
ChristaNL is banned for going to bed too early!:58:
... and Rozalka is banned for putting her ban on ChristaNL before me!
Aratingettar is banned for not saying 'Good Night' me and ChristaNL
Rozalka is banned for expecting it.
LeslieA is banned because before going to sleep she didn't say 'Good Night'
I am banning everyone on the general priciple of it being monday!

Rozalka gets banned because well, the rules of the game :)
Rozalka is banned for not coming up with creative reason for banning ChristaNL.
&& ChristaNL is banned for banning everyone and thus making my "dual combo-bans" obsolete.
By the way... @LeslieA... Queen of The World?... with that squirell in avatar?... on ParrotForums (not SquirrelForums)?.... Seriously?.... :D
Aratingettar is banned for making me laugh out loud while I was on the phone trying to make a vetappointment for Sunny, and I had to explain this whole funhouse to the person on the other side of the line ...
(work work work)
[In the name of The Bird]
Rival is banned for deceit against me, The Bird :)
Rival is banned for not having his own Patagonian!
Scott is banned for being a SUPER moderator.
LeslieA is banned for banning a super moderator
Rozalka is banned for making me ban her again!
ChristaNL is banned because you and a niece of mine share a name only she spells hers with a K.
LeslieA is banned because my cousin (2nd degree) is also a Christa (yup, they liked my name so much they stuck it on their own baby as well), so LeslieA is outnumbered! ;)
Well then, ChristaNL is banned for misspelling her name and forcing it on others.
ChristaNL is banned for bragging about her name!
(poor ChristaNL... doubleBan-combo)
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w00000t a double-ban! I am honoured \o/

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