Adventures of Pascal the little rascal

You are so welcome, and don't sell yourself short!! Your writing is excellent, honestly better than many native English speakers!! Another version of reviewing thoughts is taking separate piece of paper and making a center vertical line. Write the positives in left column, negatives in right. Helps to visually see which side is more detailed!

I am awful at math, a trait that almost ensures interest in writing! Would much rather write than try to grind out horrible equations!
Then that makes the two of us, i am also terrible at math! So don't make me count the pros and cons that I must write down!

The pro would beat any other con - i love the little fluff, he's cute, and I made a promise and commitment when I purchased and brought him home.
Skarila I am so sorry to read of the heartache and turmoil you are going through. As you may or may not know, my life and household are also controlled by the wants and needs of the smallest resident here, my Crown Princess Lilly Pilly, all 44 grams or so of her. Lilly arrived at our home via a fairly circuitous route following the loss of my then GCC named Baci, who was my "heart bird", back in 2018.

Like you following the loss of Zeleni I was completely broken after Baci's passing. I knew that he could never be "replaced", that simply does not happen, but I did totally underestimate just how grief stricken I would be and for how long. I too desperately needed that little bundle of fluff, to pour all of my love into and maybe distract from the heartbreak of loss just a little, so we brought tiny Lilly into our flock. For the first month or so I felt like I had made a big mistake in getting her because she was so terrified of me. She had spent about a month or more living in an aviary and had reverted to a virtually wild state. It made me feel so awful seeing her so frightened all the time, but eventually she did come around and became my little velcro-bird. And so, about three or four months after losing Baci, little Lilly became that snuggly bundle of fuzz that finally lifted my heart out of the depths of despair and grief.

Fast forward to her turning one year old in 2019 however and everything changed. Virtually the moment she hit sexual maturity her hormones completely took control of her and she has become the most unbelievably angry, combative, raging mess of oestrogen that I have EVER seen and I virtually have your problem in reverse - Lilly wants to have a family and she wants it NOW and apparently she wants it with ME! She laid three clutches of infertile eggs in 2019 and was so content and peaceful while sitting on them that i would LOVE to let her lay some more but if my little Princess ever became eggbound and I lost her I simply would not be able to live with myself. Every breeding season since then (and they are six months long at a minimum!) she literally attacks me almost non-stop from morning until night. Those moments where she is at peace and just wants to play or have a scratch are few and far between, but I live for them. Breeding season 2020 was a total nightmare, season 2021 has been somewhat better but she still attacks and bites me pretty much all day long. In fact if you were to add a little purple crown and some orange cheek patches to this sketch you did of Pascal, it would look an awful lot like Lilly when she bares her beak and claws and flies over to attack me!!


I often feel conflicted and selfish in keeping her here when what she really wants is to go breed up a storm and have lots of babies. But if I gave her up to an aviary her future would not necessarily be any happier or safer and her life may very well be cut short. Isn't it incredible how these tiny little scraps of flesh and feather can give us so much joy yet simultaneously cause us so much heartache?!

It seems to me though that you have made your decision and will continue to honour your commitment to your cute little fluff, much as I have to mine. Sending warmest of feathered hugs to you Skarila, I think Pascal truly does have the very best mum in the whole wide world :)❤️
Skarila I am so sorry to read of the heartache and turmoil you are going through. As you may or may not know, my life and household are also controlled by the wants and needs of the smallest resident here, my Crown Princess Lilly Pilly, all 44 grams or so of her. Lilly arrived at our home via a fairly circuitous route following the loss of my then GCC named Baci, who was my "heart bird", back in 2018.

Like you following the loss of Zeleni I was completely broken after Baci's passing. I knew that he could never be "replaced", that simply does not happen, but I did totally underestimate just how grief stricken I would be and for how long. I too desperately needed that little bundle of fluff, to pour all of my love into and maybe distract from the heartbreak of loss just a little, so we brought tiny Lilly into our flock. For the first month or so I felt like I had made a big mistake in getting her because she was so terrified of me. She had spent about a month or more living in an aviary and had reverted to a virtually wild state. It made me feel so awful seeing her so frightened all the time, but eventually she did come around and became my little velcro-bird. And so, about three or four months after losing Baci, little Lilly became that snuggly bundle of fuzz that finally lifted my heart out of the depths of despair and grief.

