ve been able to doze off she just makes a few kissy noises to check in.
Now we’re sitting on the couch, she was eating watermelon while I looked at the forums. I looked up and saw this
And my heart melted. Guys. I have the cutest, sweetest, and best bird that ever was.
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