Adventures of Pascal the little rascal

here is a bonus drawing off pascal i did a few days ago
it didnt load
I LOVE the simplicity of this one!!! Pascal approves!!! Reminds me of pop-art which I LOVE!

I know I also tried to re-create this exact picture but LORD he has such difficult patterns and completely different feather type compared to other species!! It is still sitting on my computer, unfinished. Pascal, why do you have such difficult feather patterns?! My colourful sock muppet, why?!
I LOVE the simplicity of this one!!! Pascal approves!!! Reminds me of pop-art which I LOVE!

I know I also tried to re-create this exact picture but LORD he has such difficult patterns and completely different feather type compared to other species!! It is still sitting on my computer, unfinished. Pascal, why do you have such difficult feather patterns?! My colourful sock muppet, why?!

HA took me freaking HOURRSS to make the feathers and heck it doesnt look like pacsal that much
atleast i tried ;)
Limitless energy

I cannot think of a better title today. I'm quite exhausted in the past few weeks, mentally and physically. I do my best to keep up with life, and to keep up with the birds. I had quite a few events in the past weeks, with my job, keeping up with my SFX makeup classes that I enrolled this year, and also some other stuff.

Pascal seems to have strong mood swings, like any other bird. One moment he's shouting his head off because the other blue bird flew to the other side of the room, full 4 meters away (HOW DARE SHE.), shouting his head off because we're interacting with the same budgie (HOW DARE WE.), shouting because I want to watch a movie (UNHEARD OF, REALLY.), and then there are moments where he's an absolute angel. He got this new thing where in the other (work) room in the evening he just.... snuggles. And I mean that word. He'll sit on our finger and demand we shroud him with our palm, and will lean into our palm to stay warm. Sometimes he'll stay like that for 15-20 minutes or so, just fluffing up and blinking slowly. He's very comfortable then. Often I cannot do anything on the computer because he's so demanding to be snuggled. But Lord forbid to snuggle if there's more light in the room. Or if Csilli is calling from the other room. Or to snuggle in the big room, where his cages are. I realised that his cage is really his safe spot, and will try to avoid at all costs to sit with us if his cage is there. In the work room, he'll be super calm if he's right with us. But even after those minutes of snuggling (After switching from me to my partner) he does get agitated and is crying like a baby to go back to the other room. So, we let him go back. Obviously so he can pester Csilli which she hates in the late evenings.

When I see he is shouting his head off and not letting me work in peace, I have to take a break just to recall train him, let him fly. He's really good at it now. He learned to land on my hand very quickly, even if it was presented a second ago while he was mid flight. This happens by pure accidents when I see he freaks out from something, and he has no idea where to land, I offer my finger and there he is.
And his flight from high up to go low down is terrific as well. He doesn't seem to have trouble with that. I offer my finger like 20 cm from the ground, almost next to the wardrobe where he is, and he does fly down to me, onto the finger as he should. That's amazing, I think!

He's just sooo spunky lately and seems to have infinite energy. He really cannot sit still for more than 10 minutes during day. Heck, I said it too much, 5 minutes maximum. I just cannot keep up with that energy :'D

On another note, Pascal seems to had a little accident last week!! We've seen that he had a puncture like wound on his lower beak, I already freaked out he pierced through the skin which is under the beak as well. But no, the skin was untouched! He just had that puncture wound, and the skin was clear and ok. No blood was visible either. We're thinking maybe Csilli got him somehow?
Since it was weekend, no vets were available, but I did contact an acquaintance who regularly assists in bird surgeries, and while he did suggest to have it checked by a vet if possible, it did not seem urgent at all, seeing how normally Pascal behaved. . By pure luck, he had no issues eating, if anything, he was very active, eat and drink like a horse like always, and still enjoying chewing on his toys (including my fingers...). Already by Monday there was a lot of improvements, instead of the red wound it was already pinkish and was healing well. Still is healing well, the skin is healthy looking. A week later now, the wound is hard to spot now, so I guess it's safe now. We did use a sort of a iodine solution (I don't know exactly what it is, but it's given by the vet for any wounds on the birds, my partner knows this much better as he got it). This bird never gives me a break...!!!

I'm the Boss!!

Or if you ask me, a ..control freak, mayhaps.

