Aviary Life

Oh wow, Clara looks so peaceful. Hope she goes home soon!!

Day 10 in the NICU, Iā€™ve been allowed to hold my daughter 5 times.

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She is looking so good though!!! I hope that means she can come home soon!
Today is day 17, we are told to expect 1-2 more weeks at least.

On the bird side, everyone is doing well and we expect a surprise clutch of cockatiels in the next 2 weeks! Because Iā€™ve been out of it I had left them with a box for warmth and I donā€™t know when they were laid.

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Actual bird post!

Yesterday Priya (violet hen) escaped her cage right at dusk aka NOT a good time to try catching her in the aviary. We left food and water out for her.

Today, in a haze of hormone fueled exhaustion and desperation to hold my human baby, I left the house for the hospital completely forgetting to go get her and put her back.

When I came home my mom informed me that they caught ā€œthat blue birdā€ (she thought Priya was blue, you understand) but that a second bird, a green one, had also gotten out, but they werenā€™t sure if that bird was missing a mate, and apparently the aviary door was left open for a few minutes by accident.

I was obviously shaken and went to investigate! The first thing I saw was Yasna, (violet green hen) in a cage alone. I went to check her cage for her mate, EMPTY. Great. So I went to check Priya only to discover that Lyric, a blue male (no ring yet), Yasnaā€™s mate, has been placed into Priyaā€™s cage with her mate, Faramir (emerald male).

No sign of Priya. So I go to check the yard. Guess where I found her? Nope, not loose in the yard! IN SASSYā€™S CAGE! She broke into Sassyā€™s cage through a gap that had been made when we rebuilt the aviary roof. Yasna and Lyric learned how to unclip the safety latch on their cage.

In the end, lots of birds in the wrong cages, but no one is missing. Sorry, I was too frazzled to get pictures of the event.

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Wow!!! That's a lot of cage swapping! Glad everything is ok!
Iā€™m frustrated and resigned. You all know that I take my commitment to the birds I produce very seriously. I raise a small number so I can do right by each bird. Well I have two young conures that I feel I havenā€™t done right by. They weaned not long after the hurricane aka right as everything went absolutely insane, and while they donā€™t bite, I would never call them tame. Itā€™s maddening to me, because I see so many birds sold as ā€œhand raisedā€ when they arenā€™t tame.

My plan became to hold onto them until I had time to put the work in to reacquaint them with humans, but things have just become more and more insane. Someone contacted me and wants the yellow sided, knowing full well that he was tame but isnā€™t now, but Iā€™ve never sent a bird home in this situation. She has tamed birds before so Iā€™m not worried I just feel like Iā€™ve failed this bird. The remaining baby I will probably send to another breeder given her mutation (pineapple/dilute: she can make suncheeks), but I just feel like I didnā€™t do my best or live up to my standards with these two.

Clara is still in the hospital; she has started getting worse instead of better. Iā€™m frustrated, scared, and utterly exhausted. I feel depleted of all energy and drive.

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Honey, you've done more than anyone I know! And you have your little girl to think of first. Everything else will work itself out in time.

I'm so sorry she is struggling. My prayers are with you and Clara and your family. I was hoping she could as home with you now. I can't imagine all that you are juggling. Please go easy on yourself!!
Sending healing thoughts and hugs for Clara. Dearly hoping the doctors have an understanding and treatment plan to return her to perfect health.

Dani, you are about the last person on earth to have failed a bird. You have more on your plate than any mortal ought endure. I am certain the two conures can be "polished" to your high standard.
Scott and Laurasea beat me to it. Focus on Clara. Youā€™re amazing. Youā€™ve found the best possible homes for these babies, which is WAY more than even some ā€œgoodā€ breeders do! Your best may not be what you normally expect of yourself, but you have absolutely done your best by these babies.

Iā€™m holding your family close in my thoughts. Please keep us posted.

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I'm keeping you and Clara in my prayers, Dani. I can only imagine how scary, frustrating and exhausting all of this has been for you and your family. There is nothing like worrying for your child. Sending hugs your way.

Iā€™m settled in for a long night tonight. We are trying some new things with Clara and I want to be here to make sure everything is going well and my little girl is ok.

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She's beautiful. I'm hoping all goes well with the new approaches you're trying. Stay strong, Dani.
We love you little Clara!! You gotta stay strong so you can go home. You don't even know all the beautiful colorful parrots your going to get to meet! Plus you are going to love being with mommy daddy and your brother in the comfort of a home!
I found out today that while I was in the hospital some friends of mine stepped in to help feed the birds. Itā€™s a freaking complex process each day where ā€œcheat daysā€ aka when the birds just get dry food and clean water, can take up to two hours. I am SO THANKFUL AND BLESSED! So many people have stepped in!

Some stupid individuals have suggested it would be better to have fewer birds as my human family grows. Those people are welcome to exit my life or at least refrain from speaking their hurtful opinions. My son LOVES birds and other animals. He is compassionate and gentle and careful because yes; heā€™s been nipped! I wish I could raise him around horses and other farm animals as well; more animals, not less! And Clara will be better off for it as well. Minor rant lol.

In the mean time I may be foster failing. Some of you know I took in two foster tiels before I went into the hospital. Their adoption was put on hold, but now I may be forced to keep them out of sheer emotional attachment. I should stop fostering cockatiels, they are too darn sweet!

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"In the mean time I may be foster failing. Some of you know I took in two foster tiels before I went into the hospital. Their adoption was put on hold, but now I may be forced to keep them out of sheer emotional attachment. I should stop fostering cockatiels, they are too darn sweet! "

All your pictures of them made me think this might happen lol! That young man took exceptional care if his birds, and made the ultimate sacrifices to place them in great homes!!! Pikachu is so very sweet and loving to anyone who comes to my house, giving kisses to everyone!!! Bradley is exemplary in putting his parrots first!! Driving hours to place them in good homes, even wrecking his car on his final delivery.
Youā€™re right about stupid people and their opinions. You know what you can manage and itā€™s nobodyā€™s business but yours and your husbandā€™s. Exit stage left, jerks.

On the other hand, friends who help you when you need it are a blessing! Youā€™ve done a good job of being the kind of person who earns that.

And I think we all knew the cockatiels were not really fosters. [emoji23]

Hoping Clara is improving.

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Inger, you may know me too well lol.

Me: look, the last thing I need in my life is two normal grey female cockatiels.

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Thinking of your family this morning

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Same here.

Dani, you have such a huge heart. You'll find your way, I just know it. And it's a privilege to know you and support you.
Itā€™s a mixed bag day!

First of all, look who came home last night!

Second, Iā€™m sending the little yellow sided gcc home today, not tame. Itā€™s so frustrating! But a relief to know heā€™s going somewhere good.

Clara is home on tube feeds with an apnea monitor so last night was NOT restful lol but still wonderful! We are so so so so thankful! And tired! Pray for us!

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