Fox is banned because they're all doing great!
Sprite and Marshmallow definitely seem to be feeling the spring, because they've been kissing, cuddling, and feeding each other a lot more than usual. I just hope they don't get any stupid ideas about building a nest. I'm keeping a close eye on them for sure.
The chickens are also doing great. Now that it's getting warmer, the girls are all starting to lay again. They're also really happy that there is less snow on the ground, and some fresh grass is starting to sprout.
The fish are happy and healthy. My betta, Mooki is definitely starting to show his age though (he's 4 years old). He's been swimming a lot less. I put in some extra betta hammocks for him, which he loves.
Chumly is doing good, but I just discovered that he's actually blind. I have noticed some vision issues in the past, but it has gotten a lot worse recently, and he really can't see anymore. He doesn't let it stop him though, because he still gets around great, and he's just as happy as ever.
Chili is doing fantastic. Super spunky and energetic as always. Right now he's throwing around his favorite ball filled with hay.