Bird Purchase Mistake - Help!!!

Such progress @ and I see his personality blooming!
I want that climbing toy!!! Where did you get it??
I also want Littkeredbeaks frog fountain! Yiu all find neat stuff for the birdies!

Thank you. He gets cuter every day. I ordered this on Amazon. He loves it. I just notice that a couple people in comments said it is not safe for birds. I don't know why that would be. It's made of metal rings. The covering is raffia, which is from the leaves of a Palm tree from Madagascar and the metal looks like chrome-plated steel and very clean looking. Additionally, the colored raffia looks like natural or very lite coloring. Any ideas why any of that would be a problem. I can't see why. Here is the link.

I remember looking at this product. The "not safe" review put me off too, but I assumed the concern was entrapment-hazard. Which really would depend on the size of bird vs rings. However reading it now there's a pic so looks like that person's bird chewed thru the raffia and the rings underneath were Not shiny metal like yours but appeared dangerous instead. ?

Anyway sounds like he is only using this when you are there to supervise, which should make it entirely Safe -- and it sure does look fun! :)

(I am so delighted to read that things have worked out, by the way! :) )
cotton rope toys can cause blockages if ingested, as well as entanglement. That is why they shouldn't be in their cages when you are away-- these toys are safest when supervised closely. Most metals (unless stainless) are also questionable-- even if they are just mouthed by the bird.
cotton rope toys can cause blockages if ingested, as well as entanglement. That is why they shouldn't be in their cages when you are away-- these toys are safest when supervised closely. Most metals (unless stainless) are also questionable-- even if they are just mouthed by the bird.

The outside is raffia, a leaf from a palm tree in Madagascar. It's paper like. Usually raffia is organic and frequently used in crafts. So, I'm not worried about the raffia. It's not cotton. I most concerned about the metal. I don't think it's zinc because it is very shiny and zinc is usually a dull gray. It doesn't seem to have any sort of coating. It seems okay but we will watch him. Thanks for all the information. I was able to look it over with that in mind.
Thank you all for being so great and so helpful. We are here and he is doing great. I went from truly struggling to like him/connect with him to being completely smitten. He is next to me right now on his climbing toy. He is now sitting in our hands and wanting to be with us ALL THE TIME. Could he be any cuter? Click on the link for the pic below.


Such progress @ and I see his personality blooming!
I want that climbing toy!!! Where did you get it??
I also want Littkeredbeaks frog fountain! Yiu all find neat stuff for the birdies!

He is a very sweet and laid back bird. VERY different from our Milo, who was a total rascal. He has really started to become confident. Confident in us and our routine. Very sweet, sweet bird. You can just feel his sweet soul. He LOVES his routine and will let you know you are off the routine when you are.....:-) I am so glad it worked out. I really think if he had stayed at the pet store much longer, he might not have made it.
I am so glad that he continues to assimilate into your flock! So now that there is a routine he recognizes, you may want to vary it a bit. Yes parrots love routine, but too hard a routine can make them crazy when it deviates even a little. I vary the time of meals, and even our sacred training time with Salty, lest he become too stuck in those routines. Salty started to get crazy, screaming and flying off his play boing to land in the kitchen food prep area, when my wife Geri starts prep for dinner. Its really the only time he is way, way loud. SO i have begun taking him to the basement studio, or into my bedroom, during that period. At first he refused to budge from his boing, but now he steps up like he should for these excursions.
Thank you all for being so great and so helpful. We are here and he is doing great. I went from truly struggling to like him/connect with him to being completely smitten. He is next to me right now on his climbing toy. He is now sitting in our hands and wanting to be with us ALL THE TIME. Could he be any cuter? Click on the link for the pic below.


Jasper's face says it all - incredible sweetness! So happy you persevered and have abundant happiness.
I am so glad that he continues to assimilate into your flock! So now that there is a routine he recognizes, you may want to vary it a bit. Yes parrots love routine, but too hard a routine can make them crazy when it deviates even a little. I vary the time of meals, and even our sacred training time with Salty, lest he become too stuck in those routines. Salty started to get crazy, screaming and flying off his play boing to land in the kitchen food prep area, when my wife Geri starts prep for dinner. Its really the only time he is way, way loud. SO i have begun taking him to the basement studio, or into my bedroom, during that period. At first he refused to budge from his boing, but now he steps up like he should for these excursions.

Thank you for the input. We have been varying it. He is very routine oriented and gets a little frustrated when we do but we just ignore when he is being grumpy and praise and enjoy him when he is friendly.
Hello all. Still going well. Understanding him more every day, and enjoying his sweet personality.

I thought I would describe my Milo a bit so you could understand that, with the space Jasper was in when we bought him and the contrast we had in Milo - why that was soooo difficult for us.

