African Grey still affraid and screaming after 1 year

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you are feeding him too much .. 10 table spoon of seeds and 6 peanut per day.

when im training mine i only fed her 6-10 per day. took her about 5 days to start eating corn. now she's eating cooked beans, peas, corn, nuts ... still trying to get her to eat fruit :)
good news good news!!! sounds like progress is in the works!
Why are you still feeding seeds and peanuts? That is a good way to compramise the bird's liver. It is like a diet of french fries every day.
it was a long week end for me and him he stayed 2 days without eating anything he had pellets carrot banana chillis dry fruit all he can eat... but he didnt touch anything just drinking water than yesterday night i couldnt keep him without eating like this 2 days without nothing.but what happened he was still affraid of eating from my finger yesterday night when i decide to give him back seed and peanuts when i reach his cage he come to me to eat when he saw them in my hand it was the first time he eat from my hand i was so happy for that but so upset he didnt eat anythign else.
it seems he is stubborn he want only seeds and peanuts!!!!
If you offer other nutritious foods he will not starve himself. Try making a mix of pecans, walnuts, hazel nuts, almonds chopped. Add uncooked fancy looking pasta noodles, some dried fruit like raisins or cranberries, pumpkin seeds, unhulled sesame seeds, some granola cereal, dried corn bits and pistachios I make a mix something like this and my birds love it. Have you tried putting him at the table when you are eating? Give him a sm. amt mac and cheese. Most birds love cooked oatmeal with Cinnamon. His food interest need to be away from seeds and no peanuts because they is a big chance there is a fungus in the shells.

You should be able to get some pomegranate seeds or let the bird pick the seeds out of chunks. Also some fresh pine nuts should be available to you.
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unfortunately i have tried anything you can immagine he dont even try he satyed 2 days as i mention before without eating anything should i let him straving more than 2 days can he handle it ?
Scuba, you usually mention fruits and vegetables in your lists of things you give him. Have you been giving him good nuts (i.e. almost anything other than peanuts) with consistency? I have a really hard time imagining a bird that will literally not touch any other nut besides a peanut.
No grey can live on seed alone. I cannot imagine a healthy bird not eating what I listed. If you continue to give him seed alone he will eventually die from malnutrition, You might as well let him fly away in the Forrest.
He will not starve his self to death. But you gave into him so now he will go even longer with out trying because he knows you will give into him. You have to put your foot down and not budge. In order for you to have a life long friend you have to make him eat healthy. He knows you will not make him try all he has to do is turn his beak up and you will give him what he wants. Its the same way on getting a child to eat healthy. If they throw a fit kicking and screaming because they don't want to eat something and you give in and let them have cake , you have taught the kid how to get out of eatting healthy food and get the junk food. It you try to stop it what would happen?
They would throw the biggest fit you ever saw lasting hours before you gave in letting them have it just to make them stop. Then you try again a couple of days later and they throw a bigger fit lasting even longer. It is the same with birds you are teaching him very well on how to get what he wants.
These sort of posts really get my blood boiling. They seem to go on forever without any end in sight. Do you want to help your bird instead of saying you have tried everything. You haven't tried hard enough. Sorry for sounding tough.

Scuba with all the help & advice given to you & your parrot you are clearly doing something wrong. In 2 weeks i have been able to convert 4 birds that will only eat seed to a much more healthy diet. Sure there is a ways to go but at least i have made a start. It's called consistancy.

All i did to start of with was to give a tablespoon of small parrot seed & tablespoon of pellets. That didn't get replaced until all was eaten. They also got sprouted seed as they associated that with dry seed but of course sprouted seeds are much healthier, I also chopped up their fruit & veg in small cubes & mixed that through the sprouts. The first few days was hard on them but they soon realized the fruit & veg dish was very tasty.
I am very close to closing this thread. It appears the excellent education and advice is going nowhere. There is not much else we can do for you if you choose not to do what is considered best for your bird by the well meaning members of this forum.
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