What do you do when YOU are sick?


Well-known member
May 16, 2022
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Charlie (M) - 24 yrs - Peach Front Conure
Redshift (M)-23yrs - normal Cockatiel
Vortex (F) - Hatched March 15 2024
I think I've come down with something, which made me think - what happens when you're sick and you can't care for your birds? We're talking flu, cold, or something annoying. Does your significant other care for them, or do you do what I do and just slog along despite how cruddy you feel?
My Son takes care of them if I can’t for whatever reasons.

I take care of the “big birds “ and he takes care of the Cockatiels.

But I treat the job as a farmer.
It doesn’t matter how you (I) feel.
It doesn’t matter the weather.
It doesn’t matter the time of day.
Animals must be cared for.

That said the things that keep me from the job.

Really bad migraine headache.
Joint pain. Specifically back pain but recently knee pain too.

If my son was unable I could manage but because he’s there I see no reason for torturing myself over it.
Woke up with bad headache but sweet little Ollie McBudgie was so excited about his breakfast. Kept chirping "hurry up" at me as I stumbled around. I think he has learned the sound of vegetables being minced on the cutting board. He rewarded me by digging into his carrots and coming up for air full of beak stickers. Head still hurts but super cutie is the happiest little thing I've ever seen.
Hope you feel better soon, Vampiric_Conure ❤️! I’m just getting over some nasty bug that lasted for weeks. Usually I bounce back quickly but not this time. I tend to just push through and get the job done unless I’m really, really sick. In those cases, like just recently, I’m fortunate to have family members who are willing to help in a pinch. This time, I had a couple days when I literally couldn’t do all of my animal chores. My Mom and brother pitched in to do “ outside chores” ( chickens, goats, quail, etc) while I managed “ inside chores” ( birds and guinea pigs). I figure as long as I can stand upright without falling over, I can at least feed, water, and clean the birds. I only have three of them, so it’s not too hard. Looks like all of us in this thread put our birds’ well- being above our own. No matter how miserable we are we’ll make sure our birds are cared for 😅.
My daughter takes over for me. A few times I am unavailable aka in hospital or having health problems; sugar, migraines etc. My daughter and Nameliss have an established truce. Nameliss agrees to cease nipping her butt if is given extra raw in shell pecans, walnuts, scrambled eggs and toast, chicken wings, lots of anime, talk shows, etc. I have yet to understand why only my daughter's butt is the target. No fingers, hands etc. It didn't become a target until the pandemic. Daughter been working from home since. I wonder if it's because Nameliss deduced a nip there would be a better expression of displeasure. Some Nameliss related chores such as chop would be done with less frequency.
Get better, Vampire!
Yeah, I just have one, so I stumble around and do the minimals... food, water, toys! My l' many (aka Rival of the Rickeybird) takes over if I'm hospitalized or such, and all I can say is... at least they both lived.
I just do the best I can. If hospitalized my BOSS (wife) does the best she can.

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