Baby Broccoli

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  • #121

Really glad I bought a $10 hoodie to wear when this guy is out - he’s a mess!

Oh hey, @onamom , does your bird like baths? Broccoli does not like the mist bottle, but he tried to bathe in his water today and it’s really only big enough for his head! I tried offering a bowl, both in his cage and then on my desk, but he wasn’t interested even when I splashed around in it.

Kirby likes the mist bottle and has never bathed in a container so I’m not sure how to get something that Broccoli would like. The bowl I used doesn’t have a rim he can stand on, which is probably why he refuses to try it.
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Really glad I bought a $10 hoodie to wear when this guy is out - he’s a mess!

Oh hey, @onamom , does your bird like baths? Broccoli does not like the mist bottle, but he tried to bathe in his water today and it’s really only big enough for his head! I tried offering a bowl, both in his cage and then on my desk, but he wasn’t interested even when I splashed around in it.

Kirby likes the mist bottle and has never bathed in a container so I’m not sure how to get something that Broccoli would like. The bowl I used doesn’t have a rim he can stand on, which is probably why he refuses to try it.
Oh yes, Ona LOVES baths and takes one about every other day. She even loves the sound of running water.

I think a bowl is probably deeper than what they are comfortable with. I like to hold a plate under running water in the sink and it creates a shallow little pool. Or I let Ona perch on my hand and turn the kitchen sprayer on, gently. I hold her near it (obviously without forcing anything ) and she likes to bathe that way too. I’d try that and see what Broccoli thinks. Ona also likes her water cold.
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  • #123
Oh yes, Ona LOVES baths and takes one about every other day. She even loves the sound of running water.

I think a bowl is probably deeper than what they are comfortable with. I like to hold a plate under running water in the sink and it creates a shallow little pool. Or I let Ona perch on my hand and turn the kitchen sprayer on, gently. I hold her near it (obviously without forcing anything ) and she likes to bathe that way too. I’d try that and see what Broccoli thinks. Ona also likes her water cold.

Hmm, ok. I'll have to figure something out. Our house is a townhouse so it is three stories, and the birb story has a bathroom sink, but no sprayer. But maybe if I clean it out real good to be sure there is no toothpaste or any other yucky residue (I sort of maybe don't keep that bathroom as clean as I should, but in my defense it is the kid's bathroom LOL).

I will have to give it a shot and report back!
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  • #124
Oh, also, I did more research on duskies and apparently they can wean pretty young, and Broccoli weaned fast and was only with the store for a few months - so I suspect he is younger than I'd thought. Maybe closer to 3-4 months rather than 5? I never did get an answer about his hatch date unfortunately. Seems weird that the breeder did not record it. I am hoping if I nag enough I can get the breeder's name so I can just contact them myself, haha.
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  • #125


Oh my gosh, he’s like a puppy! Always chewing my fingers. Especially if I’m doing something like typing or using the mouse.

Today the kids stuffed my new “bird shirt” (a hoodie) hood with chew toys, and he had a great time digging them out. He does not like it if I leave the room during his out time though - I had to sneak out while he was distracted to use the bathroom, haha.
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  • #126
Also, Broccoli is very curious about Kirby. He keeps trying to land on his cage, which we actively discourage. Today he managed to do it while I was watching, and Kirby just sat there blithely playing with a toy. I swear, Kirby deserves a raise, lol. He puts up with so much. I shooed him (Broccoli) off as I’d prefer he be more respectful of his space.
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  • #127

We were extremely naughty today! He wouldn’t stop landing on Kirby’s cage. Kirby handled this with grace the first five times, but then Broccoli decided he just wasn’t gonna move. I kept taking him off and he’d just fly right back. Kirby got upset at this point (probably because I was upset, oops) and nipped his toe - at which point I panicked and just pushed Brocc off so he’d fly over to the many, MANY other safe perches!

I am over here beside myself worried if he lost a dang toe or something- not even a scratch. I don’t think Kirby actually bit him, I think he lunged to warn him off.

Little bird owners, how do I get it through this anthropomorphic feather duster’s head that the big bird cage is a no landing zone?!
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We were extremely naughty today! He wouldn’t stop landing on Kirby’s cage. Kirby handled this with grace the first five times, but then Broccoli decided he just wasn’t gonna move. I kept taking him off and he’d just fly right back. Kirby got upset at this point (probably because I was upset, oops) and nipped his toe - at which point I panicked and just pushed Brocc off so he’d fly over to the many, MANY other safe perches!

I am over here beside myself worried if he lost a dang toe or something- not even a scratch. I don’t think Kirby actually bit him, I think he lunged to warn him off.

