African Grey Timneh

I can't put my Timneh in the shower , I have strong water pressure there . I Received my Spray Bottles today , Put them on the Finest Mist I can . I sprayed Him , He's Soaked ,He LOVES it ! He wants More ! I leave the room and He's whistling at me MORE , MORE , MORE ( I think thats what he saying , He also says it for Treats & what I'm eating ) . A little while later after He Dried , I sprayed Him again , He's Nuts , He Loves it . What have I created ? I checked He does Not have webbed feet .
They love showers and sounds like he misses them or maybe never had one? It's good hearing he's adapted so well. Keep trying with different foods.
They love showers and sounds like he misses them or maybe never had one? It's good hearing he's adapted so well. Keep trying with different foods.
Yeah I Mist him everyday now unless I forget , and even his feathers look Better ! He still likes them . When I start I show him the bottle and say " Shower " he comes over and I start he might wilk away , But if I quit and start to walk away , He comes Running back over and Wants His Shower ! ( He's on top of the cage ) . I think He's doing much Better , only had him 3 1/2 Months . He now likes to sit on me and get his head petted A Lot . He eats Frozen thawed vegetables , Broccoli , Peas , Carrots , Califlower , and Pellets . He doesn't want Fresh ( Hard ) Vegetables , He throws them away . Banana's He'll take a couple bites then He's done with them . Whatever I'm eating He wants some . He eats Cheese Burgers with me , is that O K ? When I go to the store I'll get sweet potatoes , He Didn't like them Hard , Maybe cooked & Mashed . I've been feeding " Zupreme " , what's your opinion of " Harrisons " ? maybe that's wrong But some food that starts with an " H " , I've heard mentioned on some video's . I think He's Trusting me more , I am building a Toy Latter / Base / & Swing , He watched me making it and got right on it ( Not Scared ) , just looking it all over . Thanks & any advice / suggestions .
Yeah I Mist him everyday now unless I forget , and even his feathers look Better ! He still likes them . When I start I show him the bottle and say " Shower " he comes over and I start he might wilk away , But if I quit and start to walk away , He comes Running back over and Wants His Shower ! ( He's on top of the cage ) . I think He's doing much Better , only had him 3 1/2 Months . He now likes to sit on me and get his head petted A Lot . He eats Frozen thawed vegetables , Broccoli , Peas , Carrots , Califlower , and Pellets . He doesn't want Fresh ( Hard ) Vegetables , He throws them away . Banana's He'll take a couple bites then He's done with them . Whatever I'm eating He wants some . He eats Cheese Burgers with me , is that O K ? When I go to the store I'll get sweet potatoes , He Didn't like them Hard , Maybe cooked & Mashed . I've been feeding " Zupreme " , what's your opinion of " Harrisons " ? maybe that's wrong But some food that starts with an " H " , I've heard mentioned on some video's . I think He's Trusting me more , I am building a Toy Latter / Base / & Swing , He watched me making it and got right on it ( Not Scared ) , just looking it all over . Thanks & any advice / suggestions .
The food options sound good except no cheese burgers or any kind of meat & no fried foods. They're prone to heart attacks.

If he likes Zupreems then give him this with the veges in a separate bowl. Harrison's are good too. It depends on what he likes most. I bake sweet potatoes for my guys and they love it. Just make sure it's not too hot when serving them and mashed is fine. Sounds like he's getting well adjusted and trusts you. The toy ladder/base/swing are great!
The food options sound good except no cheese burgers or any kind of meat & no fried foods. They're prone to heart attacks.

If he likes Zupreems then give him this with the veges in a separate bowl. Harrison's are good too. It depends on what he likes most. I bake sweet potatoes for my guys and they love it. Just make sure it's not too hot when serving them and mashed is fine. Sounds like he's getting well adjusted and trusts you. The toy ladder/base/swing are great!
I have read that they DO eat Meat , like in California / Florida where they have Avaries out side and a bird wrecks into the wire and Dies the other birds Eat Him . And My Eclectus just loved HOT Wings .
I have read that they DO eat Meat , like in California / Florida where they have Avaries out side and a bird wrecks into the wire and Dies the other birds Eat Him . And My Eclectus just loved HOT Wings .
My avian vet says not to give them meat. Same with 2 Parrot organizations I work with. Greys are frugivorous & will eat insects, some invertebrates. The birds in the outdoor aviaries must have been very hungry to eat other birds. Can you share the article/ source of that information?
My avian vet says not to give them meat. Same with 2 Parrot organizations I work with. Greys are frugivorous & will eat insects, some invertebrates. The birds in the outdoor aviaries must have been very hungry to eat other birds. Can you share the article/ source of that information?
I've read so many Books , I Don't remember the Title of a Book I read some time ago . It could of even been in a Magazine I used to get called " Bird Talk " or " Cage Bird " . I really Don't remember what book , I been reading about Parrots off & on since the late '80's . But like you said most all Books say they eat Bugs , and I've read several that say chicken , also .
I was told his Name is " ROCKY " . Can you / ME change his name at this age to like Roger ?

Older thread, don't know if you'll see this, but I'll answer anyway. We didn't change Scooter's name, exactly, but she's now learned a new adjective.
When she first got here, she'd say "Scooter! No! Quiet down!" I guess she heard that a lot. Now she whispers to herself "The good Scooter. I love Scootie." She's decided her name is now "good Scooter".

