
Rozalka you're banned because you live too far away to be my birdsitter!
LaManuka is banned because I'm going sleep so Good Night everyone!
Rozalka is banned for getting to bed before I did!
(Good night all!)
Christa is banned because my "bird bedtime" alarm went off but I'm here instead
LeslieA is banned to say "good morning"
and I am banning myself :) just very happy my CV (central heating pump/burner-unit) has been fixed-- it's been growling like a supercranky Boing 747 for almost a week and I was getting afraid it was going to blow itself through the roof.
(or worse)

Sunny has been screaming at the 2 men who came to inspect&fix it a lot!
ChristaNL is banned for banning herself ;)
Rozalka is banned because Sherman played with the beads on her toy, again
LeslieA is banned because Zenek likes playing with his bell
Rozalka is banned for not showing up in "Banned!" today.
Aratingettar, you are banned because you are the first person today who I can ban;)
Rozalka is banned for banning on a saturday!
ChristaNL is banned for banning in the weekend!
Rozalka is being banned for me possibly being banned again.
Christa is banned because today was cage cleaning day.
LeslieA is banned for cleaning the cage during the Weekend
Rozalka is banned for not coming overseas to my house to clean ALL my cages for me!

Lol such a funny game. I only read first 12 pages
RavensGryf is banned for having a great idea: lets have LeslieA clean all our cages as well! :D (I had no time today, was cleaning and painting walls at a friends house.)
RavensGryf is banned for too much reading.

BTW, that's 6 cages for me now that I found out my male Sun was a female Sunday!
LeslieA is banned because I bought a pair of Bourkes a few years ago but they turned out to be females

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