African Grey died less 2-3 from when we received him

Crooks always use scared tactics as threats and intimidation and legal recourse. It best never to back down as that how these crooks get away with what they do.

EllenD... I have the Hazleton, PA address, I didn't know about the Scranton, PA warehouse, but doesn't surprise me at all.

The bird flipping they did on Facebook and craigslist is how I linked them and found out about the Macaw scams her husband was pulling as well. They go back to 2008.
Thanks for all this info:)

Coco questions again...His Band was blank no info. We paid $ 40.00 DNA test never received copy, now, per necropsy results he was male and old then 6-8 years old, she may knew he was male...

How can we get info on Coco's prior owner? is the company we paid for him has any obligation to provide it to Attorney General?

Could he be re-home? Adopted? and rescue? Can we put his picture around and request info from his prior family? We do this with dogs, Just curious to here, he was so sweet, and died painful death. We are glad he had care from one of best Vet Avian Dr here in Dallas.
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Thanks for all this info:)

Coco questions again...His Band was blank no info. We paid $ 40.00 DNA test never received copy, now, per necropsy results he was male and old then 6-8 years old, she may knew he was male...

How can we get info on Coco's prior owner? is the company we paid for him has any obligation to provide it to Attorney General?

Could he be re-home? Adopted? and rescue? Can we put his picture around and request info from his prior family? We do this with dogs, Just curious to here, he was so sweet, and died painful death. We are glad he had care from one of best Vet Avian Dr here in Dallas.

It a shame as likely Coco could have live longer, maybe his whole life if it wasn't for the stress, which likely overwhelmed his immune system and let it progressed to PDD,which is what took his life.

Yes birds with ABV can still live out full life if re-homed correctly to people willing to keep up with vet care and keep area clean as virus is shred through fecal matter and don't have other birds and kept in the same state. They won't be allowed to travel. Plus you won't as would stress them out. I have a friend has a 38 year old Macaw that has ADV and is healthy and had it for few years could have had ABV longer?
Delta Representative called me back, very professional and he has Delta Veterinary on the phone. She the said same thing, even though they don’t request healthy certification from commercial per transportation it would not help Coco. What made Coco situation worse is that his diseases and stress with the trip, new location, new people. Combination of SEVERE ATHEROSCLEROSIS & PDD for a bird that appear to be old bird due to SEVERE ATHEROSCLEROSIS diagnostics, definite he would not survive this for long).
Delta Representative called me back, very professional and he has Delta Veterinary on the phone. She the said same thing, even though they don’t request healthy certification from commercial per transportation it would not help Coco. What made Coco situation worse is that his diseases and stress with the trip, new location, new people. Combination of SEVERE ATHEROSCLEROSIS & PDD for a bird that appear to be old bird due to SEVERE ATHEROSCLEROSIS diagnostics, definite he would not survive this for long).

His heart was failing as well. Wonder if original owner knew, or expected him to go to someone that wasn't going to resell him?
That's is funny to see this, someone name Kara, who has hands that just looks like hers texts me few times regards this issues, and told me to back off, or will not say because of privacy ....

Even offered to help me buy new bird. I felt something was up. Kara Redd's hands looks a lots like the other kara...that called me (of course the Kara who called me i did checked her facebook pictures and this Kara and the other kara's hand look so similar), and was texting me a lots...hope she will not text me anymore.
That's is funny to see this, someone name Kara, who has hands that just looks like hers texts me few times regards this issues, and told me to back off, or will not say because of privacy ....

Even offered to help me buy new bird. I felt something was up. Kara Redd's hands looks a lots like the other kara...that called me (of course the Kara who called me i did checked her facebook pictures and this Kara and the other kara's hand look so similar), and was texting me a lots...hope she will not text me anymore.

Here another. If you going to fake review yourself the very least you can do is change the wording and styling and not make it obviously?

Sara Sarrantos 5.00 / 5.00
Seminole, Florida
Ana was very professional and out of all breeders she has a gorgeous High Quality Bird Shoppe In PA.. I bought a African grey and a rose breasted cockatoo from her.. She shipped through delta and all birds are disease tested tame and healthy
All this is crazy, but if we only talk and not take action nothing will happen...if any one here is, are, were hurt some how, or know the birds are in danger, need to report for BBB, Attorney General and also this site:

I going to need any proof like receipts, text messages, when you received the bird, conversation related to the transaction, plenty of pictures, vet reports. you have you can PM me. Also a good idea to PM EllenD.

