
Pipp is banned cos I have friends irl, but I'm terrible in keeping contacts. So usually I talk with my studymates, but even on uni, I keep contact with only 2 friends.
Roz is banned coz i have no friends, other than teens on the internet and my birds

Also, my thoughts on a daily basis
*how old is Seiji*
*PetSmart should burn*
*i'm TOTALLY ok*
*what if the person I got Jasper from lied about his age and he's actually 80*
*why do so many 12 year olds want to be animators*
*hey I want a cockatoo*
*never mind I'm the coolest person ever*
*wait but no*
*screw this this is too complicated I'll just think about birbs*
*should i get a cockatoo*
*i just got a new bird i have to wait longer*
*but i want a cockatoo*
fox ibb I wanna animate someday :( but I still need to practice drawing then I can animate

Also I agree on the PetSmart part(just- don't burn the pets pls)
Pipp is banned coz hey...
I could answer some animation questions for you, if you have any
But don't ask me to draw. I can't draw lol
Pipp is banned coz hey...
I could answer some questions for you, if you have any
But don't ask me to draw. I can't draw lol
fox ibb I dont have any questions I did a lot of research on animating like the principles of animation and animating software and bla bla bla
Fox is banned cos my today main thoughts were:
  • about who a person from Insta was thinking writing "Cult girl"
  • what if the "cult girl" was me? Does she something against me? and why she would call me like this?
  • ok, it wasn't me. But does she have something against the "cult girl"? (LOL)
  • War between Russia and Ukraine
  • what if Russia will attack us too?:eek: (NO, please don't do it! I wanna live in peace! :cry:)
Roz is banned coz I-wow...
Fox is banned cos... why wow?
Roz is banned because sorry!
I had nothing better to say
Besides "wow" isn't always meant to be in a good way
Fox is banned cos it's ok.
And why there's been so many posts when I was writing my today thoughts....
I don't know how to animate at all
Roz is banned coz animation is...
very cool...
If you want to try you can-
Fox is banned cos
1. I've already animated something but I don't remember anything except it was a car
2. I think it is cool, but personally I find it unnecessary for me
Roz is banned coz ok
It's definitely necessary for me-
fgp ibb I agree
Pipp is banned for wanting to be an animator (YAY)
Fox is banned cos I was thinking about making some mini-comics... but I decided to not make
Roz is banned for always saying things I can't respond to
Foxx ibb I WANNA BECOME AN ANIMATOR ITS MY DREAM :love: but if I don't I have other hobbies at least
Pipp is banned coz that's TOTALLY AWESOME

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