Best Travel Companion Parrot?


New member
Feb 2, 2025
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Quaker, Cockatiel & Green Cheek Conure
Hi All! I'm a vendor at Renaissance Festivals all over the US and am seeking a companion parrot that can handle all the travel -- do you know of a breed that travels well? (I've tried traveling with my cockatiel, but he got real sick after the 2nd trip and I don't want to risk it again. I have a quaker, who I know would travel well, but Quakers are illegal in many of the states I vend in.)
Are you planning on bringing your bird to the fair booth with you? Are they indoors or outdoors?
I'm usually outdoors and, while I'd love to bring my parrot with me to my booth during the event, I'm OK not doing so. I mainly want a buddy to travel and hang out in the motels with. So, they would get a lot of attention, but after my cockatiel got so sick, I'm thinking I need a parrot breed that is known to better handle (maybe even enjoy) changing environments (driving to different states and staying at different hotels). I would also prefer a parrot that can play by themselves so if I do need to leave them in the motel while I work my booth, they won't be so noisy we get kicked out :)
Might consider having a cage at your booth weather permitting. Your feathered friend might help drive business and the right bird may really enjoy it.
All birds have the ability to be noisy and might get y'all kicked out. As to species I don't really know that one is better than another. I think it would depend more on the birds personality.
I think a parrot left alone in a hotel room would get you kicked out pretty fast. I agree with bringing your parrot to the booth in a cage. Great for business and great stimulation for the parrot.
bringing him with me to my booth would be ideal! I'm mainly concerned about their ability to handle changes in temperature. I believe my cockatiel became so sick because he couldn't deal with the changing temperatures from one state to another (we drove from TN to VA in October and then TN to SC in November) Or, am I crazy thinking this could be the reason for making him sick?
Don't know. Did he die? I think certain times of the year it will be hard on any parrot to tolerate extreme cold and heat.

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