Baby Broccoli

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  • #61
Yay!!! So exciting! Oh how I miss that new baby feeling.

Haha, I wish it was only good feelings. We just got Broccoli home and into his (the lab the vet used redid the test twice and got male both times so they think they had an equipment issue!) cage, and now I am trying not to have a panic attack or think about all the things that could go wrong.

So far Broccoli is just sitting and watching Kirby, who is throwing a very impressive tantrum and attacking all his toys. He’s obviously mad at me, but he did take a walnut and paused his rampant destruction to eat it, so he can’t be that mad hopefully.

I mean - I’m glad he’s playing with his toys, haha. But my anxiety is through the roof!

Broccoli seems to be taking cues from his new roommate and is pretty oblivious - he is now exploring his toys after watching Kirby absolutely rip his to shreds.

I couldn’t even tell you what I’m specifically worried about - I guess one of them screaming non stop, or them deciding to hate each other, or one of them getting hurt…whew. I am trying to remember to take deep breaths and not panic. It’s SO much easier getting a new cat or dog…
Haha, I wish it was only good feelings. We just got Broccoli home and into his (the lab the vet used redid the test twice and got male both times so they think they had an equipment issue!) cage, and now I am trying not to have a panic attack or think about all the things that could go wrong.

So far Broccoli is just sitting and watching Kirby, who is throwing a very impressive tantrum and attacking all his toys. He’s obviously mad at me, but he did take a walnut and paused his rampant destruction to eat it, so he can’t be that mad hopefully.

I mean - I’m glad he’s playing with his toys, haha. But my anxiety is through the roof!

Broccoli seems to be taking cues from his new roommate and is pretty oblivious - he is now exploring his toys after watching Kirby absolutely rip his to shreds.

I couldn’t even tell you what I’m specifically worried about - I guess one of them screaming non stop, or them deciding to hate each other, or one of them getting hurt…whew. I am trying to remember to take deep breaths and not panic. It’s SO much easier getting a new cat or dog…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, welcome home Broccoli!! You're going to have a wonderful life with your new family. I know how it feels to be worried about every little thing with a new baby, but you're a wonderful parront, @ravvlet, and you'll figure everything out. I'm so happy for you!!
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  • #63
Ok y’all, I can’t make this up.

Kirby overtired himself with his little display and is now quietly chatting with me while drinking water, and Broccoli….

Broccoli tried to eat his food through the clear sides of his bowl. I almost cried laughing. It took him a full minute to realize that it’s a CLEAR ACRYLIC and that there wasn’t an invisible force field around his food.

Oh, Kirby is on phase two of being pissed now - the “too old and tired to hang upside down shredding my toys so I’ve gone to the bottom to chew what I’ve broken”.
Deeeep cleansing breaths.... Ahhhhhhhh. :)

My Baxter has definitely started showing off and bashing toys since Avery got her, and more so once I put his cage next to hers. In her case, it's clearly showing off and attention seeking. As soon as I pay attention to her, it stops and she's all about getting scritches. :)

It's justifiably stressful, but I don't know if a new dog is any easier. One of mine was SUPPOSED to be someone else's dog. My daughter adopted her from the shelter with a boyfriend, and she was intended as a "friend/playmate" for the BF's dog. They took them to neutral territory for the introduction, and it was instant hate. Like, they looked at each other and immediately tried to kill each other. So, Hazel came to our house and totally fell in love with our boy Nuke. Some time passed, and they tried another meeting with the BF's dog. Hard NO on that one, same response as before. Hazel has been with us for 7-8 years now, and is every bit my wife's girl, lol!
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  • #65
Deeeep cleansing breaths.... Ahhhhhhhh. :)

My Baxter has definitely started showing off and bashing toys since Avery got her, and more so once I put his cage next to hers. In her case, it's clearly showing off and attention seeking. As soon as I pay attention to her, it stops and she's all about getting scritches. :)

It's justifiably stressful, but I don't know if a new dog is any easier. One of mine was SUPPOSED to be someone else's dog. My daughter adopted her from the shelter with a boyfriend, and she was intended as a "friend/playmate" for the BF's dog. They took them to neutral territory for the introduction, and it was instant hate. Like, they looked at each other and immediately tried to kill each other. So, Hazel came to our house and totally fell in love with our boy Nuke. Some time passed, and they tried another meeting with the BF's dog. Hard NO on that one, same response as before. Hazel has been with us for 7-8 years now, and is every bit my wife's girl, lol!

