Pascal, my shadow (big update!)
Long time no update!! Things have been butter smooth with Pascal. He became extremely friendly with me and my partner, and absolutely snuggly. He does seem to follow me most of the time, which I do not mind. He learned how to fly into the work room, but not really yet how to get out of the room when Csilli is calling him. What he does is that he usually cling onto a picture we had hanging above the door and sometimes he would fly down to me on recall, but not always. I am quite short compared to my partner so I cannot ask him to step up from there. If he would cling onto the door frame, no issues, I ask him to step up and send him back to the big room, or I even carry him there to his cage or his play stand. Sometimes he just goes there, stays with Csilli for 3 minutes then flies back to us to the other room...
We had to take off the picture, and I instructed my partner that if he really wants to go back to the big room he needs to learn how to, he is smart, he will figure it out.
Pascal is such an
amazing flier. (Flyer?! English is confusing me sometimes). Another thing what he started to do is when we're in the kitchen and he is on his other stand, eating, and if I leave the kitchen he is bound to follow. He learned to exit the kitchen into the dark hallway. I slow down in the hallway and wait for him, he flies, but has nowhere to land, and he still didn't learn where to go from the kitchen yet. So, I stand there and in a second offer him my finger to land onto, which he does!! He find it in a second, and lands there. It is so amazing to me the reflexes this bird has.
He has a new response when he doesn't want to step up. Before, he would flee and move away, but now... he.. just doesn't budge. I can press onto him as much as I want and he will not budge at all. Or he will start rubbing his head onto my finger to get head scratches. I cannot be mad at him

Much better than biting, honestly. I usually ask him to step up if I know he will follow me out of the room, if he doesn't step up, that's okay, he will follow then.
Another good thing is he doesn't shout after me much. At least not that super loud annoying shouting he can do. Instead he starts making certain squeaks and noises which can get annoying after a while, but nothing too bothersome. It's usually his way of saying he wants something. He will do it if he is caged and really wants to get out.
Sometimes when he becomes too bothersome and needy I do cage him (I mean, the cage is HUGE for a single bird). He will complain, but what can I do there. He does calm down after a while. Once he is calm, he gets attention and my home made nutriberry.
Another thing I have noticed is how playful Pascal has become and often wants to meddle with whatever I am doing. If I am writing, there he is. Eating, there he is, he also has to eat. Drawing, that pencil is his now. Trying to take a picture of him while he is being cute, nope, time to destroy my phone case. He adores chasing my phone case. He isn't aggressive, just very playful. Often I have to hide my phone from the table just so he doesn't destroy it

He likes jumping around my table and exploring, if I am typing on the keyboard, he MUST check it out what is doing all these sounds.
In the evening he is the absolute cutest. He loves sitting in my hand and just puffing up and being a ball of fluff and love. Getting head scratches, absolutely melting. He will allow it only in the working room, for some reason he doesn't like being held in the big room, no idea why. He lets me grab him if he is perching, and often I will see by his body language if it is okay or not. He will lean to the side if he is not wanting to be held at all. But in evenings, he can stay super calm for hours, just grinding his beak and being cute, or preening. My hand usually just gets numb. My friend asked me how to I manage to keep my hand in one position for such a long time, honestly, I do a lot of crazy things for love.... So I just suck it up.
He still does has his crazy hours where he alone has no idea what he wants to do. He would keep going from one room to another and kind of just making troubled sounds and what not, as if he is searching for something. He sounds very nervous and I have no clue what he really wants that moment. Neither does he, truth be told. Those are the cases where he goes to the cage if he doesn't calm down within 30 minutes.
I never imagined that this bird which I got 8 months ago, a completely wild bird, terrified of humans would become my new best bud, or at least on an excellent way becoming one. We started calling him "the palm bird" as he loves sitting in my palm. He didn't forget he is a bird, he often will go and check on Csilli and stay with her, and they will preen each other, sometimes even feed each other. I let them be together (supervised) as they're birds, they need each other. Fly together, shred toys together, bath together, preen or simply destroy together my clock and other furniture.