Build the story...

Hotstuff to confront him...Hockey said Mr Biggles hockey??? BUT that game has no basket and Hotstuf your toes may be warm on the ice but my little toesies would freeze and I dont like games with sticks anyway. Im allergic to sticks tree branches and lolly pop sticks are okay but otherwise sticks are a deffinite no no. Despite Hotstuff not being cooperative in granting one of Mr Biggles basic human err Parrot rights (well after food and water and Peanut treats Basket ball does come next on Mr Biggles list of basic daily necessities) he contacted Scott and Gabby and asked them if they could sneak him into Scotland without the Eurocrats seizing his basket ball or knowing he was there. With his little bag nicely packed (containing his net and basket ball and some peanut treat snacks for the trip) Mr Biggles waited to hear back from Scot and Gabby as to when they might be available to pick him up ...Scot and Gabby replied...
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we have mechanical problems and are sending our friend to pick you up in his little fishing boat. His name is .....
Salty, the coolest pirate to have ever sailed the seas! As most of you know, parrots are experts at planning, plotting and social networking. Salty and Mr. Biggles set sail as PF Parrots across the globe joined together to form an unprecedented alliance, a hotel and casino, the likes of which mere humans had never before imagined, the ultimate goal. Hotstuff, the poor old tosspot's dream of owning his own casino had been successfully hijacked by the parrots of PF.

Maya and Venus put together a harem of intoxicatingly gorgeous exotic dancers while Buzz and Jolly paced in nervous anticipation. Amy rallied the Zons, they would be in charge of the casino's cash income. BB, Zoe and Fargo would employ Macs to order the rum and operate the one armed bandits. Talli would put together a rock band that would make Metallica weep with envy. Ralph and Sammy buzzed with excitement, delighted to draw up blueprints and head up security. Peter Pan, Harry and Jade designed a state of the art community day care so the baby parrots could play while parents gambled away their college tuition (awwww)!

Espresso and Justice put their very bright heads together and contracted an Olympian basketball court to be built posthaste as a surprise for Mr. Biggles and an ice hockey rink to be built to keep Hotstuff in good spirits. No one enjoys the company of a cranky wizard!

Elsa, Mink, Chip and dozens of other beautiful budgies joined forces with the lovies and doves to put the plans in place for a one hour, no waiting wedding chapel that Cinderella herself would be proud of.

Nigel and Scooter had the foresight to contact the world's best groomers and sign a contract to have Dear Nessie muzzled and bathed, in that order.

A job for every parrot, and a parrot for every job. Now what to do with the ornery Toos? Pssst, No offense, PF Toos, you know I love you, one and all!
Ahaarrr me hearties exclaimed Salty with our lovely new sign thanks to Allee and crew we shall catch the eye of all the tourists and parrots alike but we must promote the hotel even more, so I suggest we send the Toos to create a PR video incorporating the new sign so we can advertise world wide inviting all we meet to come and holiday here promising all who come a spectacular free visit with Nessie as a perk. I vote we put Poppy and Gabby in charge of the Too Crew and encourage them to enrole Rocky, Willow, Tiki, Justine, Sucre, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn, Christine Ruka and Sassy to prepare a feather raising display dance for the occasion and then revealing a replica of the exquisite sign at the end of their show. The Toos could take their dance show on a world tour and capture the hearts and minds of everyone they meet. Anything RiverDance can do our Toos can do better...KawwwwwwrRect said Salty with a grin on his face. The other parrots cheered in agreement...someone cssually said perhaps we should run it past Hotstuff before we embark on a world tour song and dance show but Hotstuff was out for the count having sampled a little too much of the Bubbly so the Toos led by Poppy and Gabby set to work at...
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...sending Sweet Pea, Spike, Baby, Rascal, Coconut,BB and all the rest of the cockatiels to wake old Hotstuff up. They whistled and sang until he woke up, and he cried please bring me something for this headache! So...
They sent for Chip Budgie to snuggle into Hotstuffs head and massage it as he cuddled they also sent for lots of black coffee for Hotstuff to sober him up and keep him awake for they needed him to cast a spell on...
on those evil Nessie offspring. (To be revisited at a later date)

At the moment Admiral Plum flanked by his flight Lieutenants Alice, Rhubarb, Whirly and Frank flew in, in a short formation. Admiral Plum landed with a bump (why change a habit of a lifetime!) and the others more gracefully. Admiral Plum took a quick snack to replace those lost calories, the others waited for his instructions. "Where is Hotstuff"said Plum. "He's here", said the others. "Soak his feet in some coffee!" said Plum. They did a they were told! After a couple of minutes Hotstuff stood up. "I am never drinking again, so you writers take note I am from now on tee total!" At that moment Leonora appeared. "Oh Admiral Plum and Hotstuff and everyone how lovely to see you all" Plum said "we have a Riverdance to arrange" "won't we get wet feet" all the others whined in chorus. "No, no, no, not dancing in the river" said Plum. Leonora clapped her hands in delight "oh how lovely, things have become a bit dark around here lately". "Right said Plum who is going to organise this extravaganza, because that is what this will be, right?"

