I have an update....I had asked his regular to vet to consult by phone with another vet whom I heard had a lot of experience with metal toxicity. He refused saying they'd both get the same results.

So I faxed all the test results to this other doctor in another state and he said he'd review them.
In the meantime, I found another certified well-known avian vet about 1.5 hours from my house. We took him there and he had a FULL work up, a lot of the SAME tests he already had, another x-ray, plus a lead test which he did not have before. ALL his tests results came out....NEGATIVE including the lead test. X-ray, negative, zinc & lead, negative - ALL of the blood work came out normal.
We discussed ways of trying to get him to put on some weight since his keel bone was showing. We are now watching him closely and if the symptoms creep up again, I will call this new vet and we'll take it from there.
The strange thing is this: I stopped giving him the CA EDTA a day or two before taking him to this new vet. His twitching and plucking started to gradually slow down after his vet visit...now he is presently NOT twitching and not plucking although I do see him preen more than he used to, with sometimes little white feathers so that's not gone 100%. He doesn't play as much as he used to in his cage after all he's been through since January - poor little guy. I don't want to say he is cured or back to 100% because every time I think so, it starts up again. But it baffles me how the symptoms could disappear. So right now he is
NOT on ANY medication and holding his own!
This new doctor isn't positive it was the zinc even though his very first zinc test came out positive. I'm no veterinarian but from everything I've read and learned since he first got sick in January 2014, I'm thinking it was zinc and that remnants of it, was still leeching from his bones until it is now gone. Keep in mind that NO METALS were found in his TWO x-rays.
I'm emotionally fried (and broke) from all this but I'm glad he is showing signs of feeling better - money well spent in my opinion. I hope he stays well and can gain weight. The new vet advised that in addition to his Harrison's food, to give him Senior Nutri-berries and Power Treats besides vegetables and fruits. She also said that if he starts plucking or twitching to not run to his cage and "fawn" over him - as that might encourage him to do it more since it gets a reaction from me...But so far, knock wood, this hasn't happened.
He seems to be a picky eater. Loves his Power Treats, is "ok" with the Nutri-berries, he eats his Harrison's like a good boy, but I need other suggestions to fatten him up as he is still too thin. I'm considering buying the birdie bread mix unless someone can offer a better alternative. I want him to get healthy weight not junk food weight. Not too much sugar either..
Thank you all for your support, well wishes, suggestions and concern! It was greatly appreciated ! I spent many nights (and days) looking all over the Internet for answers!
I'm exhausted folks ! :30: