There are lights and lights. Some are definitely hazardous to humans, pets and birds. In past (and now) some individuals are using true sun lamps. These were recommended for reptiles, fish, birds and people in the past. I began looking after reading about possible migraine triggers. The 'new' LED type lights have a flicker effect that people can sense but not see. Hence migraine headaches, mood swings, potential seizure activity etc. Birds can see these invisible flickers and have a birdie equivalent of mood swings, irritability to name a few things. These lights and similar brands are currently among the best. I balk at being dependent upon them 100%. The research is changing yearly. Who knows next year studies will come up w something new and 'up to date for pets'! I use the light more indirectly and for a few hours primarily in winter. The window light becomes increasingly indirect as winter progresses. That's for birdie. Since I've used this type for routine lighting, my spontaneous migraine have decreased dramatically. I especially like that while a glass hazard it won't be a chemical hazard if it breaks.