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Leonora turned to RB, "hello pet, come to show us some of your moves eh?"

RB started singing 'Booty, Booty' to all that would listen. So the merriment continued a while longer.

Suddenly there was a bit of a crash landing and there was Admiral Plum and the gang of too's. "Does anyone have any indigestion relief for a friend that has eaten too much?" said Plum.
RB fluffed and fidgeted and handed over some Gaviscon, "this should do the trick" he said and went back to singing 'Booty' to his audience. Plum took off in the direction of the East Coast to deliver his much needed remedy.

Leonora was enjoying herself immensely, Salty and his Dad got onto the bike and revved up the engine, which was making a satisfying throaty rumbling with it's new Harley Davidson engine throbbing away. Leonora hugged Salty and his Dad and the Pirates who had somehow found a sidecar and were crammed into it still singing away. Leonora gave Salty a little of Hotstuff's special flying dust which he sprinkled on the bike and the throaty rumbling of the Harley with sidecar grew ever distant.
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The crowd dispersed and the Rickeybird sensed his big chance was nigh... he sidled over to Leonora, fluffed his manly chest feathers, rocked back and forth to show off his swag, and looked seductively (he hoped) into her gaze, his right eye locked with her left. "Rit-roo! You're a beauty! Come here often?"
And just then, a plane, a pilot, a bird, no, an Ekkie, Jolly to be exact, dived, rolled and zoomed amid the clouds above the beach, when all eyes were focused on the green fighter pilot, he wrote, CLEAR THE BEACH!!! in big friendly letters against the blue sky. After adding the last exclamation point to his public service announcement he made a couple of graceful loops and skidded to a landing eye to eye with the Rickybird! RB, Jolly said in a booming voice, Stop it with the booty song! COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE! His message was met with a cold glare from the RB who had no intention of leaving the stage. No time for nonsense, Jolly seized the RB and flung him onto his back, mumbling something about being sent by a certain rival to return RB safely to his home before the poop hit the fan.

The partiers on the beach did exactly as they were told, after all, what kind of bird would ignore a skywriting Ekkie?

No sooner was the beach cleared than a tangle of spitting, biting, clawing, stinking, smoke breathing monsters landed on the beach. Twelve of them, Nessie's brood, ready to say hello to Mom.

Hiding in the branches, one tiny quaker had a question for the enormous flock of parrots hiding among the trees, Which one of you wants to tell Nessie's abomination that their mamma has just flown off in a plane headed for Canada and a tryst with her lover?
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[Somewhere far away, a resigned rival salutes the Spector-like Ekkie, opens the door to the Rickeybird's palatial second-floor cage-manor, allowing him in, closing the door, and trudging downstairs, resentful but relieved, ready for the return of his ol' lady.]


The tiny Quaker's voice rises in strength and authority: "Well, what say you each?"
It was Harry, she fluffed her feathers and said "get ready everyone for a quick take off", I have written in the sand a message for Nessie's offspring". "Get ready, go!" They all took to the air leaving Nessie's offspring scratching their heads about the writing in the sand. The biggest offspring said "come on, let's go, I haven't a clue what that says and there is nothing here". Of course, the reason why they could not tell what it said, was, because they had not been taught how to read.

What did Harry's message say I wonder?

Ha ha he, ha ha he, I'm a flying Quaker and you can't catch me!

That cheeky little Quaker, good job they can't read!

Meanwhile Jolly was making his way home after dropping the RB off who was now tucked up safely in bed after his performance that afternoon, he was quite pooped out!

Jolly caught up with Admiral Plum who was getting a fair bit puffed out. "Hey Jolly", puffed Plum, "what an accomplished flyer you are," Jolly nodded his thanks, "got to get back to Maya as she doesn't like it if I am away too long". "OK" said Plum "oh can you give this to your Dad, I think he overdid the Birthday celebrations" Jolly laughed. Plum handed the indigestion remedy to Jolly and they went their separate ways after calling out that they must meet up again soon. .....
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Jolly sped through the open window of his home in an emerald and candy-corn colored blur, making it just in time to avoid Maya's wrath. He nodded as he streaked past her tree and flew over to his dad... who remained conspicuously oblivious to his sudden arrival. Jolly had of course intended to deliver the indigestion remedy given him by Plum, but decided against it. His dad's digestive distress had actually managed to turn him a rather fetching shade of green, after all!

So he flew back over to Maya and told her all about Harry's plot to get Nessie back to Canada for an impromptu reptilian tryst. Maya's eyes pinned with excitement, as beneath her diva exterior she was actually quite the romantic, and flapped her wings in preparation to take off and join in the merriment... only to remember that she harbors a decidedly unbird-like fear of flying.

Jolly merely sighed and rolled his eyes at the familiar sight of Maya determinedly flapping her wings and going nowhere. He settled in for the night and tried to imagine the night of romantic reunions and wild partying (Harry's parties were always wild!) to come in distant Canada.

Meanwhile, Nessie's eyes widened in wonder at the sight of...

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