African Grey still affraid and screaming after 1 year

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I just want to say that I have a great deal of empathy for this poster as well as for the bird. The parrot was wild caught a shipped-- intensely traumatic. Who knows what the poor dear went through and what he misses about where he came from. Then you have this gentleman who has had him a year, has put up with a lot of chaos, tried to get advice, gone to the vet, done what he was told was the right thing, which unfortunately wasn't adequate. I suspect the professional avian knowledge in Lebanon may not be the same as it is in some Western countries, or at least as readily available.

Scuba-- it sounds like you're really working on making things better for your CAG, and may have to have a lot of patience. Most likely it will eventually reward you both; he may have to have some very consistent behavioral interventions to make the screaming stop. This is what Melinda is talking about when she's referring to making a sound when he screams to teach him to replace the unpleasant sound with something more pleasant.

He may have screamed in the beginning because he was afraid but now it is as much a habit as an actual "emotional" reaction to something. That's where the teaching comes in. There are a lot of books about parrots that may really help you; I've ordered many on-line from used booksellers. The more you train him and he feels useful and like a member of your family/flock, the calmer and happier he'll be. Along with the better diet of course :-)

Best of luck to you, stay here and ask as many questions as you need to. the people here have amazing knowledge and experience.
I must agree with Melinda and osnyder. I too feel that you are doing an amazing job educating youself so you can help your baby. I am still learning so don't have anymore to add aside from what the other members already have, but wanted to say that you are coming right along and your hard work will pay off!
People may not agree with me on this but the best thing for this bird is to take him back to where he came from - the wild. I know this will not happen and the bird will most likely be trapped again. If we could figure out a way that no one will every purchase a wild caught bird of any species anywhere in the world, then we could rest. Imagine this poor guy taken from his home, his flock and put in a cage with just junk food. No wonder he is screaming all the time. My heart bleeds for these birds. I do not mean to offend the writer of this thread who is seeking help from us. Perhaps you could do some education to your countrymen and encourage them not to purchase wild caught birds. You could talk to your goverment officials about banning sales of these birds. Get a group of like minded people together to help you.
This is a hot topic with me and I guess this response reflects that. I should have put this in the need to vent forum if we had one.

[ame=""]A Tribute to the Durban 700 - The massacre of wild African Grey Parrots by wealthy South Africans - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]The unsustainable African Grey Parrot trade in South Africa - YouTube[/ame]
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I definitely understand your frustration. The cruelty in this world is horrifying. The thing about this thread is, what's done is done. Unfortunately no one can change it, but we as bird lovers can guide and assist to give this precious Angel the best life possible. Its heart breaking that we cannot save them all, but if we educate one person at a time, that is one more precious life we can possibly save.
i think i have learned a lot from all of you hope i can let him feel better the soonest i love him so much i am attached to him even he is screaming i think he is attached to me too as something funny happened with him couple of weeks before i got to travel out from my country for 3 days so my wife was changing the water and feeding him i left early morning the house during the day was ok next day she find that all what she put in his cage didnt touch as he didnt eat any of them so she called me telling me that the parrot is not eating but unfortunalty he stayed the other 2 days without eating she was so scared about him he didnt touch the seeds or the peanutes nothing after 2 days i came early at night when i enter the house he saw me he start screaming on me in a crazy way i didnt understand what happened to him and on the next day in the morning i went to his cage i saw him eating he was upset from me that i left him he stop eating the poor so how can i not be attached to him or love him hope i wil be abkle to educate him in the proper way wish it will happen very soon and if you have any advise i will be greatfulll hearing you thanks a lot all of you for your help
Sounds like he trust what you offer him is safe to eat. Glad he is ok after waiting that long for his flock leader to come home.
Have you had any change in the behavoir or eatting yet? Sometime you will have change fast but most of the time it is slow. Keep us updated no matter how small the change is.
One more thing i want you to work on. The bank system. Your bird has a bank and you are the one that makes deposits. How it works is every time your bird is quiet you put a deposit in his bank Any kind of fav treat And just a min of speaking softly to him. I know it will be hard to start this as when the bird is being quiet we want to leave them alone. But in order to stop the screaming we have to reward them when they are doing right. So anytime your bird has been quiet make as many deposits in his bank as you can.

Example- You are cooking dinner and he has not made a sound in 5 mins go over and reward this behavoir you are wanting. Go back to cooking after 5 mins of no scream make another deposit. It will be hard at first to reward this but trust me it works faster than anything else.
yes he have a name his name is Chivas :)
by the way i couldnt find the pellet in our country there is only pellet for Dogs and cats but for parrot we dont have so i have searched on the net to find what can i do in termes of preparing for him foods so i found the below which is toxic for him and what is good
so yesterday i have prepared for him some carrots corn banana cumcumbre he didnt touch but he have a side a little sunflowers seed so hope will try from them by today

Great Stuff!:
Whole wheat breadsOatsCornBrown riceCornbreadPeasMost BeansBroccoliCauliflowerCarrotsAsparagusSpinachWhole wheat or Vegetable pastaTurnip GreensMustard GreensPeppers (Bell, Jalapeno, chile, etc.)ParsleyEgg noodlesBulgur WheatCheeriosWheat GermCooked Chicken and TurkeyPotatoesEgg, cookedAppleYogurtCottage cheeseBananaPumpkin SeedsPine NutsLife cerealKashiPapaya

