Be Careful what you teach them !!!!!!

Enjoying and laughing here in the midwest US! Sam switches stuff frequently and in two languages and accents. She sounds like me when she says "Sam, Sammy, Pretty bird. Save the bird!" And the funniest "Too sad!" which she says when I cover her cage at night even if she was already half asleep. Then she screams "Jed come!" in my husband's heavily accented English. (She goes on walks in the morning on his shoulder and one of our dogs tends to get distracted by every squirrel in sight.) Then Sam has mastered Russian "Krasevia teechka!" which is pretty birdy. Finally she has a whole set of household sounds ranging from the blender and microwave "beep, beep, beep beep." to the sound of running water and even the squeek of the loose floor board by her cage. All that said, on the "be careful what you teach them theme" my 16 year old son thought fun to teach Sam to reach into his shirt pocket for a treat. All well and good eexcept now nothing is safe in any pocket anywhere. Has anyone seen my flash drive?
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Sam sounds like a real little character and extremely intelligent. :D
Your heart must just melt when she says "too sad" LoL that is so cute.
I love it when a bird changes voice tones, that is awesome.
Mishka has learnt to say "come here" in Afrikaans, immediately afterwards she then says it in English, how clever they are.
Now about your flash drive......... Sam has a great "memory" LoL :D
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:p Be Careful what you teach them !!!!!!

My daughter is learning this the hard way! She was so narky that Puffin refused to say her name and would say Mum in six different ways that she made a determined effort to get him to say "Hayley". After seeing her try day after day I too put in an effort and would ask Puffin " where's Hayley" or ask him to give her a kiss.

Well he did learn how to say it and she was stoked...........until now! Puffin has started this new little trick of screaming " WHERE"S HAYLEY" and KISSESS FOR HAYLEY" or just plain "HAYLEY" and he does it for an hour or so non stop, lucky for me it is when I am not here:p
Oh my...poor Haley! Well at least she knows her name now! Yes Sam tugs heart strings with her "Too sad." especially since she says in a very plaintive fashion as she is copying my voice. She'll often try a wolf whistle or two to see if she can change someone's mind but having learned from all of you how important a full nights sleep is, her antics earn her only a last peek and kiss. I think maybe she is getting up to a new trick. I am pretty sure she is the reason I keep hearing our older cat "meowing" for a treat at the crack of dawn.:52: I get to the room and the cat has disappeared. Since I am in the neighborhood I let Sam out. :green2:Hmmmmm. I wonder...
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:p Be Careful what you teach them !!!!!!

My daughter is learning this the hard way! She was so narky that Puffin refused to say her name and would say Mum in six different ways that she made a determined effort to get him to say "Hayley". After seeing her try day after day I too put in an effort and would ask Puffin " where's Hayley" or ask him to give her a kiss.

Well he did learn how to say it and she was stoked...........until now! Puffin has started this new little trick of screaming " WHERE"S HAYLEY" and KISSESS FOR HAYLEY" or just plain "HAYLEY" and he does it for an hour or so non stop, lucky for me it is when I am not here:p

Hayley should be really happy now, Puffin will NEVER forget her name :p

:grey: has been saying mom mommy for a long time now. This week she learnt to say come here please. Now :grey: has added on mom mommy come here please :rolleyes:
NOW I hear her all day long mom mommy, come here please, and that can become very irritating.
LoL just think, we teach them something, then get irritated when they keep repeating it :eek:
We humans never learn :rolleyes:
That is hysterical!
A friend warned me when we got Puffin to be careful what he learnt as once they learn a word it is almost impossible to get them to unlearn it lol.
I love listening to Puffin when he wakes up and he goes through his entire vocabulary and there is always something new that makes me realise how often we must say something that he has picked it up. One morning a few weeks ago I cracked up laughing when he said " no,no don't bite my nails".

I have long polished nails and they are like a magnet to him so I am always saying it to him when I am holding him but it never occured to me that he would learn it, silly me!
A friend warned me when we got Puffin to be careful what he learnt as once they learn a word it is almost impossible to get them to unlearn it lol.
I love listening to Puffin when he wakes up and he goes through his entire vocabulary and there is always something new that makes me realise how often we must say something that he has picked it up. One morning a few weeks ago I cracked up laughing when he said " no,no don't bite my nails".

I have long polished nails and they are like a magnet to him so I am always saying it to him when I am holding him but it never occured to me that he would learn it, silly me!

That was so cute Puffin telling you no no don't bite my nails :p

I should teach Mishka to say that to my youngest son Steven, his 18 yrs old and still bites his nails :eek:

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