Bird Purchase Mistake - Help!!!

Take care of yourselves, and update us when you can.
Hope things work out, we're here as sounding board and ready to assist as desired!
I was just thinking about how your getting on with jasper. I hope your doing ok.
Hi all. New update. Sorry for the mysterious previous update. I have a connection with a parrot rescue group that I totally respect. I had been sharing with them what had happened too as we deal with this. At some point, they kind of threw out the idea of them fostering Jasper, us taking a step back, and then reconsidering/considering finding a better match later - fostering to adopt. They had not heard recent updates. Due to various reasons, we considered that idea within the past two weeks, just because of the work it has been to get here. Well, long and short of it, as we considered this option, we realized we were very torn. i.e we could feel we have turned a corner on our feelings about him. We felt like we would let him down. Maybe we are not at the - we would miss him lots phase - but at the very least, we are at the starting to feel bonded phase. So, I want to say, we chose him all over again. We made the decision to stay in there. He is a very sweet bird. Very low-key. He remains that way. He is now starting to come look for us if we both leave the room and he is still on his cage. I ran down the hall to a meeting and my husband too, and didn't make sure one of us took him. He went looking for us. This has happened a couple times. He has also been in the bath with me for a bit. He knows our routine during the day, and likes it. So......Jasper is still here. We are still here. A week ago, I wasn't sure where we would be.....but still here. I highly advise that if you lose a pet, you WAIT to get a new pet. Give yourself time to grieve. It is normal to want to think about the pet you lost. Normal. Not a good idea to get a new one when still thinking about the old one.
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Aw, I’m glad to hear this. The best relationships take some work, and you’ve been putting in does sound like it is starting to pay off.
This is a lovely update. Thank you.

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I'm really glad you fleshed out the prior update! Considering a foster was out-of-the-box creative solution for Jasper and your family. More proof you and your husband are deeply motivated to make this work yet willing to consider unorthodox solutions.
Hello all. I hate to say that we are still struggling with this, but we are.....we have circled back around to the above possibility I described. Why had this been so hard?
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People come here for lots of reasons, often seeking advice because they need it, sometimes to vent, or grieve a loss. You've been doing your best, and it sounds like your whole situation may be changing. No one here will fault you for your ultimate decision, as long as it's in Jasper's best interest.
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Sometimes it is hard, you’re still grieving for a lost companion and trying to build a relationship with a new one - we know you have Jasper’s best interests in mind. We’re here for you - for venting or help or whatever is needed.
My hope is your narratives prove cathartic and lead to the best resolution for Jasper and your family.
Hello all. I have a ginormous update on Jasper coming. I just need time to write it. Will do so in the next day or so....quite a story. Needless to say, we have had ours and his breakthrough, and it is divine!!!! Like I said, a long story. Suffice to say, we were almost not together and we are, and he is never leaving this house!
Oooo, I love hearing about your updates, I can't wait!

I love how you have persisted with him and even in this update you sound happier and excited xx
This sounds like an amazingly positive update in the works. I'm staying tuned for the big reveal! :)
MegZ this is a wonderful update already! I'm so very happy for you and Jasper :)
I’m on an emotional rollercoaster following this thread :04:. But in all seriousness, I’m looking forward to the update.
Congratulations to you and Jasper, will be watching this space for update like a hawk! :)
Never doubted you 155 replies ago, and I look forward to your 'reveal' !! Good show.
Hello all. I hate to say that we are still struggling with this, but we are.....we have circled back around to the above possibility I described. Why had this been so hard?

Think about where you are/were! The hurt and emotional roller coaster!
Think about the quality of life the little one was experiencing! Continually being mistreated and unwanted!
You have family and friends to help, he had nothing!

I am so happy to be part of a real Cinderella story as it unfolds!

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