Adventures of Pascal the little rascal

Parrots are like people sometimes, adaptable and able to make changes with thought behind it. Birdy thought, but thoughts none the less. With perseverance, Rascal will learn to leave the budgie alone. Re trick training, I;ve found that the more they learn, the easier it becomes to teach new tricks. Almost like they expect to learn new things when training time comes around. And their behavior changes too. Salty used to do this trick where he picks out the requested animal from among a collection of small hard rubber ones I have. Birds, a bear, a lamb, a horse, and other small objects. He used to do this with great success, but recently he had grown very hesitant and afraid of these little figures. We are working to re-acclimatize him to them. No idea why this started, from out of nowhere. thanks for posting Rascal''s continuing story!
Parrots are like people sometimes, adaptable and able to make changes with thought behind it. Birdy thought, but thoughts none the less. With perseverance, Rascal will learn to leave the budgie alone. Re trick training, I;ve found that the more they learn, the easier it becomes to teach new tricks. Almost like they expect to learn new things when training time comes around. And their behavior changes too. Salty used to do this trick where he picks out the requested animal from among a collection of small hard rubber ones I have. Birds, a bear, a lamb, a horse, and other small objects. He used to do this with great success, but recently he had grown very hesitant and afraid of these little figures. We are working to re-acclimatize him to them. No idea why this started, from out of nowhere. thanks for posting Rascal''s continuing story!
That is so sweet, and what a smart Salty to recognize the animals!! Yeah, birds will be birds, for sure, with their random fears. It's true that sometimes he has to "re-learn" some tricks, and that sometimes he preffer one trick over the other throughout a period. For example before he would wave and spin endlessly to get a treat, but now he willingly is flying low onto my hand instead. I'm kind of out of ideas what certain tricks to teach him as Pascal is afraid of many things. I tried with "give me the ball" but instead I taught him by accident to just throw the ball down onto the floor *facepalm*. Currently working to get rid of his fear of the couch, so far so good, except he is now actively searching for the high quality pellet there! (Harrison's is normal food... For him it is a treat, apparently.)
And thank you for the encouragement, I also am keeping positive that he will calm down a bit later. If anything, yesterday I could scratch his little head while he was on her cage! (Yes, I let them see each other for half an hour)
Life goes on smoothly

I still cannot believe that I was about to let go of this little fella. Give this perfect little ball of fluff to someone else. I am so glad we changed our mind and gave the two birds a new chance.

SO. So far, so good. Csilli is super happy and comfy with her new cage in the other room. Because it's on it's own stand, we can freely move it whenever it is needed. She spends most of her time with my Partner during worktime (we work from home). I work in the other room where Pascal is.

The little mesh with magnetic clips down the middle is working perfectly, as intended. Pascal cannot go in, he will often just fly onto the top of the net but not really trying to get in (yet). It has been more than 3-4 weeks I believe, and it is working perfectly, really. Exactly what I wanted. To my surprise I see that he will mostly spend time with me in the room. He is free to fly onto the mesh whenever he wants. He does it seldom. However if I am in the small room with Csilli, there is a MUCH higher chance he will follow so that we're all there together. I guess I am part of the flock! :D I see that he sometimes has days where he is a bit braver. For example, I can put him on the couch, or even he will hop onto the couch if he thinks he will get a treat. I could even put him down on the floor! I have seen him only once in my life actually flying onto the floor by him self, and that was when he thought that eating pellets from a bowl is boring, so he spread that stuff all across the floor and went right for it. Also, sometimes I let him be in the same room where Csilli is. He is glued to her cage, but at least he is not making any problems. He just wants to be close. He will even accept head scratches while sitting on the cage. And will step up to me while on her cage so I can take him out of the room when needed. Ofcourse, the budgie stays inside the cage if he is "visiting".

Also there was a mystery thing that happened. He has a tiny plastic cup with hooks for treats, sometimes I put his favourite pellets inside if he was a good boy. I often leave big door from the cage open, so it looks like a bridge between the cage and the couch. Often he sits on the corner of that door to get treats or some headscratches. Now, once I was in the kitchen most of the time, and I came back only to see the small plastic cup, empty, on the edge of the door, on the same spot where he sits when I'm on the couch. It was so funny for me - did he really wanted to let me know that he wanted those pellets?? I must point out that I was home alone that day...

Also, poor thing is full of pin feathers. Luckily he lets me take care of them. In the evening he is sooooo ultra snuggly. One evening he was SO snuggly, that he wanted me to have my hand wrapped around him, which he usually hates and never lets me do. He was so relaxed that I could pick him right up! He NEVER let me hold him, him being so relaxed. Before I push my luck even further I gently put him back, that is when he realised "oh my Lord, she HELD ME, I better go away!!!" so he scurried to his safe and favourite perch. I am still hoping that one day he lets me hold him again....