Fast forward to her turning one year old in 2019 however and everything changed. Virtually the moment she hit sexual maturity her hormones completely took control of her and she has become the most unbelievably angry, combative, raging mess of oestrogen that I have EVER seen and I virtually have your problem in reverse - Lilly wants to have a family and she wants it NOW and apparently she wants it with ME! She laid three clutches of infertile eggs in 2019 and was so content and peaceful while sitting on them that i would LOVE to let her lay some more but if my little Princess ever became eggbound and I lost her I simply would not be able to live with myself. Every breeding season since then (and they are six months long at a minimum!) she literally attacks me almost non-stop from morning until night. Those moments where she is at peace and just wants to play or have a scratch are few and far between, but I live for them. Breeding season 2020 was a total nightmare, season 2021 has been somewhat better but she still attacks and bites me pretty much all day long. In fact if you were to add a little purple crown and some orange cheek patches to this sketch you did of Pascal, it would look an awful lot like Lilly when she bares her beak and claws and flies over to attack me!!


I often feel conflicted and selfish in keeping her here when what she really wants is to go breed up a storm and have lots of babies. But if I gave her up to an aviary her future would not necessarily be any happier or safer and her life may very well be cut short. Isn't it incredible how these tiny little scraps of flesh and feather can give us so much joy yet simultaneously cause us so much heartache?!

It seems to me though that you have made your decision and will continue to honour your commitment to your cute little fluff, much as I have to mine. Sending warmest of feathered hugs to you Skarila, I think Pascal truly does have the very best mum in the whole wide world :)❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Martina, it really helps me reflect some of my feelings and my thoughts. I'd love to hear more about the little princess Lilly-Pilly, the Terror of Brisbane. It must be really hard having all those conflicting thoughts and having such a tiny terror which goes for blood for half a year, every year! It's so hard for me to imagine such a tiny little thing attacking! You've shown me actually what a great luck I have that my bird doesn't actually hate me - there is no aggression at all, no attacking, no biting, and honestly I feel blessed. Even Aina the senegal who is such a sweetheart bit me extremely hard quite a few times. You know, that kind of bite where it doesn't break the skin, but you'll have a bruised and painful finger for days. Also it made me smile that you've chosen my little doodle to represent Lilly! Be sure that you'll get a clean and painted version of her :D

And yes, trying to fill another lifeform with the love, especially passing of our beloved pets. It's really hard, the feeling is so so familiar as you described it. I am so sorry for the little conure Baci (what an adorable name, by the way).

And yes, THAT conflict, those thoughts. What to do with the bird. Do I give if further for breeding, or do I keep it? I am also going through the storm of these emotions, whether I am being selfish for wanting to keep Pascal, while he might be maybe happier in a bigger flock of his own kind, when I already cannot give him that. While me and my partner are not the kind to give birds to an aviary, finding the perfect home is really, really hard. I know just for Zeleni, finding him the perfect birdy paradise took more than a month of active searching. And I highly refused to give him for breeding or aviaries. And I did find him the best home he could get - with a whole flock of his kind, in a family, free all the time. I still tell my self that I gave him the very best last 4 years of his life, as my dad cheered me up, it's like an old guy in pension spending the rest of his life in a lovely resort in Florida surrounded by pretty girls and the boys who simply understand you. I keep that little thought as something to cheer me up.

While I'd be ready to find Pascal a MUCH better home, I am still not sure if it would be the right choice. Perhaps I shouldn't worry so much about people judging me, but deeply looking into Pascal's needs. I guess only time will tell what will happen, he's still much better behaving then my old Zeleni. I should make a memory lane thread full of his stories....
Thank you for your kind words about my baby Baci, Skarila. As well as being Italian for "kisses" it's also the name of my very favourite brand of chocolates, so I thought it most appropriate for my very sweet boy :) He too went through a startling change of behaviour with the onset of puberty but NOTHING like the Crown Princess!! There's not a great deal of info out there about purple crowns in the domestic setting as they are more commonly kept in aviaries, but one piece of info I stumbled across suggested that hens are quite well-known for attacking their humans - well she certainly fits that description! You sure did nail it with "The Terror Of Brisbane", LOL!! Thankfully she doesn't hate me, (I can't imagine the violence she'd be capable of if she did!) but she does perhaps love me just a little too much. And oh boy, her love hurts!! :D

Rehoming is not always a necessarily bad decision but it's always a very hard one, even when you know your baby is going to a better place. I've been down that road too. From a purely selfish perspective I hope that Pascal remains with you because he's just gorgeous and I would miss seeing your beautiful pics of him here! Or maybe you could just package him up and send him to me?? Then the membership could follow "The Further Adventures Of Pascal The Little Rascal & HRH Lilly Pilly In The Land Down Under" - just imagine the hijinks those two would get up to together!

