
Tiki is banned cos my nose blooding record was almost 2 hours and had to go to the hospital then
Roz is banned coz I my record is only like 7 minutes
Tiki is banned cos I was doing like I was learnt in the school what we should then - it didn't work at all
Rox is banned coz I’m lucky I guess…
Tiki is banned coz what do you think I look like-(mostly random)
Tiki is banned coz I don’t care what people look like…
All the hype about “face reveals” is unnecessary IMO
Fox ibb same with voice “reveals” or “face reavels” PPL IN PUBLIC SEE AND HEAR U ALL THE TIME
Tiki is banned coz why beg for a face reveal. It makes no sense
Fox ibb yeah
Talking of it Im gOnNA DO haNd ReVeAl

Finger reveal 😱😱😱😱
Tiki is banned coz I’ve done hair and hand reveals
Tiki is banned coz Terry said I look like a literal fox
Self-banning becuase im watching a horror movie so i dont sleep :)

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