So slooowly he seems more trusting. It has been more than 5 months since I got him, and he seems to be settling just right. He has his own routine, he accepts some changes well. If I must catch him for whatever reason, he doesn't sulk for too long, actually he hapilly hops closer for a headscratch. He lets me pet him only when he is high up somewhere OR when he is in his cage. Sadly, he doesn't want to step up at all these days, but I guess that is my fault as I hadn't been training with him so much. I guess he has his reasons why he doesn't want to step up.

On a side note - I am broke. Like, really broke, pennyless. I am seriously thinking to start doing some commissions for people, cartoons of their birds. I love drawing cartoony stuff, and birds are my fave to do, just thinking of a style what would be apropriate and what people might like. I will share some of my sketches/drawings and would like some feedback so I can adjust and get started. Unfortunately Csilli's cage, my recent illness broke my bank terribly so I must find new solutions/new income...

Also, it wouldn't be an update without picture of Pascal. :D
Sometimes you have to go right up to the edge in a relationship to fully assess and make the choice to reaffirm commitment! So happy you found a solution keeping Pascal and Csilli separated.

Pascal allowing you to groom his pin feathers a very positive reinforcement of his love for you. Not simply performing a service, it must done gently to avoid damage or pain. He surely trusts you, hopefully next step is increased cuddling and allowing you to hold him.

You're definitely on the right track with Pascal, I wish you better financial fortunes!!
Sometimes you have to go right up to the edge in a relationship to fully assess and make the choice to reaffirm commitment! So happy you found a solution keeping Pascal and Csilli separated.

Pascal allowing you to groom his pin feathers a very positive reinforcement of his love for you. Not simply performing a service, it must done gently to avoid damage or pain. He surely trusts you, hopefully next step is increased cuddling and allowing you to hold him.

You're definitely on the right track with Pascal, I wish you better financial fortunes!!
You wouldn't believe but he actually was resting with me for well over an hour today, I've put him on my knee while I was resting and I've placed my hand so it stays next to him, he looooves gettint those scratches. After a while he just settled his butt on my hand and rested like that. It was soooo cute. My partner snapped a few pictures!


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Oh look, the blue neighbour is back!!

Yes, the blue little budgie has been put back to her place, in her new cage, right next to Pascal. I was quite nervous about this, that Pascal will go fully wild again. But to my surprise, Pascal remained quite tame as much as he was. I mean, he likes hanging onto Csilli's cage, but not so obsessively. Pascal still loves to get some headscratches from me, and also is muuuuch more ready to step up to me from her cage, comparison to before. It's been now 2-3 days and so far so good. During day Pascal wants to hang out with Csilli (while she's in the cage), often I have lunch and dinner with Pascal in the kitchen, and in the evenings he likes me being close and snuggling him while he's perched on his cage. Yesterday I was gone for most of the day, and I arrived late in the evening. Pascal was soooooo snuggly, as my partner likes to say, he's almost like a butter.

However, Csilli just got.... so much louder. Shouting ALL the time. For pure attention. I gave her an awful nickname "vermin" as she keeps destroying the furniture (the wooden picture frames, my 150 year old grandfather's wooden clock, the shelves...), and worst of it Pascal loves to pick those aaaawful habits. I cannot believe that such a tiny budgie can be SO misbehaving. And that shouting. Lord. It's funny because Pascal will rarely go into shouting fits, and when he does, it is 5 minutes and done, with all kinds of twists and accents to his shouting. Csilli will just go on and on with her super loud shouting (barking). I dare to say that her shouting is much more annoying with a higher pitch than Pascal's. And that Pascal likes to "Answer" the shouting with his own shouting. And then I have a shoutfest all day while I work and it makes so hard to focus on work. Heck, even Pascal gets tired after a while and goes to eat, but Csilli keeps shouting all the time. If I let her out, she just goes out to destroy the furniture, as she knows she will get my reaction. I am already starting to be at loss with her. (Csilli hijacked Pascal's tread, hahah.) I cannot stand by her cage all the time, and she is too scared to come to me while I'm working, 2 meters away from her.

