All about the scratchies!


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
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Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Does your parrot allow you to give him or her a scratchie? Do they ask for it or do you need to 'persuade' them to accept one? How hard do they like it - soft and fluffy tickling or really digging in?

Salty is a mixed bag of cookies. First thing in the morning, when he gets uncovered, he gets a nice neck massage type scratch, to ease stiff neck muscles from being scrunched backwards while he was sleeping. I get all the way to the base of his neck right up to the base of his skull. And a bit of head scratching too. Salty's a 'dig in and RUB, brother' kind of bird, most times. He will accept a scratch later in the day too, but he doesn't 'ask' for them, ie lower his head down invitingly at random. During the day, I'll give him the hand signal I use to ask if he wants one, and if its yes, then he lowers his head for one. He has a special spot on the back of the couch he likes to get his daytime scratch. During those, Salty really likes it rough, I mean its almost scary how hard he puuuussshhes into my fingers. And he gets one small scratchie right before bedtime, as I pick him up to go into his cage. I kid the wife that he is almost like a lil feathered doggie sometimes, he likes them so much. But sometimes he likes the soft tickling kind, right around his ear hole. His eyes slowly close and he is off to dreamland it seems. I'll stop and he doesn't move, waiting for more!

So how about you? I know we got some birds on here, like Baxter, who LOVE getting their scratch on!
Haha, you are correct master Wrench :) Baxter is hands down the most demanding of scratches I've ever had the honor of knowing. If I go near her, the head goes down, almost every time. Scratch me NOW! The rougher and more back to front, the better. She also gets really protective of me, so if anyone else gets near her while I'm right there, she gets all tough looking, strutting with the tail fanned and trying to be menacing. That's until I reach a hand towards her. Then it's back to demanding the scratches, like she's needing to prove to the invader that I'm hers. I love that little stinker.

Avery, my grey... he does love a good head and cheek scratch, but it's like a game for him. He'll act like he doesn't want one until he's distracted by the zipper on my sweatshirt, which he's infatuated with trying to chew. Then he's good with scratches, and stops trying to chew stuff. He seems to really love gently grabbing and pulling those head feathers, like another bird would do preening for him. Head drops, eyes close... heaven! He's really a sweet boy. I'm so blessed he ended up with me.

Now Tucker. Yeah, the ekkie. You know, the ones that hate being touched? Nope. He's the outlier in the land of ekkies. He lives to be in my face and LOVES his head and neck pets. Generally just front to back, as one must not mess with an ekkie's "doo," but sometimes he'll be up for a good backwards scratch. I'm soooooo lucky with him. ❤️
My two female Tiels Mango and Angel love scratches.
I have to scratch them simultaneously or the left out bird will lung at the one getting scratches.
Even though they are in the same cage they NEVER scratch each other.
Gentle scratches only.

Bingo is more hit/miss. Sometimes he’s really into it sometimes not.
When he’s got pin feathers coming in he is very sensitive and cuz my hands shake it can be difficult.
My son can scratch Bingo when he is in his cage by using the butt end of a pen.

Bella likes scratches only from my wife.
My macaw lives for scratches! All day, every day if it were possible. He likes a gentle touch and he loves to have his face stroked—even his eyes. I tell people it is an “advanced bird love technique.” Do not attempt this if you are an amateur bird lover! My “bar trick” is to hypnotize my parrot. I massage his head gently until his eyes close and his head falls back. He stays in that position until I tell him to snap out of his trance! Impress your friends and family with a hypnotized macaw! 😂
My CAG prefers scratches upon on her schedule. If she's molting I have to scratch her head until my finger cramps and spasms. If no molting then theres a higher chance for consequences given. Occasionally she will seek me out with a kiss and gentle nibble.
My conure literally puts his head under my fingers to scratch him😅 When I use my computer mouse, he doesn't allow me to use it and just puts his head under my fingers...
Sometimes I don't even scratch him, he scratches on his own using my fingers, heh (in 1:14 I start scratching him)
My cockatiel Ollie DEMANDS the scritch tax you may not pass or he will hit his beak on your hand until you do

Budi is picky but when he's snuggly he loves them

Cheddar needs to be sleepy but he puffs up when he gets them!
YES.......................... scritchies rule.
My ill-tempered grumpy old rooster melts for back-of-neck-scratches... WHEN HE'S IN THE MOOD. He mumbles about "Gail, Gail, ohhhh, oh, mmm" and sidles up to my face... and wants deep scritches.
Honestly, it's Heaven.
But when his mood turns, he shrieks and backs away and bites, if I don't scram fast enough.
My last parrot Max, a BeeBee parrot used to chase your hand and insert his head under it to get scratches. And anyone's hand would do, never was a parrot like him to accept anyone!
Charlie's hands off. He prefers rubbing his head against things and getting a good skritch that way.

Redshift likes an occasional head rub.. depends on his mood.

Vortex I'm still taking it slow. SO far she's still wary of my hands, but I plan on clicker training her and maaaaybe she'll like them, LOL!!
YES.......................... scritchies rule.
My ill-tempered grumpy old rooster melts for back-of-neck-scratches... WHEN HE'S IN THE MOOD. He mumbles about "Gail, Gail, ohhhh, oh, mmm" and sidles up to my face... and wants deep scritches.
Honestly, it's Heaven.
But when his mood turns, he shrieks and backs away and bites, if I don't scram fast enough.
Sounds like a cat influenced him! Words and beak instead of purrs when happy, beak instead of teeth and claws to end session at his discretion.
What a fun question! JJ likes head scratches but only on his terms. He sidles over, puffs up, and makes eye contact while making a “Tuh tuh “ sound ( like the soft tongue clicking sound you might use to coax a scared animal to come close). Scratches are to be given with just one or two fingers and gently. Too hard ( or accidentally hit a pin feather) and he will let you know he doesn’t like it! He’ll also make a sort of purring sound when he really gets into his scratches; anyone else have a purring bird? The budgies give each other head scratches so they have no interest in me touching them!

Bumble loves her skritches. Usually I will ask her by tapping my thumb and index finger together and saying, "tickles?" If the feathers on her head move, that's yes. Sometimes she asks (asks??) with the classic head lowering. The first time she did that, we hadn't been together long (weeks or months?) and she was molting. To say that I melted into a pile of mush.....

She enjoys a bit of a rough skritch now and then and also like it when I just smooth her feathers on the top of her head over and over. She loves to have her pinnies taken care of but of course one must be careful. She certainly lets me know if I've hit one that's not ready. Because she's so tiny, I only use one finger unless we're taking care of the pins, then I need two.

And you really want cute? Very occasionally she'll say "tickle" and then give me the gentlest little nibbles. 😭😭😭 She also always says it when she's grooming her chest.
My 12 week old baby budgie Joey is still at the age where she allows me to hold her little head between my thumb and two fingers and massage her face, chin and neck with complete trust and bliss. I know it will be over soon but that's okay. I want my baby girl to grow up and be a happy well adjusted budgie. I enjoy the baby days while I can!
Baby Joey likes to give my nos3 and lips very gentle beak kisses. I wouldn't let any of my adult budgies that close to my lips!

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