They're incredibly adaptive, under the right circumstances. I knew a guy at UCSB that studied them in the wild, and he told me when parrots join a new flock they have to learn that new flock's calls and sounds. Scooter was fascinated by the sound of whispering, so we whispered to her when she first got here, and we always tell her she's a good Scooter, the best Scooter ever. She adapted to her new flock's whispering, and that's what she does now. Mostly. We also gave her a bell, and she uses that to summon the staff (us).
But like you said most all Books say they eat Bugs , and I've read several that say chicken , also .

My avian vet said it's not a problem to give Scooter chicken bones - she loves them. Cracks them open and eats the marrow. Vet says it's a good source of nutrients and trace minerals, just don't over-do it. Once a month or so is plenty.
Older thread, don't know if you'll see this, but I'll answer anyway. We didn't change Scooter's name, exactly, but she's now learned a new adjective.
When she first got here, she'd say "Scooter! No! Quiet down!" I guess she heard that a lot. Now she whispers to herself "The good Scooter. I love Scootie." She's decided her name is now "good Scooter".

They're incredibly adaptive, under the right circumstances. I knew a guy at UCSB that studied them in the wild, and he told me when parrots join a new flock they have to learn that new flock's calls and sounds. Scooter was fascinated by the sound of whispering, so we whispered to her when she first got here, and we always tell her she's a good Scooter, the best Scooter ever. She adapted to her new flock's whispering, and that's what she does now. Mostly. We also gave her a bell, and she uses that to summon the staff (us).
I was told He was 30 to 40 years old and I am the Fourth owner . Because of His age and he was treated badly , I thought He has been through Enough so I just kept His name as " Rocky " , I was going to change it to " Roger " But now I Didn't . Thanks .
My avian vet said it's not a problem to give Scooter chicken bones - she loves them. Cracks them open and eats the marrow. Vet says it's a good source of nutrients and trace minerals, just don't over-do it. Once a month or so is plenty.
I would give Him Hot wings , My Eclectus Loved them ,( I used to work part time at a place that sold them ) But I Don't have a Car so no he doesn't get them .
Older thread, don't know if you'll see this, but I'll answer anyway. We didn't change Scooter's name, exactly, but she's now learned a new adjective.
When she first got here, she'd say "Scooter! No! Quiet down!" I guess she heard that a lot. Now she whispers to herself "The good Scooter. I love Scootie." She's decided her name is now "good Scooter".

They're incredibly adaptive, under the right circumstances. I knew a guy at UCSB that studied them in the wild, and he told me when parrots join a new flock they have to learn that new flock's calls and sounds. Scooter was fascinated by the sound of whispering, so we whispered to her when she first got here, and we always tell her she's a good Scooter, the best Scooter ever. She adapted to her new flock's whispering, and that's what she does now. Mostly. We also gave her a bell, and she uses that to summon the staff (us).
My Birds weird He has all kinds of Toys But Doesn't play with them , He only tears up paper . He has paper Toys , Wood Toys , even Three Different sized Parrot Bells . ?
My Birds weird He has all kinds of Toys But Doesn't play with them , He only tears up paper . He has paper Toys , Wood Toys , even Three Different sized Parrot Bells . ?

It takes Scooter a while to warm up to new toys, and (as far as I know) she's never been mistreated. That's just a parrot thing.
If your bird was abused or neglected whenever he made noise, he may be conditioned to not make noise. Scooter was apparently told to keep quiet, but I don't think she was ever punished for it, just yelled at. We encourage her to make noise - whistling, calling, whatever. When she makes up her own songs we tell her it's a beautiful song and reward her.
It takes Scooter a while to warm up to new toys, and (as far as I know) she's never been mistreated. That's just a parrot thing.
If your bird was abused or neglected whenever he made noise, he may be conditioned to not make noise. Scooter was apparently told to keep quiet, but I don't think she was ever punished for it, just yelled at. We encourage her to make noise - whistling, calling, whatever. When she makes up her own songs we tell her it's a beautiful song and reward her.
I've had " Rocky " since the middle of July , so like 4 1/2 Months , He would Bite me for the first 3 weeks . I was told that one of the owners when he made noises , they would shut Him in a tiny little card board box . He's outside his cage all day long but covered at night , He will say "Good Morning" when he hears me move around in the morning and , "Time for bed "at night . He'll say "what ya doing ?" I repeat and add I'm Melting , I say I Love you , He'll say a three syllable whistle but not really the words . He gets more vocal in the evening and whistles , I tell him that's a pretty tune . ( I have false teeth on the top , so I can't whistle ) . He'll come to the edge top and sounds like " More " then I get him and hold him and rub his head & neck . I Think he has poor or weak feet grip strength , He can't Fly , his right wing feathers are chewed I'm hoping they'll grow in and he can fly . He has jumped off the cage But hits the floor , I'm afraid he'll split open his keel or breast . I made a thing with perches and a ladder on an angle about 13 inches high He'll climb up it But Not Down he jumps . And He'll say his Name . He'll just chew up paper and I cut Maple wood disc's about 1/4 to 3/16 thick and 1 1/4 around . He'll chew those . And tip over his food & water bowls on top of cage .

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