Other than Csilli being a loud obnoxious destructible blueberry, Pascal is doing really really well. I am super happy with him. Proud of him, if I may say. I do feel bit shameful that I do prefer my own bird, but what can I do. I am just afraid of the budgie destroying Pascal's good habits personality. I don't want again a bird who shouts for attention, or who destroys my furniture. She is such a bad influence, lol! Csilli wasn't such a bad influence before. It's beginning of fall here - I have no idea, maybe it's hormone time for budgies??? Pascal is way over being hormonal, he really calmed down, so it's weird to see the budgie acting like this. (I really had enough of her, my nerves are really thin already from getting off my antidepressants and the birds aren't making it easier!! So, Csilli ended up on the balcony now, she can shout and annoy my neighbours for all I care. And that bit of sunshine ain't bad for her, either.)

I know I might be ranting a lot, but LORD I need to get it out somehow :D I understand Csilli is under a change again and she is probably trying to get used to it now too, since she was moved back to the big room with Pascal. She doesn't necessarily shout after him, but rather for our attention!! So weird. I hope she chills down. And accepts that none of them can be out and free all the time, at the same time. Few hours Pascal gets to be out, few hours Csilli does. Pascal has a very big cage/aviary so it's not much of an issue if he's closed all day, but now Csilli has a big enough cage that she can flap her wings in it, heck, I've seen her fly in place in mid of the cage.


SO, back to Pascal. He's still sort of moulting, and his new feathers look muuuuuch better than before! He almost dropped all of the old tail feathers (they looked awful, damaged and frayed) and the new ones look so gorgeous. Much as I could catch a glimpse of he might have a very slight signs of stress bars on the middle new tail feather, but it's barely visible, maybe I'm imagining things. Even my vet said it might take a moult or two until all signs are gone after improved diet. At least there is no discolouration, even his new back and wing feathers are in perfect condition, I am very happy.
When I got Pascal, his droppings were very loose, and I had to keep giving him probiotics for around a month or more. Now much as I see his droppings looks much better, so I think once I get enough money I could send the droppings for a check-up if the levels of the good bacteria is back to normal. I really hope so.
He's still quite energetic, always either preening, snuggling against my finger or playing with his toys. Or doing 2-3 tricks he knows to get treats :D

And this wouldn't be a Pascal post without a picture of the little rascal :)

And oh, I forgot to mention that this colourful sock muppet took a dump in my coffee today. The audacity.
Interesting dynamic placing Csilli adjacent to Pascal. Perhaps separation created new paradigm?

Lol "vermin." Some folks suggest birds as "flying rodents!"
And oh, I forgot to mention that this colourful sock muppet took a dump in my coffee today. The audacity.
Stir five times and you'll never know lol. :LOL:🤣😂
Coffee cup remark made me spew mine all over the screen. So typical, like they just know!!
I have no idea how he does it. First i find poop on the CEILING (I know it's his) and now my coffee. Seriously!!
Stir five times and you'll never know lol. :LOL:🤣😂
Good thing I heard it, otherwise I'd have a nasty surprise by the near end of finishing my drink!
I love this thread. Hmmm... it really *IS* a catchy, rhyme-y title. Maybe I should consider renaming the Rb Scrapbook to "Rickeybird the Ickeybird"!

Interesting dynamic placing Csilli adjacent to Pascal. Perhaps separation created new paradigm?

Lol "vermin." Some folks suggest birds as "flying rodents!"
Honestly, I didn't want to put her there, but it was always her place. There would be another spot in the room, but we are way too afraid of the draft as that window is always open, as much as I ranted about her, I still do care quite a lot for her, Don't want our fatty blue ball get sick!
But if Pascal is misbehaving while on her cage, one certain sentence is enough him to hop back onto his cage, or simply to perch and stay calm. "What did I tell you" on Croatian does wonders, it seems.
Coffee cup remark made me spew mine all over the screen. So typical, like they just know!!
Don't tell this to Salty, I don't want him to get new ideas and leave you nasty surprises!
You givin' up?

Yes Pascal, you win. I give up.

My happiness and hope was quite short lived, it seems. I have simply come to the point where I must accept that Pascal will always be that little wild child who's strongly bonded to our budgie.
We had to separate the two (again) for couple of days as Csilli was so destructive, as if both of them got hot chilli stuck up their bums.

However, we did not put back the netting on the door frame, me stupid thinking "hey, Pascal is more tame, at least he's stepping up". Well, months of my hard work pretty much went into the murky waters within days. He stopped wanting to do anything with me, no stepping up, absolutely no snuggling, his one and only aim was how to get to the blue bird (Also I solved Csilli's issue with being destructible, she just needed some wooden blocks attached in her cage that don't dangle).
I simply give up. I must let them be. At least they're not nipping at each other's feet, that's something. I let them be together now. They love preening each other, I cannot separate the two. Csilli is much more tolerable now of Pascal, and Pascal seems to respect Csilli's boundries too.

