African Grey Timneh

The kind of fluffing up where you look at him, or he looks at you, and he briefly fluffs his whole body for like 5 or 10 seconds is just "hi" in bird body language. I think pretty much all of my birds over the years would typically fluff once if I came into the room and said their name, for example. Its "I see you, and we're good." There is a more extreme version of this that usually involves something like hanging upsidedown from the roof of the cage, swaying back an forth, and seemingly every feather on his body sticking out, and that one is more like "look at me, I'm beautiful". Sometimes they do it when they are feeling very agressive, and then it is less "I'm big and beautiful" than "I'm big and dangerous". But its done with a certain inflection, and for me it is usually clear the difference. Its not so much of a brief puff, but more sustained with a somewhat lowered head. My parrots will "greeting fluff" to me from 25 feet away. At that distance they usually dont make aggression displays. I feel like fluffing first then walking away is probably "Thank you kind sir for the offer, I apprecite the gesture, but at this time I am politely declining - perhaps tomorrow". It probably beats a "go to hell" which may be considered progress. The really important thing for making progress is never to push things past the point where "offer declined". Knowing that you will not push it, and that HE is in control of the choice, should eventually make him feel safe to say yes at some point. This does not preclude using bribes, such as "if you step on my hand you can have this treat", just make sure if he declines hand and treat are withdrawn. Its his choice!

Parrots also have a lot more conscious control over their pupils than people, and they flash them small (eye pinning), for a few seconds, and often repeatedly, when they get excited, even when the light level doesn't change. If you are up close and you see lots of eye pinning maybe hold back any intended physical contact or proximity - they might be in a cheeky mood. Mine conspicuously do it when they see they are about to get a treat - it is a catch all for "I'm in a heightened state". Parrots flash their pupils to other parrots as a warning. But they don't tend to make allowances for not knowing the language and may go straight to biting if you tresspass - after all in their mind (I almost wrote "in their eyes") you were cleary warned. But a parrot with continuously fluffed out head feathers means "relaxed". Before you get bitten the head feathers will probably be flat, though as humans we are often too stupid to follow the progression with the required rappidly!
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  • #22
The kind of fluffing up where you look at him, or he looks at you, and he briefly fluffs his whole body for like 5 or 10 seconds is just "hi" in bird body language. I think pretty much all of my birds over the years would typically fluff once if I came into the room and said their name, for example. Its "I see you, and we're good." There is a more extreme version of this that usually involves something like hanging upsidedown from the roof of the cage, swaying back an forth, and seemingly every feather on his body sticking out, and that one is more like "look at me, I'm beautiful". Sometimes they do it when they are feeling very agressive, and then it is less "I'm big and beautiful" than "I'm big and dangerous". But its done with a certain inflection, and for me it is usually clear the difference. Its not so much of a brief puff, but more sustained with a somewhat lowered head. My parrots will "greeting fluff" to me from 25 feet away. At that distance they usually dont make aggression displays. I feel like fluffing first then walking away is probably "Thank you kind sir for the offer, I apprecite the gesture, but at this time I am politely declining - perhaps tomorrow". It probably beats a "go to hell" which may be considered progress. The really important thing for making progress is never to push things past the point where "offer declined". Knowing that you will not push it, and that HE is in control of the choice, should eventually make him feel safe to say yes at some point. This does not preclude using bribes, such as "if you step on my hand you can have this treat", just make sure if he declines hand and treat are withdrawn. Its his choice!

Parrots also have a lot more conscious control over their pupils than people, and they flash them small (eye pinning), for a few seconds, and often repeatedly, when they get excited, even when the light level doesn't change. If you are up close and you see lots of eye pinning maybe hold back any intended physical contact or proximity - they might be in a cheeky mood. Mine conspicuously do it when they see they are about to get a treat - it is a catch all for "I'm in a heightened state". Parrots flash their pupils to other parrots as a warning. But they don't tend to make allowances for not knowing the language and may go straight to biting if you tresspass - after all in their mind (I almost wrote "in their eyes") you were cleary warned. But a parrot with continuously fluffed out head feathers means "relaxed". Before you get bitten the head feathers will probably be flat, though as humans we are often too stupid to follow the progression with the required rappidly!