I can't just do fake reports, or reviews as you can get into a lot of legal trouble, even as much as I don't care for theses people, has to be done correctly. I do have friends in U.S. Fish and Wildlife and FAA. If they even take it on but can try, but need as much info related to the transaction as possible?

EllenD is in your area and think she has connections as well, so your best bet as she dealt with them personally and likely from what she stated earlier, they are likely being investigated already,

The other thing you can do is take a pictures of vet report, sale receipt, travel details, cover up part of address and personal info then will be fine, you can do text conversation, just cover up phone # and upload them to imgur, copy direct link and use the picture link in forum tool and put link in, or put link in between "
" it is free. This will be way more effective as others may be able to chime in and maybe able to help, plus people can see proof as well. Just cover up part of the address and phone #. Pictures speak a thousand words and she can't dispute that then.

Here the site to upload pictures and host
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I will save all the texts will will post online.

Found how to post in this forum, the two Kara may be the same one, the Kara that was text, and called me pretend to be "friend" was indeed trying to see if I would say things. Also she kept asking for the necropsy results and I told I did not have and was true I didn't, and I did, I would tell her I would not give to her because I felt something was not right. Special because she called several time Private calling my phone is blocked for this calls, the she tried facebook, this is how I know which Kara I am talking about it, then she gave me her number, to call her back, when I google the number the number is listed in PA logic (I did not call back, she asked me later why I did not call, now they know ... this is why in case they are reading this), but she is from FL...etc...all was very fishing... special how she was so repetitive for me to back off...

First hand is from the google review, the second is from the person who was texting and who called me trying to be my FRIEND.


  • Kara - from google review .webp
    Kara - from google review .webp
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  • Kara - who was texting me.webp
    Kara - who was texting me.webp
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those are not hands- those are claws!

But the way you are being treated is really, really disturbing.

Even if no-one cares about the parrots, cyberstalking and being threatened etc. by someone owning a company that knowingly sells you (and probably a thousand others) a broken product should be of interest to the law?

The same situation happens here: the only people who get a refund are those perfectly willing and able to get the law deeply involved and have documented every single step or those who are not afraid to use violence if they feel the situation calls for it (aka: people who are bigger and badder than the seller/conmen) the rest of us (more civilized, trusting ones) only get to tell their tragic story online and are ignored by the crooks, their next victims and the law alike...
Since I started I will leave all here, in case something happened to me or my family I know you will continue this.

Kara said I need leave Ana alone, she is very powerful and can can come after my family too, this is very scared, and I did tell this to BBB, Attorney General, and I am contacting TV on this.

Kara said I will safer so my family. This is why I decided started this forum, I don't want leave in fear anymore, and I don't want get calls like Kara trying to scare me and use my family to scare me.

Yes, anyone out there who has any info please call BBB and Attorney General, USDA, ETC. I know it is very scared, I am scared too, not because of me, but because Kara said she can come after my family and it is scared. Please your silence will hurt more family out there. We don't have to know you or what happened to you, but the attorney General need ASAP hear from you.

What I am doing is to make sure no one will never hear what I heard. The treat hurts even when they know they done wrong.
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Before Ana sent the bird to TX.webp

Bird bands - Left leg .webp

This is Coco, the bird we received and we loved him.webp

As you can see, The first was the text and I sent to make sure she would not forget which one she sold, the dark one is Coco. We noticed because when he got sick she sent the pic of the bird she said was healthy and she sent the when we looked on the band. The one she sold had the band on the left leg, and the Coco on this right leg.
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those are not hands- those are claws!

But the way you are being treated is really, really disturbing.

Even if no-one cares about the parrots, cyberstalking and being threatened etc. by someone owning a company that knowingly sells you (and probably a thousand others) a broken product should be of interest to the law?

The same situation happens here: the only people who get a refund are those perfectly willing and able to get the law deeply involved and have documented every single step or those who are not afraid to use violence if they feel the situation calls for it (aka: people who are bigger and badder than the seller/conmen) the rest of us (more civilized, trusting ones) only get to tell their tragic story online and are ignored by the crooks, their next victims and the law alike...

You are correct sometimes you have to do certain things won't say, as pretty savvy. Dealing with crooks take someone smarter then them, there is other much better ways without even having to resort to violence. Violence is only a few minutes, but damage I and others can cause last years.

Once we see some details can all maybe figure out best recourse you sure take, depending on what was stated and who we are dealing with and ETC. BTW the fact that they made threats is a plus.