They all put their heads together for a while, trying to work out the organisation. "Well I can't stop" said Plum, "I need to get home to bubbyes" and with that he and his flying companions flew off into the fading light. Leonora said "I would love to be production manager if you will have me?" and with a unanimous vote that was decided. They all started to line up for rehearsals ......
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And not knowing all the steps of the dance they sent for the one bird who can outdance Michael Flatley and teach any parrot how to shake their Booty; yes the one and only Mr Rickeybird himself who not only began to teach them to dance but gave them singing lessons too and in his spare time he designed their costumes. The Toos were all in Awe of him and wanted his autograph and...
practiced like mad to become as skilled as RB. Leonora clapped her hands, she was so happy, this was going to be wonderful. Eventually all a little pooped they stopped for a rest and Leonora whisked up some cold drinks and birdie bread pretzels. Suddenly there was a loud noise and they all turned around to see ......
Hotstuff raise his wand summoning up tornados just for the fun of it...yes you guessed it, despite his protestation and promise to remain a sober T totaler for life he had once again been tempted by the crates of bubbly that were stacked cooling for the apres show party and was now totally out of control...there was nothing anyone could do to stop him except to call Admiral Plum and his Flight Lieutenants back so they...
could pack him off to alcoholics anonymous, this was getting out of hand. Leonora was not impressed, she had provided lots of non alco drinks and look what Hotstuff has done. All the after party fizz was gone! "Well I hope you have a banging head!" said Leonora. She said she would try and rustle up some more for the after party as with a click of her heels disappeared. Admiral Plum and his Flight Lieutenants landed with Hotstuff and they were not amused with him. Plum and the others untangled Hotstuff from the net they had transported him him and a rather disheveled heap landed on the floor looking more than a little worse for wear. They carried him in and left him humming sitting on the floor. Meanwhile .....
Nessie suddenly realised that Hotstuff was gone and was nolonger there to control her with his wand and Leonora with her dazzling red slippers was nowhere to be seen either. So Nessie gathered her mossey skirts and climbing out of the depths of the dark lake, tip toed to the venue where the Toos were putting on their display of Riverdance. But Nessie was a big girl...a very big long wide and tall girl, and when she emerged from the lake she cast such a shadow over the Bonnie Bonnie Banks that it scared all the tourists away and in their panic to flee from this Great Big Monster they...
They startled the dancing Toos, scattering them into panicked flight! Now that the great gargantuan Nessie had escaped the dark sludge of the lake and the bonnie, bonnie, banks had been sufficiently cleared of Looky Lous, she could think more clearly and a vague memory started to scratch at the back of her freakishly small brain. A few kilometers down the bank, a large gathering of.....
unsuspecting Quakers were taking lessons from Harry on how to build a bridge over the Bonnie Bonnie Banks when Nessie came crashing through with her heart set on making her way to the nearest airport to return to Canada and her long lost love . She peered at Harry with her beady litlle flashing eyes and said in her best scottish accent;"ach well now, would you be buildin me a wee plane for to carry me over the sea to Canada for without a plane me and my true love will never meet again on the Bonnie Bonnie banks of Lough Lomond. Harry could see that Nessie was very upset and despite the fact that Leonora and Hotstuff had left orders thst nobody was to help Nessie return to Canada ever,Harry was not about to turn his back on Nessie in her hour of need so Harry summoned all the Quakers and....
.....after sending the ever growing flock of quakers off to gather supplies for project, Reunite Nessie, Harry perched her green self in a fold of Nessie's jade colored ear to have a serious chat! Nessssie, I am the Queen of the Quakers and I will help you because I can, but hear me well, once I provide you with a plane to transport your egregiously large derrière to Canada and your one true love, you and your children and your children's children and so forth will forever owe a debt of gratitude to QUO, Quakers United.Org. With that she darted to both sides of Nessie's ample jaws and planted a kiss on each. Nessie's jade green iridescent face turned several shades of pale and she already wished she had never met the tiny Quaker Queen.