Thank You Very Much . Also I Don't and Can't Dance , But the other night He was swaying and moving back and forth on the perch outside and on top of the cage And I was doing it too . It was Funny & Fun , I thought it might have been Good & Fun for him .
I had an Eclectus years ago like 30 - 20 years ago but he was Not a Grey and he was Totally tame and Different . The Pet store sold him to me much to young , the VET said take him back immediately , they sold me Formula and I weaned him with a Giant Syringe . So he thought I was his Mother . And he was just Totally Tame and a Baby . Then I was going to court constantly for a house , a Car , Custidy , Child support etc. Far away , I had a guy Baby sitting my Parrot when I got back with him . He said OH I gave Him away ! Whether he gave him away or let him go I Don't know , we're No longer Friends .
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Hand raised parrots are a whole special category. My young hand reared CAG gets on my shoulder then demands to be held like a baby for long periods by rolling upside down in my arms. But a parrot like yours that seemingly spent a long time in partial isolation with many homes, whether originally hand reared or not, is going to have some armor. But they are social animals, and need to bond a least a little to be happy. So long term all the forces are aligned in your favor. Just remember to allow him to be who he is, regardless of how much or how little overt affection he expresses.
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  • #24
Hand raised parrots are a whole special category. My young hand reared CAG gets on my shoulder then demands to be held like a baby for long periods by rolling upside down in my arms. But a parrot like yours that seemingly spent a long time in partial isolation with many homes, whether originally hand reared or not, is going to have some armor. But they are social animals, and need to bond a least a little to be happy. So long term all the forces are aligned in your favor. Just remember to allow him to be who he is, regardless of how much or how little overt affection he expresses.
Yeah he'll take food from my hand all day long BUT Doesn't want to step onto my Hand , it's Frustrating , I Know I won't hurt Him But he's unsure I guess , He also sometimes Rolls his Head Rapidly in an oval in front of himself , The Girl who gave him to me said ... That means Get the F@*k away from me ....??? What do You think ?
Hand training your bird is an easy one, probably even for a 40 year old. Hand training is one of the first things people tend to teach, and you can just keep trying, or be methodical and use something like target training. If he learns what you are asking for, especially if he gets something valuable out of it, it should not be that hard. Take a look at this and other videos from the same channel.

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  • #26
Yeah he'll take food from my hand all day long BUT Doesn't want to step onto my Hand , it's Frustrating , I Know I won't hurt Him But he's unsure I guess , He also sometimes Rolls his Head Rapidly in an oval in front of himself , The Girl who gave him to me said ... That means Get the F@*k away from me ....??? What do You think ?
I got my timneh on a Monday Night so I don't count that I count Tuesday His First full Day with me . After 2 1/2 weeks I moved his Big cage closer on Thursday late afternoon He went in it on his own , and at bed time he still stayed in there , so He now has the Big cage . He is slowly getting Nicer . At not quite 3 weeks , he has bitten me twice once cutting me & once only hurt . And stepped onto my hand about 5 times . So He's getting Better !
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  • #27
Years ago I used to get a Magazine , I think it was called " Bird Talk " anyone know about how you get a subscription ? I can't find it on internet , only single issues . like on E bay or something . Now Sunday night , I've read Books that say it could take up to 6 months . Now under three weeks He's being REALLY good sitting on my hand letting me scratch his Head ! I don't know what everything means , he's moving his mouth kinda rapidly but not saying anything & dropping his wings Druping wings . Mouthing me But Not Biting and scratching his beak between my Fingers . Does anyone know what this means ? While He's sitting on my hand . I'm GLAD , I think He's accepting me
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  • #28
My Timneh has come a long way in 3 weeks , He'll sit on my hand now . The girl who gave him to me said he plucked feathers , his neck IS plucked . My problem now is , He'll sit on my hand while I'm in my recliner , he'll put his head down and let me pet his head . BUT He'll also put his head down and pluck tiny little feathers out of the front of his neck . Right in Front of me !! What do I do ? How do you make him STOP this ?
A Friend said OH , He's Preening BUT No , He's pulling out Little Wee Feathers ! And He does it Right in Front of me .
