
Tiki ibb me too
tiki ibb my borbs hate me🥲 exept pippen who goes crazy if i leave her, and snowy who'll sit on my finger sometimes(but then fly back to the flock)
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Pippen ibb
Tiki likes me
I remember tango my beloved sun conure used to go INSANE when i left her
Tiki ibb stormy slept in peppers cage last night
Tiki ibb my dad thinks a travel cage is just a regular cage sutited for every day bird life. Boy is he wrong
tiki ibb How do most people ends up with minds full of junk on how to "care for birds"
Bird ibb yeah
I went to a pet store once that “professionalizes” in birds
They called a sun cheecked GCC a sun conure 💀
Tiki ibb I can hardly stand it.
Bird ibb i think they know that they are gcc
They just say that to get more money
Apparently a sun cheeck is “very rare” and is worth more then double a normal gcc 💀
its always annoyed me when people act like they know what there talking about but they actually don't
tiki ibb I really wanna give all those people a taste of there own medicine.
Bird is banned coz same, once an "expert" told me to stop feeding vegetables because they can cause death in birds. And that big cages are bad for their mental health. And called Jasper a macaw.
fox ibb I hate pet shops.
fox ibb heck that guy is not educated

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