Baby Broccoli

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Broccoli didnā€™t like the mist sprayer so we got him this bird bath, and he finally used it today!

Kirby was so beside himself about Broccoli SUBMERGING HIMSELF IN WATER and flying around his cage (I am so glad we got this bigger cage, he can genuinely flit from perch to perch!) that he had a little scream session that was very, very funny. He wasnā€™t mad though- he was clearly in his ā€œI want to be thereā€ little pose. Sorry buddy, heā€™s too little and not smart enough for me to let him out right now!
Awwwwwwwwww, just when I thought your little guy couldn't get any cuter he goes and dunks himself in the bath!! Gorgeous!! šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜
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  • #142


Cirq du Broccoli!

Little man has figured out he can hear us upstairs, and likes to alarm call occasionally to remind us he exists, lol. Soon little guy, the kids will be in school and youā€™ll get my attention in the mornings too! Hang in there.

Today he helped me pick all the herbs in our little indoor planter to add to their chop. Got a good haul this time:


Ignore the spider plant, itā€™s just there for ambiance, haha.
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  • #143



He loves these plastic hair clips! He unclips them and then drops them, and the kids love clipping them in weird places for him to find. He will even take them from your hand and unclip them. Itā€™s very cute. I need to get him some more interactive/puzzle toys, I think heā€™d enjoy them.

He really does not like pets, however. He will tolerate them sometimes, but mostly squawks indignantly if I try! He allows me to gently rub my nose or chin on him when heā€™s on my shoulder but thatā€™s if. Oh well, I confess was hoping for a little more of a cuddly bird, but itā€™s ok.
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  • #144
I didn't get a photo, but this goober CLIMBED UP THE BACK OF MY SHIRT inside of my hoodie. It was hilarious. The indignant way he shook himself off once he emerged was priceless - dude, you did it to yourself!

And here he goes back in, for round two. I guess its fun in there, haha!
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  • #145


Ok, I take it back. I canā€™t pet him but apparently he wants to be as up in my business as is birdly possible!
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  • #146
To be honest, I am shocked we managed to go this long without a problem... but I saw my first fruit fly in the bird room today.

Because we don't have a/c and the avg temps are really high, we have to leave windows cracked open at night, and I suspect that even with screens closed bugs can wiggle their way in. That, or the fig tree my buddy gave me came with "presents", haha. UGH. Time to bust out the vinegar traps, and check every nook and cranny to make sure they aren't breeding in one of the plants in here.
To be honest, I am shocked we managed to go this long without a problem... but I saw my first fruit fly in the bird room today.

Because we don't have a/c and the avg temps are really high, we have to leave windows cracked open at night, and I suspect that even with screens closed bugs can wiggle their way in. That, or the fig tree my buddy gave me came with "presents", haha. UGH. Time to bust out the vinegar traps, and check every nook and cranny to make sure they aren't breeding in one of the plants in here.
Ugh. I had a bad infestation of those one year. It was awful.
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  • #148
Ugh. I had a bad infestation of those one year. It was awful.

Arenā€™t they so annoying? They drive me nuts. And where there is one there is always more! Thankfully I saved the little apple traps we got the one year we had it bad, so Iā€™m setting them up now in addition to cleaning all the sinks/drains and checking the bird room to make sure there isnā€™t anywhere theyā€™re breeding!
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  • #149

ā€œHi my name is Broccoli and Iā€™m the reason Kirby gets lots of walnuts - because it keeps him from trying to bite my toes!ā€


ā€œI have my own water bowl, but itā€™s not this big, so I decided I want to try THIS one!!ā€
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ā€œHi my name is Broccoli and Iā€™m the reason Kirby gets lots of walnuts - because it keeps him from trying to bite my toes!ā€

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ā€œI have my own water bowl, but itā€™s not this big, so I decided I want to try THIS one!!ā€
Ain't it always the way. The other guy's water bowl is ALWAYS much more attractive - not to mention it's got the added frisson of being right in the Kirby danger zone!!
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  • #151

ā€œI donā€™t just harass my big brother! I also break his toys šŸ¤­ā€œ
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  • #152


Gave these two goobers each a half of a banana chip and let them sit together - with my partner in the room so there is one person per bird. Theyā€™re doing fine. Kirby even moved to a different spot and totally ignored his new brother.

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  • #153
They made it for almost half an hour before Broccoliā€™s curiosity got the better of him, and he started landing too close to Kirby. Kirby at this point has been out of cage for a few hours now so I put him up and left Broccoli out.

I think with time these two will be able to enjoy some out time overlap safely, but I want to take it very slow!
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  • #154

The dirty look I get for letting him out half an hour late! We were participating in a neighborhood scavenger hunt and I biked around 15 miles with the kids today, and we ended up staying out later than intended!

Thankfully heā€™s mostly forgiven me, haha.
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The dirty look I get for letting him out half an hour late! We were participating in a neighborhood scavenger hunt and I biked around 15 miles with the kids today, and we ended up staying out later than intended!

Thankfully heā€™s mostly forgiven me, haha.
Kinda like the look I get from Lovejoy if I am late for snuggle time. "I will forgive you, mother, but I won't ever forget!!"
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  • #156
Oh, heā€™s being BAD today. He figured out he can play with Kirbyā€™s toys through the bars! So of course thatā€™s all he wants to do. That, and zoom around the room, land on my shoulder to chat at me, and then resume his trespass.

Kirby is just muttering in an affronted fashion. Heā€™s too dignified to respond to this encroachment, apparently.
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  • #158

Mutual grooming! So cute! I promise Kirby is getting out of cage time, lol. I just let him out first, and then let Brocc out until itā€™s her time for everyone - which is about now, actually.

I should probably stop being a weenie and just let them play, but I am terribly worried Brocco will get hurt somehow because he has more curiosity than sense, so Iā€™ve been putting it off. They get along so nicely though, and Kirby has been meeting with Brocc since even before he came home.

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  • #160

Today, I had the unspeakable audacity of putting Brocc and Kirby in their Pak Os so that I could spend two hours scrubbing their cages. Broccoli let me know just how much he hated it, haha! It was his first cage cleaning day with us; we do a big clean in the yard once a month where we roll everything outside, hose it down, scrub a bit, and spray it with F10 before rinsing. His highness was not amused.

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