I Really Don't have Much of this Guys History . I was told he is 30 to 40 years old & Treated Badly .I was told that the Second owner when He wouldn't be quiet they shut him in a Little cardboard box . I am the FOURTH owner . I was told his Name is " ROCKY " . Can you / ME change his name at this age to like Roger ? I have his new cage set up in front of him about 6 feet away . He can see it constantly , But when I moved it close to the cage He's in he seemed scared , His new toys are in it , should I take them out ? He has NO toys now . Just an old sock hanging in current cage . Some food vegetables he just drops unless I hold them for Him . Thanks for Helping Me !
Start slow and remove the old sock or replace it with a clean cotton sock if he enjoys it. I'd introduce 1 toy at a time and let him get used to them. They like music. If you can put a classical music station on for him- not too loud-- it can help him relax in his new home. I'd wait changing his name for now until he's used to his new environment. He's been through a lot and sounds scared. He may not be familiar with vegetables so holding them's a good idea for now or putting them in a wide dish separate from pellets/other food. Sounds like he suffered some trauma from the 2nd owner- I hope with enough love and patience he'll gain confidence and feel he'll have a forever home at long last.
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  • #30
Start slow and remove the old sock or replace it with a clean cotton sock if he enjoys it. I'd introduce 1 toy at a time and let him get used to them. They like music. If you can put a classical music station on for him- not too loud-- it can help him relax in his new home. I'd wait changing his name for now until he's used to his new environment. He's been through a lot and sounds scared. He may not be familiar with vegetables so holding them's a good idea for now or putting them in a wide dish separate from pellets/other food. Sounds like he suffered some trauma from the 2nd owner- I hope with enough love and patience he'll gain confidence and feel he'll have a forever home at long last.
Start slow and remove the old sock or replace it with a clean cotton sock if he enjoys it. I'd introduce 1 toy at a time and let him get used to them. They like music. If you can put a classical music station on for him- not too loud-- it can help him relax in his new home. I'd wait changing his name for now until he's used to his new environment. He's been through a lot and sounds scared. He may not be familiar with vegetables so holding them's a good idea for now or putting them in a wide dish separate from pellets/other food. Sounds like he suffered some trauma from the 2nd owner- I hope with enough love and patience he'll gain confidence and feelI he'll have a forever home at long last.
I've had Him now 2 1/2 Months , He's in his new " Macaw cage" , He's outside of it all day now . I finally got him on Pellets , He wouldn't eat Fresh vegetables But now he will eat Frozen vegetables . It took me 3 weeks before he would stop Biting me , now he likes to sit on me and have his head petted . He has lots of toys but doesn't seem to know what to do with them . He will chew on some Maple sapling tree Disc's I cut for him . I decided to keep his name the same " Rocky " . He does Pluck , he was plucked when I got him , still plucking I wish he would stop . I live in the Hills / woods can't get a classical radio station so when I leave I play slower music like the Animals , White Mansions , Creedence , Etta James . He would fall off his perch at Night , I heard his wings going and hit the bottom of cage , so I put in a Dog cushion and leave the cover up at bottom a little . His nails were so over grown Damn near growing into his feet , Found an " Exotic Vet". about 70 miles away cost me $190 to do his nails . I try to teach him things like ," I'm Melting , That's just so Ridiculous , You're full of Baloney , Yum Yum Give Me Some , It's Magic , When I let him out in the morning I say Attica , Attica , Attica , But He has Not picked up anything I say . Some one Did teach Him " good Morning & It's time for Bed " I'm Trying so if you have more advice ....Tell Me suggestions . Thank You .
I've had Him now 2 1/2 Months , He's in his new " Macaw cage" , He's outside of it all day now . I finally got him on Pellets , He wouldn't eat Fresh vegetables But now he will eat Frozen vegetables . It took me 3 weeks before he would stop Biting me , now he likes to sit on me and have his head petted . He has lots of toys but doesn't seem to know what to do with them . He will chew on some Maple sapling tree Disc's I cut for him . I decided to keep his name the same " Rocky " . He does Pluck , he was plucked when I got him , still plucking I wish he would stop . I live in the Hills / woods can't get a classical radio station so when I leave I play slower music like the Animals , White Mansions , Creedence , Etta James . He would fall off his perch at Night , I heard his wings going and hit the bottom of cage , so I put in a Dog cushion and leave the cover up at bottom a little . His nails were so over grown Damn near growing into his feet , Found an " Exotic Vet". about 70 miles away cost me $190 to do his nails . I try to teach him things like ," I'm Melting , That's just so Ridiculous , You're full of Baloney , Yum Yum Give Me Some , It's Magic , When I let him out in the morning I say Attica , Attica , Attica , But He has Not picked up anything I say . Some one Did teach Him " good Morning & It's time for Bed " I'm Trying so if you have more advice ....Tell Me suggestions . Thank You .