Good Stuff:

GrapesOrangesGrapefruitLemonLimeCherriesPomegranatePeachesNectarineWatermelonCantaloupeHoneydewBlackberriesBlueberriesPearsPineappleRomaine LettuceRed CabbageButter LettuceGreenleaf LettuceTurnipsRadishesBreadPastaBiscuitsMilletCucumberTomatoSquashZucchinicooked RiceAlmondsCanary Grass seedGarbanzo BeansGranola cereal (no sugar)Water ChestnutsOatmealMango

Good Limited: (Good Nutrition, but high in fat)

Brazil NutsPeanutsPeanut ButterWalnutsPecansCashewsCooked beef and porkMacaroni & cheeseSunflower seedsSafflower seedsCream Cheesehard cheesesPizza

Neutral Stuff: (not bad for them, but not much nutrition)

LettuceCabbageCeleryCrackerswhite breadflour tortillasBagelsBiscuitsPopcornOnionsMushroomsHominy Grits

Neutral Limited: Not =bad= (ie not toxic), but high in fat, salt or sugar

French friesPotato chipsTortilla chipsSausagesLunchmeatCookiesCakeMuffinsPretzelsFrankfurtersGatoradeKool-aidmost breakfast cerealsbutter/
most canned foods, soups, etcIce creamDoughnutsPastries

BAD stuff: (toxic or possibly harmful)

AvocadoChocolateCaffeineAlcoholCarbonated drinksMilk (they can’t digest it)dried fruits (containing sulfides or sulphates)most houseplantscatnipmarijuanaGatorade
You have a great list started just keep in mine most fruit seeds/pits are a no-no for parrots. Just don't let them have that and the say part of a peach that is dis colored around the pit. I am sure you can order pelleted food on the net and have it shipped. If you have problems let me know i will ship you a couple of bags myself. If you want to try some sites first.

The change over to fresh food is slow. So don't be dishearted if he doesn't start eatting it as soon as you would like. Just eat the same stuff you are offering him. Make a big deal out of how good it taste.

Let me know if you find a company that will ship. If not private message me and i will box up some for you.
Here is a site with info on making your own bird food. Please remove the seeds and peanuts, he will not starve with other foods offered. Try to take him out of the cage and be at the dinner table with you. Give him bits of safe food from you plate. Good job!!

Making Your Own Parrot Food
it is been 3 days i am putting a little bit of sunflowers seeds and in the other one many things corn,carrots,cumcumber mellon ... he is not touching he eat the seeds till it is finish and he wait til li bring him seeds again if i dont give him seeds he stay without eating i am affraid to keep him without eating it is been 2 weeks the stick in his cage which is plenty of his food and he didn ttouch it yet
On a guess how much seeds are you giving him? What are his poops and how many poops a day is he passing?

Has he tried anything other than seeds at all? Have you been offering him food from your plate too? You might need to put a extra bowl in his cage so when you eat you can offer some out of your fingers, if he doesn't take it just push it through the bars into the extra dish. Just remove it before it has time to go bad. The biggest thing is to eat the stuff you are giving him in front of him making all kinds of sounds like it is the best thing you have ever had.

Have you had any luck locating any pellets?
yes he have a name his name is Chivas :)

I like his name. Very cute. You sound like a good parrot owner and you seem like you are trying so hard for this bird to be healthy. I admire your perseverance.
i have tried as you advised melinda i am sitting near him eating than giving from the same i did it with chillis ,carrot , apple ... with no luck i i am putting a little bit of sunflowers but when the bowl is empty i am affraid to leave him without anything ,but somethign happened yesterday the stick i told you about which have special food for parrot he touch it yesterday eat a little from it and now nothing he have 4 bowls in his cage 2 for food and 2 for water ,he have now chillis carrot in his cage but he dont touch also last couple of days when i reach his cage he start screaming he wasnt like this before i start putting such things
should i keep both bowls without any seeds and put chillis carrot and the rest or he will be starving ?regardign the pellets a friend of mine told me there is a store and also he have a parrot so he will go to check but he didnt yet hope this week will be able
I am starting to worry a little about him dropping weight. How much seed are you giving him a day? Can you start measuring it in table spoons? You might be giving him to much so he will not try the other stuff. Can you count how many poops he has in one day?
you can say arround 5 to 6 table spoon in the morning and similair in the evening and 3 to 34peanuts in the morning and evening
Ok you are giving him enough that he will not try any thing else. In order for him to be hungry enough you will have to take away the morning seed and hold out on him until 45 mins before bed time only if he does not eat anything all day. As long as he knows he gets seeds he will see no reason to try anything else
It seems he start to change yetsterday i arrived home in the evening to find that he eat half of the stick which it has been idle in his cage for more than 2 weeks so today morning i removed al the seeds and bnow he have only chillis carrot corn will see this evening what he did :)
Let me know how he does today. I think he would chande over to pellets faster than fresh food. Have you had the chance to get any pellets yet? A change over like this it going to take time but him trying something new yesturday is a good sign.
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