Oh look, the blue neighbour is back!!
Yes, the blue little budgie has been put back to her place, in her new cage, right next to Pascal. I was quite nervous about this, that Pascal will go fully wild again. But to my surprise, Pascal remained quite tame as much as he was. I mean, he likes hanging onto Csilli's cage, but not so obsessively. Pascal still loves to get some headscratches from me, and also is muuuuch more ready to step up to me from her cage, comparison to before. It's been now 2-3 days and so far so good. During day Pascal wants to hang out with Csilli (while she's in the cage), often I have lunch and dinner with Pascal in the kitchen, and in the evenings he likes me being close and snuggling him while he's perched on his cage. Yesterday I was gone for most of the day, and I arrived late in the evening. Pascal was soooooo snuggly, as my partner likes to say, he's almost like a butter.
However, Csilli just got.... so much louder. Shouting ALL the time. For pure attention. I gave her an awful nickname "vermin" as she keeps destroying the furniture (the wooden picture frames, my 150 year old grandfather's wooden clock, the shelves...), and worst of it Pascal loves to pick those aaaawful habits. I cannot believe that such a tiny budgie can be SO misbehaving. And that shouting. Lord. It's funny because Pascal will rarely go into shouting fits, and when he does, it is 5 minutes and done, with all kinds of twists and accents to his shouting. Csilli will just go on and on with her super loud shouting (barking). I dare to say that her shouting is much more annoying with a higher pitch than Pascal's. And that Pascal likes to "Answer" the shouting with his own shouting. And then I have a shoutfest all day while I work and it makes so hard to focus on work. Heck, even Pascal gets tired after a while and goes to eat, but Csilli keeps shouting all the time. If I let her out, she just goes out to destroy the furniture, as she knows she will get my reaction. I am already starting to be at loss with her. (Csilli hijacked Pascal's tread, hahah.) I cannot stand by her cage all the time, and she is too scared to come to me while I'm working, 2 meters away from her.
Other than Csilli being a loud obnoxious destructible blueberry, Pascal is doing really really well. I am super happy with him. Proud of him, if I may say. I do feel bit shameful that I do prefer my own bird, but what can I do. I am just afraid of the budgie destroying Pascal's good habits personality. I don't want again a bird who shouts for attention, or who destroys my furniture. She is such a bad influence, lol! Csilli wasn't such a bad influence before. It's beginning of fall here - I have no idea, maybe it's hormone time for budgies??? Pascal is way over being hormonal, he really calmed down, so it's weird to see the budgie acting like this. (I really had enough of her, my nerves are really thin already from getting off my antidepressants and the birds aren't making it easier!! So, Csilli ended up on the balcony now, she can shout and annoy my neighbours for all I care. And that bit of sunshine ain't bad for her, either.)
I know I might be ranting a lot, but LORD I need to get it out somehow

I understand Csilli is under a change again and she is probably trying to get used to it now too, since she was moved back to the big room with Pascal. She doesn't necessarily shout after him, but rather for our attention!! So weird. I hope she
chills down. And accepts that none of them can be out and free all the time, at the same time. Few hours Pascal gets to be out, few hours Csilli does. Pascal has a very big cage/aviary so it's not much of an issue if he's closed all day, but now Csilli has a big enough cage that she can flap her wings in it, heck, I've seen her
fly in place in mid of the cage.
SO, back to Pascal. He's still sort of moulting, and his new feathers look muuuuuch better than before! He almost dropped all of the old tail feathers (they looked awful, damaged and frayed) and the new ones look so gorgeous. Much as I could catch a glimpse of he might have a very slight signs of stress bars on the middle new tail feather, but it's barely visible, maybe I'm imagining things. Even my vet said it might take a moult or two until all signs are gone after improved diet. At least there is no discolouration, even his new back and wing feathers are in perfect condition, I am very happy.
When I got Pascal, his droppings were very loose, and I had to keep giving him probiotics for around a month or more. Now much as I see his droppings looks much better, so I think once I get enough money I could send the droppings for a check-up if the levels of the good bacteria is back to normal. I really hope so.
He's still quite energetic, always either preening, snuggling against my finger or playing with his toys. Or doing 2-3 tricks he knows to get treats
And this wouldn't be a Pascal post without a picture of the little rascal