Little bird owners, how do I get it through this anthropomorphic feather duster’s head that the big bird cage is a no landing zone?!
I have had no luck in trying to convince any bird not to land on any other bird's cage, if I go to chase them off it kinda just turns into a game for them :( I had TERRIBLE trouble keeping Val the budgie's toes safe from Lilly the lorikeet's beak. She was smaller than Val but had a VERY hard bite for such a little bird and drew my blood quite regularly, so it was rather a worry with Val's delicate little toesies. I covered the top of all the cages with seagrass matting like this stuff ...


They're actually seagrass doormats that I could get from a local hardware chain, but there are a few pet suppliers here who wash and treat them with F10 to get rid of anything undesirable on the surface, and probably do a MUCH better job of that than I ever would. Perhaps someone there has something similar available - cargo nets with a closer weave are an option that I have also used. I've lashed a few doormats together to give good coverage over the tops of the cages, and they are pretty good at preventing little toes from getting in harm's way. They're not completely failsafe and Val still got his toes nipped occasionally but it did cut the incidence down by at least 80 or 90%, and it would buy you time to get over to Kirby's cage and remove Broccoli from the danger zone if need be.
View attachment 53264

We were extremely naughty today! He wouldn’t stop landing on Kirby’s cage. Kirby handled this with grace the first five times, but then Broccoli decided he just wasn’t gonna move. I kept taking him off and he’d just fly right back. Kirby got upset at this point (probably because I was upset, oops) and nipped his toe - at which point I panicked and just pushed Brocc off so he’d fly over to the many, MANY other safe perches!

I am over here beside myself worried if he lost a dang toe or something- not even a scratch. I don’t think Kirby actually bit him, I think he lunged to warn him off.

Little bird owners, how do I get it through this anthropomorphic feather duster’s head that the big bird cage is a no landing zone?!
I would think that having his toe almost bitten would do the trick but you don't want Broccoli to actually lose a toe over a territorial dispute! I would take a sheet of clear plexiglass cut to fit and place it on top of Kirby's cage when Broccoli is out. This way Kirby can see what's going on and can lunge at Broccoli and give him the message without injury. After being chastised by Kirby a bunch of times, maybe Broccoli will stay off.
I would think that having his toe almost bitten would do the trick but you don't want Broccoli to actually lose a toe over a territorial dispute! I would take a sheet of clear plexiglass cut to fit and place it on top of Kirby's cage when Broccoli is out. This way Kirby can see what's going on and can lunge at Broccoli and give him the message without injury. After being chastised by Kirby a bunch of times, maybe Broccoli will stay off.
I think Broccoli tried to bite Kirby's toe.

I had a lot of problems with Ona and her flying to big birds cages when she was at the pet shop. That is how her beak got bitten when she was very small. Why do they want to play with the big birds?!
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  • #131
I think Broccoli built Kirby's toe.

I had a lot of problems with Ona and her flying to big birds cages when she was at the pet shop. That is how her beak got bitten when she was very small. Why do they want to play with the big birds?!

Kirby lunged at Broccoli but didn’t bite, just kinda bonked his toe. I noticed the other birds at the store did this too - they few times one got lose it seemed to BEELINE for the hyancith’s cage, which is pure insanity!

To be clear, when the lunge happened I was standing right there trying to get Brocc to step up, who was not having any of it and kept hopping back into the cage like a dummy.

He’s lucky Kirby apparently LIKES him, that could have been so much worse.
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Kirby lunged at Broccoli but didn’t bite, just kinda bonked his toe. I noticed the other birds at the store did this too - they few times one got lose it seemed to BEELINE for the hyancith’s cage, which is pure insanity!
Oh I misread that before. I don't understand their obsession with the large birds D:
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  • #133
I have had no luck in trying to convince any bird not to land on any other bird's cage, if I go to chase them off it kinda just turns into a game for them :( I had TERRIBLE trouble keeping Val the budgie's toes safe from Lilly the lorikeet's beak. She was smaller than Val but had a VERY hard bite for such a little bird and drew my blood quite regularly, so it was rather a worry with Val's delicate little toesies. I covered the top of all the cages with seagrass matting like this stuff ...


They're actually seagrass doormats that I could get from a local hardware chain, but there are a few pet suppliers here who wash and treat them with F10 to get rid of anything undesirable on the surface, and probably do a MUCH better job of that than I ever would. Perhaps someone there has something similar available - cargo nets with a closer weave are an option that I have also used. I've lashed a few doormats together to give good coverage over the tops of the cages, and they are pretty good at preventing little toes from getting in harm's way. They're not completely failsafe and Val still got his toes nipped occasionally but it did cut the incidence down by at least 80 or 90%, and it would buy you time to get over to Kirby's cage and remove Broccoli from the danger zone if need be.

