My Parrot's Been Replaced ...


New member
Jan 25, 2025
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African Grey Parrot
... I've had my African Grey for about a decade. He was a rescue parrot and was timid and shy when I first had him, but since then we've built up a great relationship. He's well-behaved, doesn't bite or pluck and seems generally content with his lot ...

... until this week. I can only describe what's happened by saying it's as if someone has broken into my home and replaced my Grey with a completely different parrot. My parrot now seems terrified of me. When he is let out (he is basically out 24/7) he now constantly runs around with his wings outstretched, wide-eyed, looking scared that something bad is going to happen. It's getting worse and worse - over the past day or so he's now started making a constant clicking sound with his beak which is enough to dry anyone nuts.

I WFH and I can't concentrate with this constant 'click click click' so I have to move his cage (and him) into another room which is not exactly helping matters.

In the evenings he is fine. He likes his head scratched and for me to ruffle his head and back feathers with my fingers and he still asks me to do this. At night (we 'sleep' in the same room) all is good too. Many times during the day he is okay but then suddenly he'll go into panic mode with 'click click click' and it's constant.

I am finding this upsetting and distressing. I want my old parrot back.

Any tips?
Sorry I cannot provide advice, but my macaw went though a phase a couple of years back where he made that “click click” sound. We called it “cracking” in my house. It started out of nowhere and one day it just stopped. I think he “cracked his beak” for about 8 months or so. I thought it would never end! But it did. I asked the vet one day when I was in for a nail trim and she said it could be some sort of self-soothing behavior and not to worry about it. Easy to say! It was very loud and very irritating! We are all good and quiet now…..

Patience, Grasshopper. This phase may pass as abruptly as it started.
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Think carefully if anything about you, your family, the environment or the house has changed prior to this new behavior. Could be VERY subtle, Grays are so highly observant. I;d wager that something changed.
When my grey does a complete turn around I've learned to evaluate the environment. It can be something as simple as a hallway bulb burning out. Once it was 2 foot relocation of her cage. A new puppy, friends, changing your hours for any reason. Then there's hormones! Grey's tend to go ballistic and have tantrums, mood swings over the weirdest things.
New hairstyles, fingernail polish, New hat, sweater, lipstick - birds notice all these things and may not like them.
Agreed with above. Any little thing that's remotely different can cause a similar reaction. My YNA who adores me without fail, decided she wouldn't come anywhere near me, like I had the plague... There was a bandaid on my finger. 🙄 She noticed. From well before I even got near the cage, she was acting kinda funny and standoffish, which was completely out of character for her. To be fair, it was easy to spot white with yellow Sponge Bobs on it. (Thank the grandkids) I finally figured it out, removed it, and poof! Back to her loving self. Unbelievable. :)

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