I do know however, whatever conclusion you ultimately come to, that it will be the best and most loving one for Pascal. And I think a Remembrance page for Zeleni is a perfectly lovely idea :)
The Deal

-So, Pascal, let me get this straight. During day you must play with Csilli, be free. No snuggling with us, maybe only some tricks/playing only when you feel like it. And you get to shout if we're not near.
-That's right.
-And, only in the evenings, if you feel like it, we get to give you a headscratch.
-Only when I feel like getting headscratches.
-Okay, I see. How about snuggling? You used to snuggle into my hand before.
-Tough luck, lady, I was young and foolish, that palm is the root of all evil!!!! You know what, I will sometimes snuggle up to your back hand or back fingers.
-So no palms?
-No palms. And everything will be on my terms. And don't you dare overstep otherwise you don't get to enjoy my fluffiness anymore.
-Okay, got it. But if I see you trying to flirt with Csilli, it's back to the cage with you, I'm having enough trouble with her hormones, you got that? Otherwise it's off to the vet with you!
-Whoa there! No vets!!! Okay, I will behave, I promise! I won't even chew on your grandfather's clock anymore and I will eat my veggies!
-That's what I wanted to hear.

The pact has been made. During day, Pascal gets to be free and do what he wants, as long he's playing nice and letting me work. He and Csilli can be out together and fly and play, preen, whatever, however with Csilli outside I must keep an eye on her cause she seems rather hormonal and it scares me a bit. And is destructive. Pascal is simply being friendly, I don't see him really feeding her while she's outside or trying to mount her. He will attempt to feed her through the cage bars when she's closed, but too bad for him it creates a whole lotta noise so I can stop him in his tracks. Sorry bud! While I do understand he's just being friendly and feeding each other is a normal behaviour, I need to curb the little blue budgie's hormones somehow. She's such a little troublemaker!

During evening, Csilli is quite aggressive and territorrial and doesn't let Pascal near much. So, Pascal do what Pascal does best - find his two headscratching machines. It is a lot to wager for, quite dangerous in his mind, but it is a must to get 'them headscratches' or simple attention. But not always. My partner is doing really well with Pascal, he always manages him to keep him calm and more so often, Pascal will step up for him more often than for him. I guess because he's so much taller and it's easier to pick Pascal up. I also noticed he's more ready to be with me if I was gone for the day. But it seems everything is always on his own terms, as with any other bird.

The little Rascal is rather lively lately, He's just flying around, being a little clown, doing everything what conures love to do. I am learning to enjoy him from afar, rather than smothering him in love. We also learned he is so brave if there is another bird near. Once I was showing my partner a video of Pascal being silly (him dragging his beak around, go check it out!), and phone was on my table, with sound and all. He was so interested in it that he flew/jumped onto the table which I've never seen before him doing that on his own will! He waddled around a bit, sat on my laptop for a couple of minutes until it was time to play with the blue birdie again.

Something ultra cute and incredible happened. The non cute part was that my partner caught Csilli as a "punishment" because she was nipping and being so aggressive (He often had to catch her to help with her pin feathers on the head or when it's time to cut her dragon claws, she always back to her old self within 3 minutes of release). Csilli was yapping but she always calms down in his hand soon enough. My partner went into the other room, and Pascal - followed. Pascal was so curious and worried for Csilli that again he hopped onto the nearby table lamp, and then onto my partner's hands while he held Csilli. I was in shock that he got onto someone's hand by his own will. He wasn't angry, aggressive or jealous. Just curious, why is the birdie in the hand? Only for him to start preening the little angry chicken. He preened her/demanded to be preened while my partner pet him with the free hand. It was such a cute sight. This has shown us if we had a tame bird by our side, that he wouldn't be afraid of us at all. He simply wants to be with his blue girlfriend.
So, we let the angry blue fluff go, she was being preening for another 30 seconds without realizing that she wasn't being held at all, and then they flew together away, doing their bird stuff. I did not take video or anything as I was too stunned seeing what was going on, I didn't want to miss not even a moment. I do wonder what would happen when Aina the senegal comes to us.... I am keeping my hopes high that she will not be aggressive towards Pascal, she is a tolerant bird, their first meeting went smoothly (through the bars from the travel carrier) but I never fully trust her, sennies are so notorious of not showing any signs and then in a blink of an eye someone has lost a toe or a part of their beak. But, that is a philosophy for another day, when we do bring Aina here.

