
Rozalka is banned because females are more fun anyway ;)
ChristaNL is banned for having over 2000 'thanked':eek:
Rozalka is banned for "what?? oh those... who cares... " LOL people actualy keep track of those things?

I bought a small frog today, so my one lonely frog has a friend again.
(it's old friend died somewhere this summer)
Not sure if it makes them feel better but I hope so.

not my photo (of course) but it looks a lot like this one:
(yes, that is a grown-up frog)
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Rozalka is banned for "what?? oh those... who cares... " LOL people actualy keep track of those things?
ChristaNL is banned because I didn't know for what reason I could ban her so I noticed this :D (I generally don't keep track of this)
Rozalka is being banned for having a very sharp eye and clever brain ;)
ChristaNL is banned in a similar way like ealier - because we joined to PF in May 2018. (I know I don't have ideas for banning ;))
Rozalka is banned again, because it is so much fun to see her searching for excuses (I really appriciate the effort! thank you :) )
ChristaNL is banned because I’m eating a peanut butter sandwich and it’s raining.

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Inger is banned because I just ended drinking a tea
Rozalka is banned because I want tea but I don’t want to make it.

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Inger is banned for being too lazy to make a tea!
Rozalka is banned again because I have hot chocolate (also too lazy to make tea)
Christa is banned for having chocolate.
LeslieA is banned for not offering to make tea for all of us.

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Inger is banned because I can’t think of a good reason to ban her but I’m banning her anyway! :)
Inger is banned for bringing up another great idea (tea, no sugar plze, just a nice large cup, because the parrots like a taste as well ...)
LaManuka is banned for outtyping me again :) darn girl, you are FAST!
Christa is banned cos if you snooze you lose!
Christa and LaManuka are banned for argueing between them.
Jousze is banned because ChristaNL and I are not arguing and how dare you suggest we are!

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