Aviary Life

Welcome to the world beautiful girl :).
Do they plan to keep her in the hospital for a period equal to the balance of normal pregnancy?
Do they plan to keep her in the hospital for a period equal to the balance of normal pregnancy?

Hopefully, prayerfully, they may be able to send her home in 2-3 weeks rather than the 7 weeks left before her due date.

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I wish it were time for that!

So c-sections are a fresh Hell. Fun fact; you can feel the whole thing. They say “you will feel pressure” but they MEAN you will feel everything they do, it just won’t hurt while they do it. It does after though.

Clara still can’t eat on her own, or even with a feeding tube until her blood sugar issues straighten out. She also cannot breath well on her own and requires a cpap machine for breathing.

Because of the sugar issues she basically has a giant IV in her navel which is what’s preventing safe snuggles. I was allowed to hold her once today and my husband hopes to be allowed to hold her once tomorrow. Being a mother unable to hold her baby is horrible and I just don’t have the energy to pretend otherwise. I also can’t hold my other child because he is a 2 year old boy who flails and I have a giant incision.

My sister has been a Godsend as you know but has to leave earlier than intended.

I’m a mess of happy, sad, scared, relieved, excited, terrified, exhausted, bitter, loving; and everything hurts. But my daughter is here and safe, even though she has a long road ahead.

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Feeling a bit of everything, I think that's valid after everything you've been through. .
I'm so glad you got to hold your baby girl!!!!
Wishing you smooth sailing, calm waters.

I saw this following by Elizabeth Edwards and thought of you.

She stood
in the storm
& when the
Wind did not
Blow her away
She adjusted
her sails
Oh my! Claralena, welcome to the world. Dani, all my thoughts and prayers and good vibes and other positive energy is headed to you and yours. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through.

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No more cpap :)

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You might have already noticed this but she’s absolutely beautiful. [emoji7]

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You might have already noticed this but she’s absolutely beautiful. [emoji7]

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I agree!!! A beauty! And I can see her strength too!
How cool- had no idea there was no much in this thread!!!
Oh what a thread welcome and much love and feathered hugs from Greytown.

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No more cpap :)

Welcome to the world (and the Parrot Forums family), Claralena Valor C.!!!

Dani, she is absolutely beautiful!

I'm sorry you've both had to go through so much. I couldn't be happier that she's off the c-pap. How are the sugar issues at this point? I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers!
I know this thread is currently lacking in birds but breeding season is here so don’t worry! They are coming!

I’m home, I missed my son more than I can even describe.

Clara is off the CPAP but back on a nasal cannula and needs to slow her breathing and use her whole lungs rather than breathing fast and shallow.

Her sugars are improving! Her D20 drip had been decreased from 14 to 8, but got bumped back up to 9. We will see if she has been lowered at all when I get to the hospital this morning. Once she is weaned off of that the central line can come out and then we can hold her more than once a day!


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You are so strong! I'm glad you are home. I hope Clara improve more every day and home soon too!
I don’t know if you guys can tell, but her forehead is civeted in dark hairs, and her head hair comes all the way forward to her eyebrows. Her arms and back are covered in hair as well.

You guys, I birthed a werewolf.

Jk they say it’s normal in preemies and would have fallen out in the womb and will fall out soon lol.

My sister is gone and my mom arrives today, I just have one hand feeding baby, a cockatiel chick who got a yes infection in his crop right as the weather changed and it was the worst I have ever dealt with. Thank God it was gone before I went into the hospital but he still has a very SLOW crop no matter what I do and is stunted. One of my AMAZING local friends rushed over to get my whole brooder and feed my babies while I was in the hospital and then my sister took over. I’m BEYOND BLESSED by the support I’ve received!!

Today I should be home most of the day and get time to love my feather babies. I’m so incredibly thankful that my baby sister, aka “steeler of the love of pets” is the one who was here while I was gone. Everyone got love and scritches, not just food and water.

Give me a few days and maybe I’ll be back to more parrot centered posts!

Oh! And Levi, my two year old, can now say “put the birdie on my shoulder?” And yesterday he told Nohea “no! Be gentle!” When she pinched him [emoji23]

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Silver, how come your aviary IRNs can be safely left together unsupervised all day when the usual advice is never to leave them with physical access to each other unless they're bonded pairs? Is it just because they have more space than in the average lounge or bird room? If that's the only reason, then how much space is enough space - what are the dimensions of a lounge that would be OK to leave two males together in nine hours per day? I ache to adopt another IRN (not a specific individual, just any of the ones in need) but not if they couldn't both be uncaged while I'm at work.

Aaaand our newest two fosters; guess their names ;)

They look like Maven and Doris to me. Names are one of my interests, more of that game please. :D

I can’t believe I missed this! I have had a lot going on lately, PLEASE FORGIVE!

Yes, my IRNs have two things that keep them from fighting:

1) FLIGHT! Have you ever seen a wild flock of Ringnecks or a video of one? They are HUGE and they aren’t killing each other. When an altercation starts, one bird usually just leaves. Clipped birds usually won’t back down as easily simply because it’s not really available as an option.

2) space. My aviary is 350sq feet; 510 in fact if you count the new addition, but that is not open flight space. How much is Enough? That will depend on number of birds and temperament but I’m happy to chat about options and suggestions :) some of the pre-made options are actually really affordable, and the way I made mine is cheap and easy.

There are very few bonded IRN pairs. Irns are not pair bond birds and often switch mates, and often kill mates. That’s ONE of the reasons why I insist on a free flying summer; I don’t like my girls killing my boys in the confines of the cages. My breeding cages are huge compared to most, but they are still small enough to be dangerous for a boy with a cranky girlfriend.

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I had a great aunt named Clara. Her house always smelled of freshly baked cookies and she was a warm, loving presence. [emoji170]

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I'm so happy to see that Clara is getting better with each day. Please keep up the updates, as we're all concerned for our newest - and tiniest - addition. (Well, tiniest human, anyway. Lol)

Oh, and let me just say that I am in awe of your two year old already having the presence of mind to remain calm and tell Nohea to "Be gentle" when she pinched him. That's one heck of a feat, and says as much about him as it does about how you've raised him. Most impressive.

Day 10 in the NICU, I’ve been allowed to hold my daughter 5 times.

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