I did suggest to have Aina here for a day or two, as a test, to see how will both of the birds react. Csilli and Aina already know each other, but with Pascal nearby, Csilli should stick to Pascal rather than trying to be with the sennie. (going really off topic here again.)

As an apology here's a sock on my work computer. (yes, I had to use that awful blur filter because of work stuff.)
-So, Pascal, let me get this straight. During day you must play with Csilli, be free. No snuggling with us, maybe only some tricks/playing only when you feel like it. And you get to shout if we're not near.
-That's right.
-And, only in the evenings, if you feel like it, we get to give you a headscratch.
-Only when I feel like getting headscratches.
-Okay, I see. How about snuggling? You used to snuggle into my hand before.
-Tough luck, lady, I was young and foolish, that palm is the root of all evil!!!! You know what, I will sometimes snuggle up to your back hand or back fingers.
-So no palms?
-No palms. And everything will be on my terms. And don't you dare overstep otherwise you don't get to enjoy my fluffiness anymore.
-Okay, got it. But if I see you trying to flirt with Csilli, it's back to the cage with you, I'm having enough trouble with her hormones, you got that? Otherwise it's off to the vet with you!
-Whoa there! No vets!!! Okay, I will behave, I promise! I won't even chew on your grandfather's clock anymore and I will eat my veggies!
-That's what I wanted to hear.
they say that
then they do the opssite
Mirror, mirror on the phone, tell m-- What's there behind the closet?! The closet isn't giving me treats, so you should give me treats!

Lots happened in the last week or so. Nothing bad, I promise!

There is some sort of equilibrium we achieved between Pascal and Csilli. They're quite friendly with each other, and since Csilli is taking care of Pascal's pin feathers on the head, I don't have to. Pascal isn't so snuggly during day anymore, but that's fine. He's very lively, and quite inquisitive lately. He dared going to places by himself without having us to prompt him to come. Firstly on the couch (seeing him hopping over the pillows is so adorable!), getting on the shelves, and him joining me during work time on the desk. Before he was terrified being on the desk next to my laptop, I couldn't keep him there longer than 30 seconds.

Now, he often flies to the desk to play around and explore. But how did he get there, and why?

I saw that he always wants to be on my phone to either look at himself or just chew on my phonecase. I realized that he's awfully drawn to the picture I have as a background on the phone - a picture of him. He always gets drawn to it, flies to my phone, looks for 2 seconds then goes about his day, seeing what's around. That's exactly how he landed on the table by himself. He loves looking at himself, but it's not in an obsessive way that my previous parrots had. The cockatiel would obsessively start singing, shouting and searching, my IRN would endlessly display and chatter, the budgies stare like zombies into the mirror endlessly. Pascal? Just curious, or narcissistic. I did realize I will have to get him a friend one day, just not now. He's so friendly towards everyone and everything, I wonder if another close of his kind (emma or painted) would be a good idea. But this is so much further into the future, couple of years from now. But it helps me if I want him to get to me, my cheat is to hold up the phone - and there he is.

Since he landed on the table, he'd waddle around doing his conure things. Dragging his beak on the surfaces, being cute, preen, peeking in the tiny crevices. Those crevices, those dark places! So interesting, so mesmerising! For 20-30 minutes he was going round and round on the table. And since then, he joins me on the table daily, to see if he gets some treats from me. I am trying to do some training on the table instead, and he is interested, but he doesn't seem wanting to learn anything new. A simple trick of "hold this" seems impossible with him! Whatever he grabs, he drops it in a millisecond. Soooo, to teach him to fetch will be hard, but he sure did taught me how to fetch when the ball bounces off the table into the 4th dimension (under the couch). He is so brave lately, and I like that. I mean, Pascal is still quite flighty and will freak out into 10 laps of flying around the room even on one screech from Csilli out of nowhere, but that's okay, it's to be expected from such a tiny bird. But thanks to his newfound bravery, I could make him step on a scale!!! From the first try! Now he's officially a little 56 gram of mischief! I am planning to get into touch with my vet to see when should the next check up be, but I remember him saying after a year would be ideal.