It's a sad and gloomy day for me. I wanted a feathered companion so badly, and stupid me went to buy something from an aviary, a wild bird. It was a unique, perfect temperament, not loud, doesn't bite....but wild. What was I expecting? Of course that Pascal immediately got attached to Csilli. At least Csilli still likes me and my partner, few clicks and whistles and there she is, demanding kisses at her door. Even that's something I guess.

I still cannot get over the loss of Zeleni. I really wished to go this autumn to visit him once more but the news just....broke me. My life long companion is simply....gone. Forever. I don't get to hold him, or kiss him one last time. I feel so bitter, and I must contain my bitterness towards Pascal. I cannot expect anything from him, a wild animal.

I am not sure what to do. My partner suggested taking Csilli to his mother who has the sennie, but I strictly forbid it for numerous of reasons. I will not have the blood on my hands if anything happens to Csilli. She will not go anywhere. It wouldn't solve anything.

My heartache is that I had so much hope in Pascal. He was so sweet, so cute, rather tame. Always being near me while working, even having lunch with us. Now all of that is gone, cause there's "a new bird in town", his number one love. I am not sure how to feel knowing that I must keep him like that for the next 10 years at least, him not giving a rat's bum for any of us around. He also stopped stepping up during training, forget the recalls. He has gone backwards. I am fighting with myself, I do not wish to rehome AGAIN. I saved quite a handful of birds, but I had enough of finding them a new home. I had enough of letting them go because they had their own needs.

I feel like a terrible person. I am not sure what to do. I adore the little colourful sock muppet. but I keep questioning my self if I am okay with being his slave. Cleaning daily, giving food, making toys, spending money, if I don't get anything in return. Will he be happy like that? What would happen when Csilli passes away from old age, what will happen to him? Did I make the mistake of choosing an aviary bred bird? Should I let go, and quit the whole parrot thing, just stick to the forever shy and scared Csilli? Do I simply wait for another 5-10 years until we inherit Aina (the senegal)? I have so many questions going around my head, and knowing me, I usually want to solve things ASAP. I want answers NOW, and that's... pretty bad with me.
I thought I had things in control - seems I don't. Not to mention I cannot adopt more birds at this moment, I simply do not have the space, funds nor the time to take care of 3 (future 4) birds at once. I even thought of getting him a friend, but I must keep in mind "never get a friend for your bird" as you never know if they might like each other. If they don't, again I must get ANOTHER cage, ANOTHER visit to the vet, etc.
I'm not lashing out at him in any way. I just...let him be. Even before anything happened, he started avoiding me heavily. He suddenly started being afraid of me, even though nothing happened. It's the usual thing, if Csilli is not around, he's fine and okay, quite tame, but as soon he's in contact with her, I don't exist, I am the evil predator who's out here to eat him. I think I just let them be like that, No matter what I do, he always falls back. By New year I must decide what should I do, I need to give extra time. Is there any improvement while they are together. I have Pascal now for 6 months, and him always, and I mean always falling back like as from the first month, oh hell no. If there was no improvement at all, I would have a more clear answer, but like this, where he clearly shows he can be tame but as if the butt simply chooses not to.

I stop the rant here, I have to accept things as they are.
You givin' up?

Yes Pascal, you win. I give up.

My happiness and hope was quite short lived, it seems. I have simply come to the point where I must accept that Pascal will always be that little wild child who's strongly bonded to our budgie.
We had to separate the two (again) for couple of days as Csilli was so destructive, as if both of them got hot chilli stuck up their bums.

However, we did not put back the netting on the door frame, me stupid thinking "hey, Pascal is more tame, at least he's stepping up". Well, months of my hard work pretty much went into the murky waters within days. He stopped wanting to do anything with me, no stepping up, absolutely no snuggling, his one and only aim was how to get to the blue bird (Also I solved Csilli's issue with being destructible, she just needed some wooden blocks attached in her cage that don't dangle).
I simply give up. I must let them be. At least they're not nipping at each other's feet, that's something. I let them be together now. They love preening each other, I cannot separate the two. Csilli is much more tolerable now of Pascal, and Pascal seems to respect Csilli's boundries too.

It's a sad and gloomy day for me. I wanted a feathered companion so badly, and stupid me went to buy something from an aviary, a wild bird. It was a unique, perfect temperament, not loud, doesn't bite....but wild. What was I expecting? Of course that Pascal immediately got attached to Csilli. At least Csilli still likes me and my partner, few clicks and whistles and there she is, demanding kisses at her door. Even that's something I guess.