I'd say for 2 1/2 months that is a lot of progress against 30-40 years of habbits! Not all greys are big talkers but maybe it will pick up eventually now that there is a person who will react.
I've had Him now 2 1/2 Months , He's in his new " Macaw cage" , He's outside of it all day now . I finally got him on Pellets , He wouldn't eat Fresh vegetables But now he will eat Frozen vegetables . It took me 3 weeks before he would stop Biting me , now he likes to sit on me and have his head petted . He has lots of toys but doesn't seem to know what to do with them . He will chew on some Maple sapling tree Disc's I cut for him . I decided to keep his name the same " Rocky " . He does Pluck , he was plucked when I got him , still plucking I wish he would stop . I live in the Hills / woods can't get a classical radio station so when I leave I play slower music like the Animals , White Mansions , Creedence , Etta James . He would fall off his perch at Night , I heard his wings going and hit the bottom of cage , so I put in a Dog cushion and leave the cover up at bottom a little . His nails were so over grown Damn near growing into his feet , Found an " Exotic Vet". about 70 miles away cost me $190 to do his nails . I try to teach him things like ," I'm Melting , That's just so Ridiculous , You're full of Baloney , Yum Yum Give Me Some , It's Magic , When I let him out in the morning I say Attica , Attica , Attica , But He has Not picked up anything I say . Some one Did teach Him " good Morning & It's time for Bed " I'm Trying so if you have more advice ....Tell Me suggestions . Thank You .
It sounds like you're making progress with him and he's adapting. Slow music what you're playing is fine. Birds like music. Putting a dog pillow on the bottom of his cage is a good idea.
Biting can be a sign of fear or anxiety until they gain confidence and feel trust in their new homes and parronts. Sounds like he was neglected letting his nails grow that long and his diet must have been poor if they didn't take care of him.
Try fresh vegetables again and offer some cut apples, red grapes, cooked beans or lentils. They also like pasta without sauces as an adjunct to their food. Zupreem natural or fruit colored pellets are what my avian vet recommends. Variety is key. You probably know, avocados, chocolate for example are NOT to be given to birds (dogs too) as it's toxic.
Plucking is a tough one. Once they get started it's hard to stop depending on underlying reasons. It could be diet related, skin disorder or other medical condition. Give him more time.

It's a good sign, he's sitting on you, letting you pet him especially what he's likely gone through. He sounds like a wonderful companion.

Try taking couple of toys out of his cage and introduce them one by one again. Changing them out about every 2 weeks is another idea. They get bored very easily.
If you have dogs, please keep them away from the cage for now. See how they react to each other later, especially since he can't fly yet. Dogs can be perceived as predators.
See if you can get this book, "The Second Hand Parrot." It may be online.
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  • #33
It sounds like you're making progress with him and he's adapting. Slow music what you're playing is fine. Birds like music. Putting a dog pillow on the bottom of his cage is a good idea.
Biting can be a sign of fear or anxiety until they gain confidence and feel trust in their new homes and parronts. Sounds like he was neglected letting his nails grow that long and his diet must have been poor if they didn't take care of him.
Try fresh vegetables again and offer some cut apples, red grapes, cooked beans or lentils. They also like pasta without sauces as an adjunct to their food. Zupreem natural or fruit colored pellets are what my avian vet recommends. Variety is key. You probably know, avocados, chocolate for example are NOT to be given to birds (dogs too) as it's toxic.
Plucking is a tough one. Once they get started it's hard to stop depending on underlying reasons. It could be diet related, skin disorder or other medical condition. Give him more time.

It's a good sign, he's sitting on you, letting you pet him especially what he's likely gone through. He sounds like a wonderful companion.

