
Fox is banned cos today I started drawing a macaw
Roz is banned coz show when done
Fox is banned cos Angela went to my parents room and wants to fall asleep there
Roz is banned coz aww
Fox ibb I'm think I finally have a name for the new budgies Indigo and his nickname is Indi boi.
Bird is banned coz I thought it was Frosty
fox ibb no I just needed something to call him for the time being
Birdy is banned coz is he still showing symptoms? Also may I suggest KAI JUNIOR
Fox is banned cos Angela will never learn that her cage has door. Really - She was sitting on the cage shovel (it was gently pulled out), the cage was opened... she wanted to go inside but... she used Romek's way - she squeezed through the chink on the cage bottom :ROFLMAO:
Roz is banned coz...chink?
Fox is banned cos I don't know how to explain it - this chink where is a shovel for birds poops...
Tiki is banned coz sorry :(
Tiki is banned coz Jasper is giving me a massive headache
Tiki is banned cos this week I had 5 exams and next week I will be having 4 exams
Roz ibb. Yes Foxx he is still showing symptoms were taking him to the vet tomorrow I got angry when Dad suggested I take him back because I love him already. Honestly Idrk if it takes 1k in vet bills to get him healthly I just want him to have a good life who knows what he's been through the least I can do is give him the best life as humanly possible when I signed his adoption papers he is my responsibility thus I do what ever it takes to keep him heathly and happy. Also sadly he has 4 flight feathers clipped on both sides but imma let them grow out long and beautiful. Did I mention his back is ombre?

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