Oh gosh, you’re not wrong. We had a similar issue when we adopted a kitten to be friends with our cat. Nearly nine months later and we had to rehome our older cat as she kept trying to kill the little cat - but has bonded happily with a different cat at the new home! She was a bit of a nightmare anyway as she would play attack the kids, so it worked out better for everyone in the end, but the journey to get there was rough.

Well, bless me, Kirby is grinding his beak and Broccoli is quietly playing with toys (sometimes I wonder if he’s a real conure, and then I remember to count my blessings). I think you’re right about the attention thing - I made sure everyone gave Kirby treats and said hello and that helped him settle down!
Sounds like some major progress for the first day! Welcome home, Broccoli :)
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  • #67

Unhinged goblin bird, lol. Finally getting that exercise the vet and I hoped he would get t having a roommate foisted upon him! :devilish:



Precious angel baby, who woke up for the photo and went right on back to napping after. He has chewed nearly every toy in the cage, which is impressive because we went way overboard.
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  • #68
Anyway, y’all, I’m just saying, surely the parrot store coulda thrown some Xanax in given how expensive a new bird was. :LOL: 😜

I guess I freaked out for nothing, because everyone is very happy and content to pretend the other does not exist. I look forward to Broccoli’s personality really blossoming now that he’s home, and to Kirby Scrooging his way through this upheaval to his routine.
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  • #69

Right after I snapped this photo of him napping, he accidentally bobbed his head down and clinked his beak on his water bowl and woke himself up.

Baby birds, y’all. I can’t get over how cute he is.
View attachment 52839

Right after I snapped this photo of him napping, he accidentally bobbed his head down and clinked his beak on his water bowl and woke himself up.

Baby birds, y’all. I can’t get over how cute he is.
AWWWW so sweet!!! I just want to hug him. 😍😍😍
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  • #72
It is very hard to resist the urge to let him out tonight, but I want him to get used to his cage for this evening and explore in there and ALSO not interrupt his highness Kirby’s royal evening routine, lol.

Kirby happily clambered out onto his play stand, chatted in a friendly and calm way to Broccoli for a bit, and when he didn’t respond came back to me and onto his smaller play stand for his dinner veggies!


You can’t really see him but Broccoli is playing with the toy with the sisal tassel in the background.
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  • #74
Wow, second day anxiety is still real! Instead of hovering, which is my natural inclination, I am forcing myself to stick to my schedule of not going to stay in my office till the afternoons and evening so that he gets used to our summer routine. I don’t want him to get used to me being in there all the time and then suddenly stop!

In the mornings I usually walk the dogs, straighten the house, feed the cat and go for a ten mile bike ride.

He’s doing great with it so far and only did a little bit of yelling bc he’s not used to being covered at night and I spooked him when I woke him up. But you know what? He wasn’t as loud as I was worried he’d be. I dunno why I keep expecting this little guy to put out the kind of sound our Yellow Nape used to make, but Sammy really put the fear of the Lord into me on that front.

Deep calming breaths. We got this. He ate his chop this morning like a pro, and even tried all the new veggies I gave him in addition to the bean mix he was getting at the store. He stepped up onto my hand and let me pet him and set him on his swing. He chirps when I talk to him but doesn’t scream or contact call when I leave the room.

