
Fox is banned cos hmmm..... how many parrots does have the main character of my (human version) story series?
(lol, I had to create a strange question)
Roz is banned coz 9 including the first one, Rainbow
Fox is banned cos NO 😅 yes, Rainbow was the first one 😛 But now she has 12
She started off with 9 though...?
Fox is banned cos yes - she got 9 so quickly (in just one year)
Roz is banned coz she's an impulse buyer for sure :mad:
Uh another question?
Fox is banned cos now poorly - in the past I was reading each post, but now I'm too lazy
And no, Natalie wasn't a buyer:

Only 4 first parrots were bought
Roz is banned coz ok I forgot that lol
Fox is banned cos ok. Btw I know, it is impossible but during creating this history I was just 12 years old... so pardon me ;)
Roz is banned coz I will ;)
Fox ibb Indi isn't sick what my vet said made sense so he is good (y) he and Julius are engaged in casual conversation currently and they are in different rooms talking.
Bird is banned coz great :D
Fox ibb Just a classic case of me overacting to litterly everything because i am always nervous every single one of my birdies is sick all the time.
Birdy is banned coz it's a good thing, rather than not being worried
I'm paranoid about it too ;)
Bird ibb do you want to hear what actually happened?
Bird is banned for banning Bird?
fox ibb omgosh I am so messed up in the head I'm just not used to hearing indi
Bird ibb GET USED TO IT!! Hopefully you'll have to
fox ibb it's so weird he said nothing for about 3 days strait and now he's chatty
Bird is banned coz it might be a great, fast recovery but that's very weird...

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