I still cannot get over the loss of Zeleni. I really wished to go this autumn to visit him once more but the news just....broke me. My life long companion is simply....gone. Forever. I don't get to hold him, or kiss him one last time. I feel so bitter, and I must contain my bitterness towards Pascal. I cannot expect anything from him, a wild animal.

I am not sure what to do. My partner suggested taking Csilli to his mother who has the sennie, but I strictly forbid it for numerous of reasons. I will not have the blood on my hands if anything happens to Csilli. She will not go anywhere. It wouldn't solve anything.

My heartache is that I had so much hope in Pascal. He was so sweet, so cute, rather tame. Always being near me while working, even having lunch with us. Now all of that is gone, cause there's "a new bird in town", his number one love. I am not sure how to feel knowing that I must keep him like that for the next 10 years at least, him not giving a rat's bum for any of us around. He also stopped stepping up during training, forget the recalls. He has gone backwards. I am fighting with myself, I do not wish to rehome AGAIN. I saved quite a handful of birds, but I had enough of finding them a new home. I had enough of letting them go because they had their own needs.

I feel like a terrible person. I am not sure what to do. I adore the little colourful sock muppet. but I keep questioning my self if I am okay with being his slave. Cleaning daily, giving food, making toys, spending money, if I don't get anything in return. Will he be happy like that? What would happen when Csilli passes away from old age, what will happen to him? Did I make the mistake of choosing an aviary bred bird? Should I let go, and quit the whole parrot thing, just stick to the forever shy and scared Csilli? Do I simply wait for another 5-10 years until we inherit Aina (the senegal)? I have so many questions going around my head, and knowing me, I usually want to solve things ASAP. I want answers NOW, and that's... pretty bad with me.
I thought I had things in control - seems I don't. Not to mention I cannot adopt more birds at this moment, I simply do not have the space, funds nor the time to take care of 3 (future 4) birds at once. I even thought of getting him a friend, but I must keep in mind "never get a friend for your bird" as you never know if they might like each other. If they don't, again I must get ANOTHER cage, ANOTHER visit to the vet, etc.
I'm not lashing out at him in any way. I just...let him be. Even before anything happened, he started avoiding me heavily. He suddenly started being afraid of me, even though nothing happened. It's the usual thing, if Csilli is not around, he's fine and okay, quite tame, but as soon he's in contact with her, I don't exist, I am the evil predator who's out here to eat him. I think I just let them be like that, No matter what I do, he always falls back. By New year I must decide what should I do, I need to give extra time. Is there any improvement while they are together. I have Pascal now for 6 months, and him always, and I mean always falling back like as from the first month, oh hell no. If there was no improvement at all, I would have a more clear answer, but like this, where he clearly shows he can be tame but as if the butt simply chooses not to.

I stop the rant here, I have to accept things as they are.
First step is cathartic narrative! You've artfully unveiled the interlocking issues, utterly unsolvable to perfection. May I suggest you print your thoughts and gaze at them each day, seeking clarity around the edges, making halting but measurable progress with each concern. Your ultimate answer at end of last sentence - or be prepared for upheaval you can live with!
First step is cathartic narrative! You've artfully unveiled the interlocking issues, utterly unsolvable to perfection. May I suggest you print your thoughts and gaze at them each day, seeking clarity around the edges, making halting but measurable progress with each concern. Your ultimate answer at end of last sentence - or be prepared for upheaval you can live with!
I'm very greatful for your kind (yet poetic) words, Scott. Perhaps you're right, maybe puting these thoughts on paper might make me think differently after some time, see how the situation unfolds slowly. Incredible how much 52 gramms of fluff can cause so much turmoil in me! (Or other people)

Off topic, but are you a writer/poet/english teacher in literature by any chance? You seem to be challenging my already compromised english knowledge!!
I'm very greatful for your kind (yet poetic) words, Scott. Perhaps you're right, maybe puting these thoughts on paper might make me think differently after some time, see how the situation unfolds slowly. Incredible how much 52 gramms of fluff can cause so much turmoil in me! (Or other people)

Off topic, but are you a writer/poet/english teacher in literature by any chance? You seem to be challenging my already compromised english knowledge!!
You are so welcome, and don't sell yourself short!! Your writing is excellent, honestly better than many native English speakers!! Another version of reviewing thoughts is taking separate piece of paper and making a center vertical line. Write the positives in left column, negatives in right. Helps to visually see which side is more detailed!

I am awful at math, a trait that almost ensures interest in writing! Would much rather write than try to grind out horrible equations!

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