Milo was truly bigger than life. The more I talk to other conure owners, the more I realize how absolutely special he was. He spoke in some two-word phrases. He used phrases with inflection. For example - Goodnight? He would add a rising sound when he had a question. He would ask a question to a statement of ours. Here is an exchange. Us: Time to go to bed. Milo: Goodnight? His phrases consisted of - Goodnight? Baby bird. Be good. Baby (with heavy emphasis) Goodnight (without the question) when we said good-bye. Stay. If we told him - "MILO!" He would answer - "Be good." He put the two meanings together. He was beyond playful and engaging. He would flip over as a baby and play on the bed. He loved to dance to the opening music to Stephen Colbert. When the pandemic started, he didn't buy into the lite version of the song and would not dance to it. He loved to travel with us, boss us about, and eat with us at Thanksgiving. He would rip open presents at Christmas because we did too. He was WICKED smart. When he was dying, he tried soooo hard to live. He even tried to fly that last day. We had him with us when we died because we had a VERY poor vet experience near the end and could not get him in (complicated story) and he would have waited hours for care and likely died without us. He LOVED my daughter, who was able to come over that day because we had just been camping together. We had COVID tested to go wilderness camping. She was able to hold him and be with him. He hung on to be with her. He had not seen her much due to the pandemic. She had married and moved out but previously came home often. He adored her. When she left our house on his last day, after several hours with him, it was like he knew. Ten minutes after she left, he died. He was a precious as gold to me. I will never get over his death but I know I have to move on. If God allowed us one pet to bring back, over all the pets I have had in my life, it would be Milo. He is buried in my garden. I visit him and tell him I miss him so. Remember not to take anyone or anything for granted. Enjoy the season as best you can in these trying times. Sending love.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Sometimes it can feel more difficult at the holidays, when you've lost someone. You are in my thoughts & prayers.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Sometimes it can feel more difficult at the holidays, when you've lost someone. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

Thank you. I agree. The holidays are hard. Last year he was with us opening presents, and now not here. Worst year ever. My new little baby is climbing and playing, and very happy to be with us. :-)
Hello all. Still going well. Understanding him more every day, and enjoying his sweet personality.

I thought I would describe my Milo a bit so you could understand that, with the space Jasper was in when we bought him and the contrast we had in Milo - why that was soooo difficult for us.

Milo was truly bigger than life. The more I talk to other conure owners, the more I realize how absolutely special he was. He spoke in some two-word phrases. He used phrases with inflection. For example - Goodnight? He would add a rising sound when he had a question. He would ask a question to a statement of ours. Here is an exchange. Us: Time to go to bed. Milo: Goodnight? His phrases consisted of - Goodnight? Baby bird. Be good. Baby (with heavy emphasis) Goodnight (without the question) when we said good-bye. Stay. If we told him - "MILO!" He would answer - "Be good." He put the two meanings together. He was beyond playful and engaging. He would flip over as a baby and play on the bed. He loved to dance to the opening music to Stephen Colbert. When the pandemic started, he didn't buy into the lite version of the song and would not dance to it. He loved to travel with us, boss us about, and eat with us at Thanksgiving. He would rip open presents at Christmas because we did too. He was WICKED smart. When he was dying, he tried soooo hard to live. He even tried to fly that last day. We had him with us when we died because we had a VERY poor vet experience near the end and could not get him in (complicated story) and he would have waited hours for care and likely died without us. He LOVED my daughter, who was able to come over that day because we had just been camping together. We had COVID tested to go wilderness camping. She was able to hold him and be with him. He hung on to be with her. He had not seen her much due to the pandemic. She had married and moved out but previously came home often. He adored her. When she left our house on his last day, after several hours with him, it was like he knew. Ten minutes after she left, he died. He was a precious as gold to me. I will never get over his death but I know I have to move on. If God allowed us one pet to bring back, over all the pets I have had in my life, it would be Milo. He is buried in my garden. I visit him and tell him I miss him so. Remember not to take anyone or anything for granted. Enjoy the season as best you can in these trying times. Sending love.

Thank you for sharing a deeply poignant tribute to Milo. The tenderness of your bond gives the reader full retrospective to your early dilemma with Jasper. I am confident Jasper is writing a new albeit unique chapter in your heart. Of all the companion animals I've loved, none have been more precious than my parrots.
As always. You guys have been great. We continue to soldier on and now have found he loves singing along with us, although, honestly, he doesn't hold a tune very well. Thanks for putting up with my Milo description. It truly is a night and day different experience. I think having a completely gregarious bird and then one with struggles and issues on top of being more solitary, has been, again, kind of difficult. But, we discover new ways to enjoy him every day. At some point, we would like to get a second bird. Suggestions?!
Singing with me is albies favorite "albie and mummy" time. I cant hold a note so he's in good company. He loves to give me kisses, struts, dances, preens me and "sings" with me. I love it and he really does too.

I'm glad you and jasper seem to have the same love too. What's his favorite music?

Albie loves biffy Clyro many of horror and biblical, Jason mraz I'm yours and have it all, pretty much anything by mumford and sons, anything by Linkin Park and simple plans, it's so much fun watching him get excited!
Singing with me is albies favorite "albie and mummy" time. I cant hold a note so he's in good company. He loves to give me kisses, struts, dances, preens me and "sings" with me. I love it and he really does too.

I'm glad you and jasper seem to have the same love too. What's his favorite music?

Albie loves biffy Clyro many of horror and biblical, Jason mraz I'm yours and have it all, pretty much anything by mumford and sons, anything by Linkin Park and simple plans, it's so much fun watching him get excited!

Ha Ha. i love it. I have tried so many different types of music on him, including Stromae, a Belgium singer who sings in French. I speak French. Well, we got hooked on the John Denver Muppet Christmas CD and after that were singing John Denver, and he goes wild for John Denver. We tried switching to other things - forget it. He will sing to John Denver, quite intensively. :-)
How is japser doing now?
Getting a second parrot should always be a carefully considered act, and never done because you think your original bird needs a friend. You get one because you want one. A second parrot can go one of 3 ways.
They make hate each other, but still like you, they may love each other and exclude you, or everyone loves everyone, with no way to predict the outcome. It cuts in half the time you spend with your original bird, doubles the food and toy bill, and you'll want to have a bigger slush fund for medical and vet bills.

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