Reason why I got a conure, especially the smaller Pyrrhura species is because they are quieter and their screech is not as loud as a GCC's. Seems Pascal just loves to defy that, he simply must be an exception there. Now that Csilli (the blue budgie) finally woke up from her last 2 month of depressive episodes, she is energetic and flying once more. And for some reason, Pascal ALWAYS shouts in an alarming voice whenever Csilli takes flight. Not even to the other room, just 3 meters away from the cage. I fully understand this is what birds do, but Lord! It does seem excessive! I learned that Pascal has few of his different shouts, like: "ALARM, THERE IS A BIRD OUTSIDE, I AM SCARED", "Blue bird, where are you?!", "Hoomans, Where did you go?!", "I'm bored!", "I am a BIG bird, this is MY PLACE!". Now, for some reason, whenever the budgie is flying or away from him, he doesn't use that contact call that much, but more like this alarming KEKEKEKE shout, which is.. quite loud. But he also for some reason answers absolutely everything with shouting. The budgie chirps cutely, he shouts. Budgie moves 5 inches away, he shouts! I go to other room.... You guessed. ...Shouts sometimes, but not excessively in that case. He simply seems to be afraid or I just don't get his message. Afraid from what exactly? The budgie always flies to exactly the same places where he does, the top of the furniture, high up. Why is he always giving that alarming sound when even both of them are in flight? Jealousy maybe? Oh, speaking of jealousy, he is SO jealous when we play and whistle to the blue bird! But jealous of who exactly- I'm not even sure yet... He won't go and attack anyone, but is sort of trying to push his way through closer.

But aside of his shouting, I must say he is a true cuddlebug lately. He learned to sit on the finger and being shrouded by the other palm. He adores it. Sure, there are evenings when he really doesn't feel like it, perhaps has to do with my cold hands too. But he sure is always open for cuddles when my hands are warm, like today. He would stay cuddled for nearly 20 minutes or more, preen himself comfortably, keep his tiny footsie tucked in, and almost falling asleep (together with me).... so precious!!! Too bad we cannot take a picture, as soon as he sees a phone or a camera he immediately wants to jump on it, hence no pictures. He gets too hyped up when he sees my phone, hah. Simply cannot get a good shot anymore!
Yesterday I was thinking - for some reason he always wanted to cuddle ONLY in the working room, where the lights are dimmer rather than in the big room, not even next to his cage. Couldn't really put my finger on, but he seems to love his cage. It is his safe place, and I guess in the other room, our hands are the safe place...but in the big room, his cage is safer than our hands, so no cuddling there. Until today, he happily snuggled in my hand while I was sitting next to his cage. Too bad I cannot sit IN the couch for him to relax too.... But soon enough, I hope!

So yeah, aside of the excessive shouting lately, he is a real angel. ...With more exceptions.
Pascal, my shadow (big update!)

Long time no update!! Things have been butter smooth with Pascal. He became extremely friendly with me and my partner, and absolutely snuggly. He does seem to follow me most of the time, which I do not mind. He learned how to fly into the work room, but not really yet how to get out of the room when Csilli is calling him. What he does is that he usually cling onto a picture we had hanging above the door and sometimes he would fly down to me on recall, but not always. I am quite short compared to my partner so I cannot ask him to step up from there. If he would cling onto the door frame, no issues, I ask him to step up and send him back to the big room, or I even carry him there to his cage or his play stand. Sometimes he just goes there, stays with Csilli for 3 minutes then flies back to us to the other room...
We had to take off the picture, and I instructed my partner that if he really wants to go back to the big room he needs to learn how to, he is smart, he will figure it out.

Pascal is such an amazing flier. (Flyer?! English is confusing me sometimes). Another thing what he started to do is when we're in the kitchen and he is on his other stand, eating, and if I leave the kitchen he is bound to follow. He learned to exit the kitchen into the dark hallway. I slow down in the hallway and wait for him, he flies, but has nowhere to land, and he still didn't learn where to go from the kitchen yet. So, I stand there and in a second offer him my finger to land onto, which he does!! He find it in a second, and lands there. It is so amazing to me the reflexes this bird has.

He has a new response when he doesn't want to step up. Before, he would flee and move away, but now... he.. just doesn't budge. I can press onto him as much as I want and he will not budge at all. Or he will start rubbing his head onto my finger to get head scratches. I cannot be mad at him :D Much better than biting, honestly. I usually ask him to step up if I know he will follow me out of the room, if he doesn't step up, that's okay, he will follow then.
Another good thing is he doesn't shout after me much. At least not that super loud annoying shouting he can do. Instead he starts making certain squeaks and noises which can get annoying after a while, but nothing too bothersome. It's usually his way of saying he wants something. He will do it if he is caged and really wants to get out.

Sometimes when he becomes too bothersome and needy I do cage him (I mean, the cage is HUGE for a single bird). He will complain, but what can I do there. He does calm down after a while. Once he is calm, he gets attention and my home made nutriberry.

