
Zoru is banned cos don't be happy too early. My writing modes are unpredictable ;)
Zoru is banned cos it's strange - I wanna write but I'm visiting the forum (maybe I can't doing one thing all the time and need a small break in each 5 minutes 😛 )
Roz is banned because every 5 minutes is a lot of breaks
Zoru is banned cos it's something like
visiting the forum (for a moment - 1 minute?)
Zoe is banned because birb
Fox is banned cos why do I sometimes wanna laugh on this what I write...
(maybe because as the creator I know how the scenes look like - all the mentions shown on the faces etc, while I'm often terrible in writing such details - however it's always more funny to see than to read)
Miles is banned cos I have troubles in imaging scenes of others people works - from my observations I often need some author's drawings - mainly character drawings (I don't know why I always imagine them different than they are described - I definitely prefer a drawing than description) but I also like some scenes drawings - then I can see eg how some places look like. Then it's much easier to me to imagine scenes
Roz ibb yeah same
I remember when i first started reading HP I thought the characters looks like that
I saw the movie and MY GOD WAS I WRONG
Zoru is banned cos once time I started reading a fanfic (and sometimes I still come back because the author has written many stories) and I couldn't understand almost anything at the beginning. The author created a fictional race for his story and he described them quite easy - but I wasn't able to imagine them. Later I discovered that he drew each character and put their drawings on another site - I was so happy to finally know how his "new race" looks like 😅
Zoru is banned today I've already written 2,5 pages. Now I'll take a longer break time
Roz ibb i only write a sentence before taking a long break lmfao
Zoru is banned cos idk why I like writing unnecessary staff. In the past when I saw what the author of the mentioned fanfic did (I found his drawings on Fandom) I thought "Cool! Now I know how his characters look like" and soon it was: "What the... did he really write a page about each of his character? Seriously?!! It's cool but why to write so long about them?" Well, I discovered that I'm not better because I found writting about own series fun....
Rozie is banned because
I love when this happens:
Screenshot 2022-04-20 4.08.27 PM.webp

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