
Fox ibb kuro has a messege
“Hop hippty hop”
Zoru is banned cos Zenek doesn't have any message to you
Zoe is banned because the weather is finally good enough here to take the birds out 🙂
Fox is banned cos today in my dream it was snowing (and I dunno why)
Rox ibb the weather here is sodooooo hot j cant survive
Zoe is banned because RIP
Foxxy is banned cos "Last one to post" is one of the most boring games
tiki is banned for banning roz
tiki is banned coz whos kuro
Pizu ibb haven’t u seen my rabbits?-
Zoru is banned cos today I noticed that my thread "Parrots we have seen" is called "Parrots we have seen seen" :ROFLMAO:
And I still don't believe that you saw a Spix's macaw. You have no evidence - no photos, no place except of "Saudi Arabia" while there are no Spix's macaws
Roz ibb i was wondering why it was seen seen 💀
its ok if you still don’t believe me its true i lack evidence
Zoru is banned cos if it was many years ago and now you are 14 y/o, then you were a small child... and children often think that saw something while it was something different - for example for a long time I thought I was petting a snake. Until I realized it was just a dream because my grandma wouldn't say "Don't say about it to your parents" but rather "Don't touch it! It can bite you!" + nobody remember.
I don't wanna argue, I'm just sharing my experience, maybe it was something similar in your case, maybe somebody had a Spix's macaw illegally or I don't know...
Roz ibb i agree
Who knows it might’ve been another bird and the owner just said it was a spix macaw i went there before i knew anything about birds (i still had tango) it was in 2015 or 2016
Zoru is banned cos it is a list of all Spix's macaws from 2015 or 2013 (not sure if I understand right)

Sure, illegal birds aren't count. Afaik the punishment is very expensive
Well, every explanation is possible. As a 10 y/o child I believed in 3 macaw species - B&G, GWM and scarlet despite I could see military and hyacinth too - because they are in Warsaw zoo since I remember. Prob I thought that they are parrots but not macaws 😛

EDIT: Maybe I saw a yellow collared macaw too but I remember just a plate
Roz ibb i saw the spix in qatar-
But it wasn’t in 2013
As i said might have seen a completey different bird and the person said it was a spix or such
Zoe and Natalia are both banned because if this is arguing, stop please :)

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