Another thing I have noticed is how playful Pascal has become and often wants to meddle with whatever I am doing. If I am writing, there he is. Eating, there he is, he also has to eat. Drawing, that pencil is his now. Trying to take a picture of him while he is being cute, nope, time to destroy my phone case. He adores chasing my phone case. He isn't aggressive, just very playful. Often I have to hide my phone from the table just so he doesn't destroy it :D He likes jumping around my table and exploring, if I am typing on the keyboard, he MUST check it out what is doing all these sounds.

In the evening he is the absolute cutest. He loves sitting in my hand and just puffing up and being a ball of fluff and love. Getting head scratches, absolutely melting. He will allow it only in the working room, for some reason he doesn't like being held in the big room, no idea why. He lets me grab him if he is perching, and often I will see by his body language if it is okay or not. He will lean to the side if he is not wanting to be held at all. But in evenings, he can stay super calm for hours, just grinding his beak and being cute, or preening. My hand usually just gets numb. My friend asked me how to I manage to keep my hand in one position for such a long time, honestly, I do a lot of crazy things for love.... So I just suck it up.

He still does has his crazy hours where he alone has no idea what he wants to do. He would keep going from one room to another and kind of just making troubled sounds and what not, as if he is searching for something. He sounds very nervous and I have no clue what he really wants that moment. Neither does he, truth be told. Those are the cases where he goes to the cage if he doesn't calm down within 30 minutes.

I never imagined that this bird which I got 8 months ago, a completely wild bird, terrified of humans would become my new best bud, or at least on an excellent way becoming one. We started calling him "the palm bird" as he loves sitting in my palm. He didn't forget he is a bird, he often will go and check on Csilli and stay with her, and they will preen each other, sometimes even feed each other. I let them be together (supervised) as they're birds, they need each other. Fly together, shred toys together, bath together, preen or simply destroy together my clock and other furniture.
Almost 1 year with the rascal

My Gosh, it has been QUITE a while since I have wrote on Pascal's thread.

Very Veryyy soon his first "gotcha day" is creeping soon, in like what... 2 weeks?! Time flies sooo fast. I can hardly believe the huge change in just one year!!!

When I first got him, he was a completely wild thing. A parent raised aviary bird who was terrified of people. I still do not know what exactly drawn me to him, I guess because his beauty. I never imagined how spunky he really was. There were other gorgeous Green cheeks, who even clinged to the front while everyone else escaped to the back, including Pascal. I've seen that Pascal was picked on by other birds, meanwhile his sibling was tightly attached to a crimson bellied who was twice their size.

I don't regret getting him, but I do regret even the thoughts of rehoming him during our tough times.

For those who didn't read my novels of posts in this thread, Pascal was immediately attached to our budgie from the beginning which made very hard to tame him. Only around the 6 month mark he started accepting me and my partner, and we finally started living in harmony all together. From there, step by step, he became more and more tame.

Currently he loves sitting in our hand and being cuddled, especially in the evening or early morning. His overall diet improved, he is more and more inquisitive and brave. He is a handful to have, a troublemaker but an absolute joy to have. Oh and, uh, VERY messy. I never thought 53 grams of spunk can be SO messy...
Also lately he became very vocal too, I guess because spring is coming. I ordered myself some special ear plugs with which you can still hear everything around you, but takes off the harsh edge of high pitched sounds/noises. I am sure it will be perfect to keep me sane during his vocal periods.

Shall we do blood check?
In two weeks (on his gotcha day) we will go to the vet for his annual check up. We are still contemplating whether we should do a blood check up as well. I am fearing the most if he has maybe some liver issues, as I did find a single bright yellow feather on his nape, and I noticed some bronze hue of his feathers on the back overall. I am not even sure if it is meant to be that way or not, and it worries the heck out of me! Generally he is already on low fat diet, and he dislikes eating milk thistle seeds as they are bit hard and tricky to open. But, we shall see with the doc, as they even suggested doing xray too since we're doing an absolute huge checkup. And if we will even do that, he will have to be sedated, so maybe we can take a blood sample too. I just want to make sure he's okay and adjust any dietary needs if necessary.

Also the little rascal might need a beak trim! Never in my life I needed any of my birds to take for a beak trim! But he just doesn't chew on the wood at all, if anything, he will chew on the cage bars which deformed his beak quite a bit now. His beak looks so weirdly wonky now and needs to be adjusted before it becomes a bigger problem. As for his nails, well... he takes it care of himself. Also he's very often on his perches and doing all kinds of acrobatic stuff so his nails are always the right length.

So, that's it for now, we're alive and well, having bit of a hard period due to the crazy things happening around the world.

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