I think he’s taking cues from our Amazon, Kirby. Kirby only shouts at me if I leave during the evening when he knows he is owed his time. When the girls are in school I imagine I’ll be spending more morning time with them, but for now I want him to be in sync with us so that I don’t burn myself out trying to cater to his every need every second of the day and make myself even more anxious.
It sounds like he will settle in there wonderfully, @ravvlet, seems to me he had the advantage of being brought up very well prior to your adopting him which is SUCH a huge plus! The anxiety is crazy though, when I brought Lovejoy home I was TERRIFIED of every little thing with him even though I'd been down the "new baby" road many times before, you just can't help but worry when they're so young. You WILL need to keep a close eye on him though cos I might just sneak up there and kidnap .... erm .... birdnap him if you're not careful, I'll just move hubby out of here to make some extra space available for him! 😝
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  • #76
It sounds like he will settle in there wonderfully, @ravvlet, seems to me he had the advantage of being brought up very well prior to your adopting him which is SUCH a huge plus! The anxiety is crazy though, when I brought Lovejoy home I was TERRIFIED of every little thing with him even though I'd been down the "new baby" road many times before, you just can't help but worry when they're so young. You WILL need to keep a close eye on him though cos I might just sneak up there and kidnap .... erm .... birdnap him if you're not careful, I'll just move hubby out of here to make some extra space available for him! 😝

It’s so true! The store has never had to net Broccoli or grab him, he has always stepped up willingly even for my kids and allows himself to be gently cradled on the chest to move from his cage to the aviary.

We are going to let him have some out time today, wish us luck! I think we will let Kirby out first for a bit so he doesn’t get upset and then put him up and let Broccoli out. It’s more convoluted that way but I am trying to reinforce Kirby’s good behavior.
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  • #77
Hmmm - actually, I am reading it's a good idea to wait for a week or so before letting them out, any thoughts on this yall?

I let Kirby out not ten minutes ago for a bath and a hang and he's already back in his cage to eat his food and stare at me, LOL. Birds!

I tried misting Broccoli and the affronted squawk he let out was hilarious! It's safe to say he is not up for a mist bath yet.
Hmmm - actually, I am reading it's a good idea to wait for a week or so before letting them out, any thoughts on this yall?

I let Kirby out not ten minutes ago for a bath and a hang and he's already back in his cage to eat his food and stare at me, LOL. Birds!

I tried misting Broccoli and the affronted squawk he let out was hilarious! It's safe to say he is not up for a mist bath yet.
Go with your gut, @ravvlet, but personally I'm not a fan of the idea of leaving a new arrival caged for that long, and I know for a fact none of mine would have stood for it. A bit anxiety inducing for the parront whenever it occurs, however, my heart was in my mouth every time mine took to the air but so far they've never sustained injury and I've never had a bad result because I've let them loose :) I assume Broccoli is fully flighted?
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  • #79
Go with your gut, @ravvlet, but personally I'm not a fan of the idea of leaving a new arrival caged for that long, and I know for a fact none of mine would have stood for it. A bit anxiety inducing for the parront whenever it occurs, however, my heart was in my mouth every time mine took to the air but so far they've never sustained injury and I've never had a bad result because I've let them loose :) I assume Broccoli is fully flighted?

Yep, he's extremely flighted, lol. Thankfully knows not to land on cages most of the time... Ok. DEEP BREATHS. My worry is always about how the heck to get them back into the cage once they've had their taste of freedom. ;) And of course, Kirby will throw a fit when he realizes I've put him up so that THE NEW BIRD gets time out!

I'm going to let Kirby have a little bit longer out as he's finally meandered onto his playstand again (to sleep, the goofy bird), and then we will see if I can let the new baby have an hour or two.

I intend to make sure they both get at least 2-3 hours out normally, but I got my day started late (thanks anxiety! haha, couldn't sleep well, then overslept and dragged myself around), so I'm thinking we will do a shorter version for today. I am also thinking it might be good to let Kirby out first for a bath and a hang, then put him up, let Broccoli out, then when Broccoli wears himself out let Kirby back out again, so he feels like he's getting more attention and isn't inclined to be jealous.

I want everyone started off on the RIGHT foot this time!
Hmmm - actually, I am reading it's a good idea to wait for a week or so before letting them out, any thoughts on this yall?

I let Kirby out not ten minutes ago for a bath and a hang and he's already back in his cage to eat his food and stare at me, LOL. Birds!

I tried misting Broccoli and the affronted squawk he let out was hilarious! It's safe to say he is not up for a mist bath yet.
I think the week suggestion is really more meant for birds that don't already know you before coming home. I let Ona out the first day but she was already VERY trusting of me and knew me very well by the time she came home. Since you've been visiting Broccoli and he does know you I would think a little out time would be ok.

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