
Stormy ibb he has like ten it may take me a hot second to type them all
Rebanning myself cause.

- labored Breathing
- He can barely hold onto the perch at times
- When he's on the side of the cage he has to grip onto it with his break because he's week and he doesn't have enough energy to support himself
- He is either sneezing or coughing not sure which they sound similar
- he is excessively taking naps
- And he doesn't want to eat anything or drink anything not even the seed mix they had him on the took 3 bites of millet yesterday and that was it.
- Andddd he hasen't moved from that spot in the cage really since i got him
Bird ibb oh gosh, usually when it's that bad it is likley to be fatal. I hope Indigo gets better, poor baby.

Picasso only has these symptoms:
-Not eating as much
-Green watery urine
Stormy ibb yeah he is def sick I hope indi gets better.
Bird ibb same, poor baby.

Tell me how the vet visit goes.
Stormy ibb I will.
Rebanning myself because Indigo just climbed onto my hand he is so friendly its crazy.
Bird ibb I hallucinate this burning smell everywhere I go it gives me the worst headaches

Im so tired of it
Stormy ibb yikes.
Bird ibb ikr?

Its usually in the morning when its the worst but its happening more often now :(
STormy ibb Maybe u should go to doctor or something?
Bird ibb idk could be an aftersymptom of COVID (even tho i had it before)

anyhow, gtg
Stormy ibb oki bye then
tiki ibb ah i see also did u see indi?
tiki ibb Indigo
Bird ibb has he gone to the vet yet?

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