I am very pleased where this is going. I wouldn't say he's extra close to me or my partner as he gets his birdy needs from Csilli. In the evening, he is more dependant on us. Yesterday I was doing some tasks in the work room, and Pascal, despite being free, was constantly complaining for 2 hours straight. It's usually the "I want out/something". I finally gave in and walked into the room, he would shush and go and perch on his favourite place on the open door. And puff up, and wait for me to press my back fingers/back hand onto his belly. He loves it. I always fear he will melt into a puddle when I press my hand against him. He's way too afraid of me cupping my palm around him, or even pressing him with my fingertips. Well, he ain't stupid, he knows I would grab him! But I cannot grab with the back of the hand so that's a safe zone for him, I guess :D And he lets me do that only when he's high up on the perch (higher than me so I always end up with arm aches after holding my hand high up for 10-15 minutes)

He still prefers Csilli (d'uh) and will crawl over her cage or even just try to invade because her toys are so interesting! I can let them out together without issues, often they will hang out in his aviary. They even had a bath today together, which was so cute.

Another funny story - for those who don't know, we have a little jungle at home, over 40 types of Orchids and some other plants (safe for birds) and my partner waters them maybe once or twice per week. Or every two days or so he fills up the humidifier, meaning you can hear the water running as he pours from one container into another. And every time this is done, Pascal goes for a bath. I already see him puffing up and flapping his wings while in the cage, and here I yell "watch out, Pascal will make a mess now!"
And I was right, a mess he made, no need to water the plants or the floor I guess xD And Csilli joined him which was adorable.

I have to admit that I feel very lucky that these two get along quite well now. Before having them in different rooms, and the net on the door and all that.... It was tiring, I tell you. "No" this and "no" that... Gosh. The only "no!" I shout is to Csilli when she's chewing on something she shouldn't while Pascal sits nearby and doesn't understand why am I upset.

And guys - get the Wandering Jew plant. It grows soooo fast, hard to kill, somewhat safe for birds. My birds for some reason always will nip onto some plants and few days ago I found a longer branch with 6-7 leaves on it. No problem, I put the small stem into paper tissue and water it daily to keep it nice and moist, and it grows roots - now I can replant the stem and grow another full plant! ( I have grown mine from maybe 4-5 months ago from a single tiny stem, now it's a monster running everywhere...)

Aaaand pictures for tax!!


FRESH AND NEW: Okay as I am writing this on my work laptop, he just flew to my chair (he NEVER did that) and demanded a scritch?? And now is chilling quietly on my laptop, while leaning his head/beak on my hand? Pascal, stop playing with my heart!!!
Oh Pascal, you loveable little rogue, you are playing with my heart too :) ❤️
Oh Pascal, you loveable little rogue, you are playing with my heart too :) ❤️

Me? Playing with your heart?! Well no one said anything when you guys play with my patience for NOT giving me my treat when I wave and kiss! The AUDACITY!

Me? Playing with your heart?! Well no one said anything when you guys play with my patience for NOT giving me my treat when I wave and kiss! The AUDACITY!
View attachment 31517
I think your little sock muppet and my tiny terrorist would make beautiful music together! Perhaps in another life :)
I think your little sock muppet and my tiny terrorist would make beautiful music together! Perhaps in another life :)
I think they would definitely dominate the world together!
Quick update:

Today Pascal is incredibly kind and friendly. In the evening, especially in the cold times, I like to watch series while cycling on the room bike. Pascal did fly past me a few times, but he was quite afraid to land on me or the bike.
I usually cycle for 45 mins, and I had some time left to finish one episode. I sat down and Pascal immediately sat nearby me (on the cage door). He demaded headcratches. He was even polite enough to hop back in the cage for a second just to go poop, then hop back so I can scratch him. As soon as I stopped, he flew to my - head! Something he never did! As soon as I managed to take one blury picture he just hopped off onto the phone, and just perched there for a minute. Until he wanted to start chewing on my phonecase. He is so restless! He wrestled a bit with my finger until I let him go back onto the cage so he can eat.