Try taking couple of toys out of his cage and introduce them one by one again. Changing them out about every 2 weeks is another idea. They get bored very easily.
If you have dogs, please keep them away from the cage for now. See how they react to each other later, especially since he can't fly yet. Dogs can be perceived as predators.
See if you can get this book, "The Second Hand Parrot." It may be online.
The Music I am Changing some , My CD player holds 5 I'm putting in John Denver , Simon & Garfunkel , Sam & Dave , I'll have to look what I have I have a lot of Blues . I was told he was fed only seeds his entire life . He will eat Mixed vegetables ( Frozen ) Not cold I warm them up first , they're soft , The Fresh Vegetables - Hard He just throws on the Floor . I Do feed " Zupreme " colored Pellets . Apples , Oranges , Peaches , Pears , He throws onto the floor , He did eat a little Banana & Spagetti then was bored with them . I'll try Green Beans when they Thaw out , He likes Peas . He will Pluck even when I'm holding him , I tell him No that's Not a proper little Gentle man , I've read they have Emotional intellect of a Two year old Child and Intelligence learning of a gifted 5 year old . And I'm a little silly at times .
He is only in His cage at Night , I also hung toys from the ceiling above , outside his cage for when he's out during the Day , He'll sit on a Concrete swing some ,But mostly on the edge of the top of cage rails . He does play with a Parrot Bell some . I have an English Mastiff & an Anatolian Sheppard , I do keep the Mastiff back , the sheppard lies there and eats what "Rocky" throws on the Floor . I'm a Big Dog guy I trained Springer Spaniels for 10 years and Bred Boxers for 20 years . Thank You !
The Music I am Changing some , My CD player holds 5 I'm putting in John Denver , Simon & Garfunkel , Sam & Dave , I'll have to look what I have I have a lot of Blues . I was told he was fed only seeds his entire life . He will eat Mixed vegetables ( Frozen ) Not cold I warm them up first , they're soft , The Fresh Vegetables - Hard He just throws on the Floor . I Do feed " Zupreme " colored Pellets . Apples , Oranges , Peaches , Pears , He throws onto the floor , He did eat a little Banana & Spagetti then was bored with them . I'll try Green Beans when they Thaw out , He likes Peas . He will Pluck even when I'm holding him , I tell him No that's Not a proper little Gentle man , I've read they have Emotional intellect of a Two year old Child and Intelligence learning of a gifted 5 year old . And I'm a little silly at times .
He is only in His cage at Night , I also hung toys from the ceiling above , outside his cage for when he's out during the Day , He'll sit on a Concrete swing some ,But mostly on the edge of the top of cage rails . He does play with a Parrot Bell some . I have an English Mastiff & an Anatolian Sheppard , I do keep the Mastiff back , the sheppard lies there and eats what "Rocky" throws on the Floor . I'm a Big Dog guy I trained Springer Spaniels for 10 years and Bred Boxers for 20 years . Thank You !
For the plucking, it could be from his lifetime diet of seeds as well. Give it some time with new healthier foods and see if that helps. They need about 10-12 hours sleep each night.
Try spritzing him with warm water and see if that helps.
Not familiar with either dog breed, but would keep a watchful eye when Roger's out of his cage.
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  • #35
For the plucking, it could be from his lifetime diet of seeds as well. Give it some time with new healthier foods and see if that helps. They need about 10-12 hours sleep each night.
Try spritzing him with warm water and see if that helps.
Not familiar with either dog breed, but would keep a watchful eye when Roger's out of his cage.
I ordered spray bottles from Amazon But I have to wait on them to ship them , They're very very slow . English Mastiff is The Biggest Dog in Mass & Weight , Mine is 200 Pounds , Anatolian Sheppard is also Large , Not mine He's a Rescue from a Tornado in Tennessee & a Mix Not full blooded , about 75 Pounds .I Kept My Parrots Name as Rocky , I thought He was too old to change it .
Timneh’s are amazing! Incredibly intelligent and loving if bonded. They are scared of new things so one thing at a time. One toy at a time might help if the poor guy only has a sock.
