
Fox is banned cos I was writing this exam for the 3rd time :cry:
Roz ibb failing stuff is the pits
Bird ibb I don't like energetics (as subject)
rehtien em esuaceb dennab si Zor
Fox 被禁止是因為我想寫中文。 任何語法錯誤都是谷歌翻譯的錯
Roz 被禁了,因为她没有谷歌翻译就不会说中文 ;)
Fox is banned cos she can't speak in Polish without Google translator ;)
roz 被禁止是因为我们只说我们不需要翻译的语言和
Fox is banned for still talking in Chinese
Roz 被禁止是因为为什么不可以呢?你在翻译这个吗?
Fox ibb I'm have no clue what ur saying
Bird 被禁是因为她不会说中文
Bird is banned for not using Google translato
Roz 被禁止是因为你当时在翻译我说的话吗?
fox ibb well Roz it's hard to use Google Translator when I have 200 tabs open on my tablet
Bird is banned cos I translate everything what Fox says
Roz 被禁止是因为好

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