What a strange bird! I wonder what shall he do in 2 year mark if he keeps improving like this!
The Deal

-So, Pascal, let me get this straight. During day you must play with Csilli, be free. No snuggling with us, maybe only some tricks/playing only when you feel like it. And you get to shout if we're not near.
-That's right.
-And, only in the evenings, if you feel like it, we get to give you a headscratch.
-Only when I feel like getting headscratches.
-Okay, I see. How about snuggling? You used to snuggle into my hand before.
-Tough luck, lady, I was young and foolish, that palm is the root of all evil!!!! You know what, I will sometimes snuggle up to your back hand or back fingers.
-So no palms?
-No palms. And everything will be on my terms. And don't you dare overstep otherwise you don't get to enjoy my fluffiness anymore.
-Okay, got it. But if I see you trying to flirt with Csilli, it's back to the cage with you, I'm having enough trouble with her hormones, you got that? Otherwise it's off to the vet with you!
-Whoa there! No vets!!! Okay, I will behave, I promise! I won't even chew on your grandfather's clock anymore and I will eat my veggies!
-That's what I wanted to hear.

The pact has been made. During day, Pascal gets to be free and do what he wants, as long he's playing nice and letting me work. He and Csilli can be out together and fly and play, preen, whatever, however with Csilli outside I must keep an eye on her cause she seems rather hormonal and it scares me a bit. And is destructive. Pascal is simply being friendly, I don't see him really feeding her while she's outside or trying to mount her. He will attempt to feed her through the cage bars when she's closed, but too bad for him it creates a whole lotta noise so I can stop him in his tracks. Sorry bud! While I do understand he's just being friendly and feeding each other is a normal behaviour, I need to curb the little blue budgie's hormones somehow. She's such a little troublemaker!

During evening, Csilli is quite aggressive and territorrial and doesn't let Pascal near much. So, Pascal do what Pascal does best - find his two headscratching machines. It is a lot to wager for, quite dangerous in his mind, but it is a must to get 'them headscratches' or simple attention. But not always. My partner is doing really well with Pascal, he always manages him to keep him calm and more so often, Pascal will step up for him more often than for him. I guess because he's so much taller and it's easier to pick Pascal up. I also noticed he's more ready to be with me if I was gone for the day. But it seems everything is always on his own terms, as with any other bird.

The little Rascal is rather lively lately, He's just flying around, being a little clown, doing everything what conures love to do. I am learning to enjoy him from afar, rather than smothering him in love. We also learned he is so brave if there is another bird near. Once I was showing my partner a video of Pascal being silly (him dragging his beak around, go check it out!), and phone was on my table, with sound and all. He was so interested in it that he flew/jumped onto the table which I've never seen before him doing that on his own will! He waddled around a bit, sat on my laptop for a couple of minutes until it was time to play with the blue birdie again.

Something ultra cute and incredible happened. The non cute part was that my partner caught Csilli as a "punishment" because she was nipping and being so aggressive (He often had to catch her to help with her pin feathers on the head or when it's time to cut her dragon claws, she always back to her old self within 3 minutes of release). Csilli was yapping but she always calms down in his hand soon enough. My partner went into the other room, and Pascal - followed. Pascal was so curious and worried for Csilli that again he hopped onto the nearby table lamp, and then onto my partner's hands while he held Csilli. I was in shock that he got onto someone's hand by his own will. He wasn't angry, aggressive or jealous. Just curious, why is the birdie in the hand? Only for him to start preening the little angry chicken. He preened her/demanded to be preened while my partner pet him with the free hand. It was such a cute sight. This has shown us if we had a tame bird by our side, that he wouldn't be afraid of us at all. He simply wants to be with his blue girlfriend.
So, we let the angry blue fluff go, she was being preening for another 30 seconds without realizing that she wasn't being held at all, and then they flew together away, doing their bird stuff. I did not take video or anything as I was too stunned seeing what was going on, I didn't want to miss not even a moment. I do wonder what would happen when Aina the senegal comes to us.... I am keeping my hopes high that she will not be aggressive towards Pascal, she is a tolerant bird, their first meeting went smoothly (through the bars from the travel carrier) but I never fully trust her, sennies are so notorious of not showing any signs and then in a blink of an eye someone has lost a toe or a part of their beak. But, that is a philosophy for another day, when we do bring Aina here.