Peter Pan by now had taken the opportunity to organize the merry band of quakers. The plane was well on its way to being airworthy, however she was concerned about where to get an engine, she would need to contact.....
Salty and ask him to bring his wrench with him to help build an engine for Nessies plane. Salty was delighted to be asked to help and clever boy that he is he decided that he didnt need to build a new engine as he could borrow the engine from his daddys bike now that they had fixed it and attach it to Nessies plane and get her airborne and on her way to Canada before teatime. Salty asked whats for tea?? Can we have chicken and pizza please as I will be very hungry after doing all that work on the plane asked Salty as he chose the correct wrench for the job. Then...
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Salty and ask him to bring his wrench with him to help build an engine for Nessies plane. Salty was delighted to be asked to help and clever boy that he is he decided that he didnt need to build a new engine as he could borrow the engine from his daddys bike now that they had fixed it and attach it to Nessies plane and get her airborne and on her way to Canada before teatime. Salty asked whats for tea?? Can we have chicken and pizza please as I will be very hungry after doing all that work on the plane asked Salty as he chose the correct wrench for the job. Then...

Salty was delighted to be asked to help and clever boy that he is he decided that he didnt need to build a new engine as he could borrow the engine from his daddys bike now that they had fixed it and attach it to Nessies plane and get her airborne and on her way to Canada before teatime. Salty asked whats for tea??

Oh good grief! That sentence had me ROFL!


.....the Toos, who had waddled back up the banks, gathered the cockatiels and put together a feast fit for royalty, chicken, pizza, cheese sticks, popcorn, and hot wings dripping with sauce to reward Salty and the quakers for all their hard work. Sadly there was one very angry pirate musician desperately searching for the engine that had once been in his beloved bike! The chicken and pizza eating merrymakers fell silent as a booming voice echoed loudly just down the banks....
Saaaalllllttttyyyyyy Wheres my engine ....What have you done Son? SAAALLLLLLLTTTTTTYYYYY.....the party heard the Pirate Musician's booming voice coming up the Bonnie Bonnie Banks and they all hurriedly got Nessie on the plane and told Admiral Plum to take off with Nessie for the far off air fields of the Canadian Rockies International airport. Once the plane was airborne and the ground crew had waved Nessie and Admiral Plum off they looked in the direction of the Pirate musician and he was getting closer and closer and was eyeing the plane because he recognised the sound of his engine and he wss shouting come back come back as he watched the engine of his bike fly out of sight ....he was fuming because at first he thought that Salty was on the plane and then a little green feather on the ground brought the Pirate musician to his knees . He wiped a tear from his cheek as he cried Come back Salty Come back ...all is forgiven...with that Salty came out of the middle of the Toos who had been hiding him from the angry musician by wrapping their wings round him and raising their crests and Salty climbed up to his daddys shoulder and showered him with kisses and cooed to him in Zon . The Pirate musician then ...
... put on an impromptu gig with the Pirates and Salty knew then he was forgiven. Salty mumbled to himself in 'zon, how was he going to get his Dad's bike back together? Salty loves his Dad and was sorry for what he had done. Mr Biggles and Peter Pan came up and gave Salty a wing hug as they could see him looking a bit down.
"We have an idea" they said in unison. They called together "Hotstuff, Hotstuff, where are you?"
A flash of magenta smoke appeared and with it so did Hotstuff, the knarly old wizard. Mr Biggles and Peter Pan asked if Hotstuff would help repair Salty's Dad's bike and the knarly old wizard smiled and said he would. There was a bang and a puff of blue smoke this time, 'Voila' one perfectly repaired and clean bike. Salty was so pleased and flew over to his Dad and mumbled 'zon in his ear. You could hear the cheers from Salty's Dad and the pirates on the moon.
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As a happy mood settled on the scene, a strange green feathered something-or-other hurtled from the air to the surface, as if it had been tossed by a catapult far away (which it was, by an unidentified innocent rival just trying to get some peace). The creature landed and rolled to a stop, wobbling to its feet and shaking its feathers into order. The group gasped... it was the pariah Rickeybird! Everyone drew back in surprise and anxiety. The clueless, self-centered boorish Rickeybird immediately began hopping around demanding high-fives, proclaiming himself a member of the band, and asking where he could get a few drinks and a lapdance. All present were frozen in horror until...

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