Looking for conure companion for my GCC


New member
Feb 26, 2024
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One male 6 y/o GCC and two elderly quakers (both passed)
Hi all! I have a feisty little 6 y/o male GCC. Im looking for a companion conure for him. He doesn’t do well with larger birds, even quakers, so unfortunately no Suns or Jendays. Also I would prefer a female bird, as my vet says he would get along best with a girl. I’ve had special needs parrots before so that’s not an issue. Also I’m located in MD but would be willing to travel to surrounding states.
Careful what you wish for! Many is the single parrot owner who gets a 'companion' for their single parrot, only to find that they hate each other and now has twice the issues then before. I will always advise that one gets an additional parrot because YOU want one. That way what ever the outcome, you will not be disappointed.
Hi all! I have a feisty little 6 y/o male GCC. Im looking for a companion conure for him. He doesn’t do well with larger birds, even quakers, so unfortunately no Suns or Jendays. Also I would prefer a female bird, as my vet says he would get along best with a girl. I’ve had special needs parrots before so that’s not an issue. Also I’m located in MD but would be willing to travel to surrounding states.
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