These guys are idiots and don't do a good job at covering tracks, so won't be to hard. We do need details, dates and etc
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Since I started I will leave all here, in case something happened to me or my family I know you will continue this.

Kara said I need leave Ana alone, she is very powerful and can can come after my family too, this is very scared, and I did tell this to BBB, Attorney General, and I am contacting TV on this.

Kara said I will safer so my family. This is why I decided started this forum, I don't want leave in fear anymore, and I don't want get calls like Kara trying to scare me and use my family to scare me.

Yes, anyone out there who has any info please call BBB and Attorney General, USDA, ETC. I know it is very scared, I am scared too, not because of me, but because Kara said she can come after my family and it is scared. Please your silence will hurt more family out there. We don't have to know you or what happened to you, but the attorney General need ASAP hear from you.

What I am doing is to make sure no one will never hear what I heard. The treat hurts even when they know they done wrong.

It is common tactic, whatever you do don't back down. That what they want you to do. They are not that stupid and risk life in prison over a review and bad transaction. They are scammers and are trying to steal from and screw over as many as they can and your review will hurt that. Hoping that if they threaten you enough review would be removed as they did to the other 5 people that left negative reviews for them in the past. They don't know others maybe more powerful then they are. Don't let them scare you. Plus it now posted on this thread, so we will know it was them.
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If you or your family have been threatened by physical violence, contact local police to file a report. Threats of physical harm made over the internet are not taken so lightly anymore. If the threats are of the “I will ruin your life” nature but not of physical violence, you may have less options with police until they do something but would still be worth a call or stopping in to the local police station to ask. Any threat whatsoever is definitely something to document. Any attempts to actually try something like calling your boss or posting lies online about you/your family would almost certainly be illegal. Would be even better if you have documentation of the threats, such as text or email.

Do you have a lawyer involved yet? If not, now would be the time. Any advice on here is presumably not from a lawyer (I don’t think any member here is one or would be able to legally give legal advice online anyways) so given your description of the situation, this is beyond online advice and time for professional consultation. Terrible that your bird died and then this is happening.
Thanks for info.
We don't have an attorney yet, we did talked with two. But we are waiting on BBB, Attorney General and Consumer Protection investigation.

I will follow up with then. thanks

Kara was interest to learn about the necropsy results and to know what I would is the last text from Kara before I received the results:

Kara: They have baby grey at that breeder in Texas
Me: No thanks, not yet.
Kara: Ok sorry trying to help
Me: We appreciate:)
Kara: The Neo Cropsey we had done
Kara: Came back nothing and not very clear
Me: What? Yours?
Me: Sorry, Dr said that it takes to 1-3 weeks... sometime 2.
Me: We missed him very much, the girls talks about him every day
Kara: We miss ours too that’s why we got a new baby

Kara: Since I didn’t have a contract or any paperwork I pretty much screwed myself so the breeder did not replace The bird do too I did not take the bird to the vet when I first got him in all states we have to 48 hours to get Vet checked for any bacteria is diseases or anything

Just for you to know, I learn about the 3 day thing to take to the Vet after, and from Kara, I had no idea I had to take Coco to the Vet, and there was not talk about this. Coco was my first bird, and Kara is the one to tel me when she called that since we did not have contact we did not have any case...How did Kara knew we did not have contract? I did not tell her when we start the conversation, she did let me talk. Also about the 3 days, Kara said it right way. I am glad this lady did not lat me talk.

Also Kara said she is just now finishing paying the breeder in GA $ 11K because they sue her.

Plus in order to find out if bird has PDD there is a procedure to complete not just blood work...who will guess to ask veterinary to this on first visit.
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DIAGNOSIS (from necropsy results)

COMMENT (from necropsy results)
The lymphocytic and plasmacytic inflammatory infiltrates described within the gastric sections are consistent with the findings in proventricular dilatation disease (PDD). The clinical signs may vary between psittacine species but generally include; depression, weight loss, constant or intermittent regurgitation, passage of undigested seed in the feces, ataxia, abnormal head movements, seizures, and proprioceptive or motor deficits. There will be a variable distention and/or dilation of the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly noted of the proventriculus. A viral etiology is associated with PDD.

Based on our case submissions, atherosclerosis is more common in African grey parrots, Quakers, cockatiels, Amazon parrots and infrequently in cockatoos, conures, macaws and lovebirds. The average age range is 10 to 15 years.


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    Asking again about Coco's age.webp
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