
LeslieA is banned because only two active Poles are at the forum
Rozalka is banned because I am awaiting a reply regarding this forum.
Leslie is banned because she has high expectations of a reply! :D
(seriously being facetious!!)
Scott in banned because as supermoderator ... should have noticed this treat is serverely bi-Polar

(2 Polish persons)
ChristaNL is banned for criticizing supermoderator.
*me hugs Aratingettar for defending Scott
ChristaNL and Aratingettar are both banned for public displays of affection

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You are all banned for making me laugh so hard ... 😂

What a great game!! 👍🏻
Tami2 is banned for laughing.
Oh, did I mention that I'm actually QUEEN OF THE WORLD and constantly deal with imposters.
LeslieA is banned *again* for impersonating me *again* as you can see by my new avatar.

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Must we??? My squirrel is proof. If you ask nicely, I may allow you to be a Duchess. (I have that power to make non-blood into royals.)

On her is banned for impersonating royalty.
Everyone is banned, because they can post pictures!!!
You see, our phone even has the power to change your name when we press Quick Reply.
Laurasea is banned because she can post pictures, too.
LeslieA is banned because Laurasea can't post pctures
Rozalka is banned for taking up for others.
LeslieA is banned because Bumble is the new queen of the world
Rozalka is banned because I just wanted to ban someone before going to bed (good night everyone ;) )
ChristaNL is banned because also I'm going to bed soon:) Good night!

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