
LeslieA is banned because Lauraesa told nothing about her picture
Oh yeah, Rozalka is banned because I'm no photographer.
LeslieA is banned for not being a photographer
Aratingettar is banned because I don't want to be a photographer.
Arstingetar is unbanned! LeslieA you are definitely banned for not wanting to be s photographer of such a lovely parrot!! And twice banned for banning me before by mistake!
Laurasea is banned because I'm jealous of her creativity in parrot names. Ta-dah!
Laurasea, you weren't banned by mistake!

BoomBoom is banned for a user name sounding like Bamm-Bamm Rubble.
LeslieA is banned for banning BoomBoom for weird reason!
Aratingettar is banned because I can ban the person before me for ANY reason.
LeslieA is banned because she wrote that she can ban for any reason
Rozalka is banned for not knowing she can be banned for ANY reason.

Aratingettar, I'm second gen Polish with family in Maslow in Kielce in Swietokrzyskie and I have a Sun Conure, too.
Oh, BTW, Laurasea, Sherman Sherman Sherman I love Sherman
Too bad everyone isn't lucky enough to have Sherman!
LeslieA is banned for not sending every member a box of delicious Polish pastries!

Scott is banned for showing photo of Polish pastries (they look delicious)
Rozalka is banned because 2 of my conures are kissing.
LeslieA is banned because I have to go to work every day and can’t tell what my parrot is doing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Inger is banned for not taking Bumble to work :)
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Rozalka is banned for not taking Inger to work.
Sunnyclover is banned because I don't work yet
LesliA, who's Sherman lol, that picture is to blurry to even see him!!

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