Oh hey, I’ve actually ordered these before for Kirby to use as a bridge. I ordered some for the top of his cage! For now he’s putting up with the indignity of a towel over his cage, lol. He has a dome top, so plexiglass won’t work.



In the mean time, the little green guy has gotten very brave. He’s been doing a lot more exploring and sitting with the kids. He also gave us a little screechy concert when we fed him this morning - my partner apparently forgot to turn the radio on for him and that was Not Acceptable. 😅
Yeah the original two cages that I have (before Peach arrived) are dome tops too, and those mats are awesome for providing a much more bird-friendly surface for them to walk, perch and play on, whereas before they were finding it more difficult to grip and would slip off quite a bit, so they do double-duty. Lovejoy did however STILL manage to get a toe nipped a little bit ago. He was inside his cage having a snack, with Peach hanging on the outside of the cage making goo-goo eyes at him like she always does, and he must've put a foot on the bars and she gave him what I can only describe as a love bite. She doesn't bite hard but Lovejoy did squawk and hold his little foot up for a half hour or so. Can't prevent 100% of the bites 100% of the time I guess, I think Peachie was maybe getting a bit frustrated cos she couldn't get at her beloved little rooster, or indeed at his food, cos she's developed a taste for dry nectar powder and I have a devil of a time trying to stop her sneaking into his cage and eating it, but that's a whole 'nother story!!
My situation with foot biting is different, since my guys are all roughly the same size. I use cheapie fleece blankets to cover the tops of their cages at night. More as a signal that it's bedtime, but it also reduces the cool draft from above and gives them a little bit of security. Anyway, I made the mistake of thinking Baxter wouldn't be able to see or get to Tucker's feet the first time he landed on top of her blanket. Actually had the reverse effect. He couldn't see her coming, and she nailed his foot hard through the blanket. Thankfully the blanket provided a little padding, so she didn't cut him, but he screamed bloody murder and wouldn't use the foot for most of the day. Now he just lands on the cage to tease her. It's definitely become a game. He waits for her to get close, and runs to the other side of the cage. I remove him as soon as I see it going on, but he obviously thinks it's fun. 🙄
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  • #136
My situation with foot biting is different, since my guys are all roughly the same size. I use cheapie fleece blankets to cover the tops of their cages at night. More as a signal that it's bedtime, but it also reduces the cool draft from above and gives them a little bit of security. Anyway, I made the mistake of thinking Baxter wouldn't be able to see or get to Tucker's feet the first time he landed on top of her blanket. Actually had the reverse effect. He couldn't see her coming, and she nailed his foot hard through the blanket. Thankfully the blanket provided a little padding, so she didn't cut him, but he screamed bloody murder and wouldn't use the foot for most of the day. Now he just lands on the cage to tease her. It's definitely become a game. He waits for her to get close, and runs to the other side of the cage. I remove him as soon as I see it going on, but he obviously thinks it's fun. 🙄

We do cover them at night, but we have custom fitted covers another user from the forums made for us. Kirby’s has his name on it and Broccoli is using cricket’s old one 😅

However those cover the whole cage! But I have noticed what you mentioned with the towel - except Broccoli does not even move when he CAN see Kirby coming for him, when the towel wasn’t there?! I don’t get it, lol.
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  • #137

Hmm, I ordered two of these (the other is OTW) but I think I need three! Fortunately Kirby doesn’t seem to mind it too much, he even played with it a bit.
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  • #138
Haha, well, he's only been out for 20 minutes and has already decided to land on the front of Kirby's cage rather than the top... At least this time he flew off when Kirby glared at him.

He's also becoming less velcro as he's used to the room, which is...good? Probably? He's spending more time on the playstand. You would think, with the number of fun toys in the room, he could find something more entertaining than tempting fate with Kirby. His new game is doing fly bys of the front of the cage, then flying back to me or the tree.
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  • #139
Hey y’all, target training pays off, lol! When Kirby started to look agitated because Broccoli just has no understanding of boundaries, I showed him the target stick, and he came to that and left Broccoli alone.

Eventually he got over it and started eating and playing and ignoring Broccoli, and Broccoli lost interest in teasing him.
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  • #140


Broccoli didn’t like the mist sprayer so we got him this bird bath, and he finally used it today!

Kirby was so beside himself about Broccoli SUBMERGING HIMSELF IN WATER and flying around his cage (I am so glad we got this bigger cage, he can genuinely flit from perch to perch!) that he had a little scream session that was very, very funny. He wasn’t mad though- he was clearly in his “I want to be there” little pose. Sorry buddy, he’s too little and not smart enough for me to let him out right now!

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