
Pip is banned for banning a Mod and looking like you enjoyed it!!! :eek:
Ahh, LaManuka! I sure enjoyed banning a mod ;)

Now YOU'RE banned for banning me!
Pip is banned for banning TWO mods in ONE night and enjoying it far too much! 😆
LaManuka is banned because there's been many bans this night
Everyone is banned because it's still day in SA! 😝😂
Pip is banned because on Saturday I have an exam and I dunno how to prepare
Roz is banned coz wow
So many mods were here last night
Fox is banned because I am waiting for a lecture about sharks🦈
Roz is banned because I’m waiting for jasper to shut up
Fox is banned cos I can't hear my fids screaming. I'm almost 100 km away
Roz, why are you almost 100km away? You're banned for leaving the flock!
Pipp is banned cos I study in Warsaw
Well you're banned for studying, lol.
Pipp is banned because I need it. It would be hard to find a work not finishing uni and having spine problems
Roz is banned for not prioritizing her birbies over everything else and never going out so she can stay with them (I know you have to and that’s ok)
Zoey is banned because I have an lecture in over one hour and I already know I won't be on time 😛
Zoe is banned because no-one uses her real name!

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