2 bits of advice that helped me: perches should be varied but the primary ones should fit his feet. Like ok at the size he’s on and see if his toes go all the way around, 3/4 or 1/2. You want their feet to go about 3/4 around the perch. Don’t buy for a CAG. But for a caique, Pionus or other medium size bird.
Other thing that helped me is research your booty off. Watch YouTube and sign up for any training or learning seminars. You can find free ones by looking at parrot sanctuary event sites. Best thing ever is look up Parrot Kindergarten. Life saver for me with my baby. Apply for a scholarship if you can’t afford it. Light version to try but Full version is best because of the weekly support you get with parrot experts, trainers and parrot mamas (several run rescues). It’s worth every penny.
Good luck. Go slow. Reward for him getting near the cage and showing no fear. Back up the distance if his body language changes. Keep rewarding and moving closer. Use sunflower or a smaller seed and literally be a slot machine jackpot of treats while you are building trust. Look up how to target train. Super helpful as he doesn’t need to be on your hand and you can even train through the cage bars. Video everything! You can look back and see where you screw up. You may have missed a signal by going too fast, coming behind him, moving the stick, forgetting a treat, etc. Teach him yes/no, like/no like with 2 colored sticks/cards/pipe cleaners. It will give him a voice. ( Parrot Kindergarten videos teach this).
Youve got this!! You’re already making great changes for him. My baby has been w me 2 years and still bites me ( She bonded to my boyfriend.) but it’s always my fault. It takes time and patience which I would say really sucks. Jenn from PK says her Goffins took 4 years. He’s worth the effort.
TLDR: research, go slow, switch to no seed better diet with pellets and fresh veggies, give him agency (control), lots of engagement and foraging, and ❤️.
Timneh’s are amazing! Incredibly intelligent and loving if bonded. They are scared of new things so one thing at a time. One toy at a time might help if the poor guy only has a sock.
2 bits of advice that helped me: perches should be varied but the primary ones should fit his feet. Like ok at the size he’s on and see if his toes go all the way around, 3/4 or 1/2. You want their feet to go about 3/4 around the perch. Don’t buy for a CAG. But for a caique, Pionus or other medium size bird.
Other thing that helped me is research your booty off. Watch YouTube and sign up for any training or learning seminars. You can find free ones by looking at parrot sanctuary event sites. Best thing ever is look up Parrot Kindergarten. Life saver for me with my baby. Apply for a scholarship if you can’t afford it. Light version to try but Full version is best because of the weekly support you get with parrot experts, trainers and parrot mamas (several run rescues). It’s worth every penny.
Good luck. Go slow. Reward for him getting near the cage and showing no fear. Back up the distance if his body language changes. Keep rewarding and moving closer. Use sunflower or a smaller seed and literally be a slot machine jackpot of treats while you are building trust. Look up how to target train. Super helpful as he doesn’t need to be on your hand and you can even train through the cage bars. Video everything! You can look back and see where you screw up. You may have missed a signal by going too fast, coming behind him, moving the stick, forgetting a treat, etc. Teach him yes/no, like/no like with 2 colored sticks/cards/pipe cleaners. It will give him a voice. ( Parrot Kindergarten videos teach this).
Youve got this!! You’re already making great changes for him. My baby has been w me 2 years and still bites me ( She bonded to my boyfriend.) but it’s always my fault. It takes time and patience which I would say really sucks. Jenn from PK says her Goffins took 4 years. He’s worth the effort.
TLDR: research, go slow, switch to no seed better diet with pellets and fresh veggies, give him agency (control), lots of engagement and foraging, and ❤️.
Oh. They throw everything on the floor when eating. It’s even a cartoon which shows that only an atom goes in their crop, 15% on beak and rest goes in the floor.
For music, Addy loves things with fiddles or a horn section. Folk country like The Dead South, Nathaniel Radcliffe, Latin music (especially likes the Disney live concert of Coco), some classical. I’ve tried a bit of all genres and I think the beat and the type of instrument bring out her dance mode.
I’m disabled and can’t spend the type of quality time I want. Singalong time is super easy and fun.
She also has a huge library of books. Lots of birds love to be read to and look at the pages. Addy loves to eat books. Just have to try everything.
Making toys may be your calling with your background. I bet you could come up with fun natural toys and foraging options. Leather Elves have some great options or idea starters on their site.
