
Zoru is banned because Sonic Boom
Zoruace is banned
Fox is banned cos I almost was spotted on drawing Tiki by my mom
Why do I always afraid of being spotted drawing?
roz is banned coz no i have not seen your rabbits tiki
Pizu ibb have a look in the thread im too lazy to tell u the story
Zoru is banned cos I don't know why I keep coming back to one stories series despite some annoying elements...
Roz is banned because me neither
Zoru is banned cos... alright partly I know why - because I like the general idea of that story series... but I think I've already read the most interesting ones
roz is banned cause i went to sleep so early (10pm) and woke up at 8am and I'm still tired
Ea-early? 10pm is late for me, in fact I'm usually in bed by now (9pm)
Roz ibb i only sleep for 5-6 most is 8
That is a terribly low amount of sleep, especially for your age. Someone who is 12-16 years old should get at least 8 hours of sleep, and even that is not a lot. Sorry, I'm just a bit concerned about your health!
Pipp is banned cos I don't care about regular sleep importance - it's so messed when I study
Ea-early? 10pm is late for me, in fact I'm usually in bed by now (9pm)

That is a terribly low amount of sleep, especially for your age. Someone who is 12-16 years old should get at least 8 hours of sleep, and even that is not a lot. Sorry, I'm just a bit concerned about your health!
Roz ibb k its such a low amount but I just wake up instantly after that amount of hours and function well I sometimes force my self (or try atleast) to sleep more but doesn’t work
Zoru is banned cos we have too much food after Easter
Zoru is banned cos I've just eaten my dinner
Zoru is banned cos Zenek is giving himself scratches

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