And Phoenix Landing in TN has great free online seminars.
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  • #38
Timneh’s are amazing! Incredibly intelligent and loving if bonded. They are scared of new things so one thing at a time. One toy at a time might help if the poor guy only has a sock.
2 bits of advice that helped me: perches should be varied but the primary ones should fit his feet. Like ok at the size he’s on and see if his toes go all the way around, 3/4 or 1/2. You want their feet to go about 3/4 around the perch. Don’t buy for a CAG. But for a caique, Pionus or other medium size bird.
Other thing that helped me is research your booty off. Watch YouTube and sign up for any training or learning seminars. You can find free ones by looking at parrot sanctuary event sites. Best thing ever is look up Parrot Kindergarten. Life saver for me with my baby. Apply for a scholarship if you can’t afford it. Light version to try but Full version is best because of the weekly support you get with parrot experts, trainers and parrot mamas (several run rescues). It’s worth every penny.
Good luck. Go slow. Reward for him getting near the cage and showing no fear. Back up the distance if his body language changes. Keep rewarding and moving closer. Use sunflower or a smaller seed and literally be a slot machine jackpot of treats while you are building trust. Look up how to target train. Super helpful as he doesn’t need to be on your hand and you can even train through the cage bars. Video everything! You can look back and see where you screw up. You may have missed a signal by going too fast, coming behind him, moving the stick, forgetting a treat, etc. Teach him yes/no, like/no like with 2 colored sticks/cards/pipe cleaners. It will give him a voice. ( Parrot Kindergarten videos teach this).
Youve got this!! You’re already making great changes for him. My baby has been w me 2 years and still bites me ( She bonded to my boyfriend.) but it’s always my fault. It takes time and patience which I would say really sucks. Jenn from PK says her Goffins took 4 years. He’s worth the effort.
TLDR: research, go slow, switch to no seed better diet with pellets and fresh veggies, give him agency (control), lots of engagement and foraging, and ❤️.
I'm Not Totally New to this , I've had an Eclectus I weaned , & a Double Yellow Head ( Back in the early '90's ) that an Ex girl friend took back because she was afraid of Him . My Timneh No longer Bites me , that was only the First Three weeks , He sits on my Hand and I pet His Head now . I know about perches , I have Different sizes and Maple tree saplings I cut down , and roughed up with a wood Rasp , Saw , & sander . He's on Pellets now , and eats Frozen Vegetables , Peas , Brocolli , Califlower , Carrots ( Soft ) , He throws FRESH apples , oranges , Peaches , Mango's , Califlower , Brocoli , Corn , Carrots etc. away onto the floor . I have NO way to video tape Him . He can't Fly , But sometimes if I'm Not quick enough he jumps off of the cage onto the couch to come to me . He's outside the cage ALL Day long , only in it at Bed Time . He is doing much better now . Has Lots of Toys , But Doesn't seem to actually play with them much hardly at all , He Does chew some Maple tree disc's , from saplings I cut for him . and a parrot Bell a little , He Does still Pluck some , Hopefully getting Better with this . I'm Not totally New to this , But Never had one this abused or old , Neglected . He's Doing Much Better now in almost Three Months . Thank You for Advice & Suggestions !
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Oh. They throw everything on the floor when eating. It’s even a cartoon which shows that only an atom goes in their crop, 15% on beak and rest goes in the floor.
For music, Addy loves things with fiddles or a horn section. Folk country like The Dead South, Nathaniel Radcliffe, Latin music (especially likes the Disney live concert of Coco), some classical. I’ve tried a bit of all genres and I think the beat and the type of instrument bring out her dance mode.
I’m disabled and can’t spend the type of quality time I want. Singalong time is super easy and fun.
She also has a huge library of books. Lots of birds love to be read to and look at the pages. Addy loves to eat books. Just have to try everything.
Making toys may be your calling with your background. I bet you could come up with fun natural toys and foraging options. Leather Elves have some great options or idea starters on their site.
And Phoenix Landing in TN has great free online seminars.
I had an Eclectus who Didn't chew wood but liked to untie knots in Leather , I was wondering where I could get Safe Leather strips ? I used to used Food coloring for Dye , what do you suggest ?

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