I did suggest to have Aina here for a day or two, as a test, to see how will both of the birds react. Csilli and Aina already know each other, but with Pascal nearby, Csilli should stick to Pascal rather than trying to be with the sennie. (going really off topic here again.)

As an apology here's a sock on my work computer. (yes, I had to use that awful blur filter because of work stuff.)
View attachment 31286
Pascal is so beautiful! I've never heard of this type of conure. May I ask if they are they more docile, and quiet then the Jenday's/Sun's?
Pascal is so beautiful! I've never heard of this type of conure. May I ask if they are they more docile, and quiet then the Jenday's/Sun's?
Thank you!!!
So the tiny Painted,.white eared/emmas are much, much lower in volume than suns and Jendays. So are Green cheeks, but these are lower in volume that green cheeks too, but it doesn't mean it won't throw a shouting fit :D
And if docile.. maybe, yes?? He has never ever bitten us out of agression, I wonder if my bird is just defective xD because he was aviary raised, he was completely wild when I got him, and because he is so tiny, he is quite hand shy. I mean, he lets me scratch his head but absolutely no holding. If I must hold, he will not bite, maybe nip.

I would highly suggest these species, bonus points if you can get it already socialized as a small chick!
Thank you!!!
So the tiny Painted,.white eared/emmas are much, much lower in volume than suns and Jendays. So are Green cheeks, but these are lower in volume that green cheeks too, but it doesn't mean it won't throw a shouting fit :D
And if docile.. maybe, yes?? He has never ever bitten us out of agression, I wonder if my bird is just defective xD because he was aviary raised, he was completely wild when I got him, and because he is so tiny, he is quite hand shy. I mean, he lets me scratch his head but absolutely no holding. If I must hold, he will not bite, maybe nip.

I would highly suggest these species, bonus points if you can get it already socialized as a small chick!
By the way I'm going through a similar thing as you. My Ekkie is very interested in my conure. My conure won't bat an eye at my ekkie. She could careless that he exists. She for sure snobs him off ha ha.
By the way I'm going through a similar thing as you. My Ekkie is very interested in my conure. My conure won't bat an eye at my ekkie. She could careless that he exists. She for sure snobs him off ha ha.
Oh My gosh, that must be a sight xD

Reminds me when we visited very shortly my partner's ma where she has an adorable senegal parrot (Aina). We were supposed to pick up something parrot related from her and also we were picking Pascal up from the bird sitter who lives very nearby. So, Pascal was in this tiny carrier with tightly spaced bars, and Aina didn't even notice him xD We were in the kitchen, Pascal next to me in the carrier, on the table, And Aina was eating her pepper seeds, also on the small table, minding her own business. I gave some pepper to Pascal to nibble on, and he usually makes a mess, meaning some bits ended up on the bars as well. Aina approached the carrier ever so slowly out of curiosity, and sloooowly extended her neck towards the carrier, here we are thinking that she wants to make contact with Pascal who is EAGER to be with another bird.

She just wanted the half munched pepper bits stuck on the bars. 🤦‍♀️
Pascal the little....Snuggle bug?!

You read it right! Cold weather is already here, and both me and Pascal are trying to find any kind of heat sources in this flat, which is usually at a steady 21 Celsius (around 69-70 Fahrenheit).

Pascal is still quite energetic, but calm. Very curious and brave, lately I find him walking on my table while I work, but also in another room when I draw at my main computer. I am happy to see him that he is much more relaxed.
My parents visited me and my partner for the weekend and they really liked Pascal. My mum in particular was amazed with the 3 tricks he knows, she finds it adorable. And oh, his silly snake dance, when he tries to be scary, but noone takes him seriously. I talked with my mum about Zeleni, our old IRN, and we just agreed to disagree about rehoming him 4 years back - but that's ok, I do not have any regrets. However, she told me many stories with him about when they got him. Apparently he was very wild in the first 2 years, despite they worked hard with him back then!
And now I look at Pascal whom I got 7 months ago... He is rather tame now. Quite bullheaded, still shy, but I could safely say he is quite tame compared to the first days when I brought him home.

My family and I (and my partner, ofc) were sitting on the big couch, chatting. Pascal came to my partner, onto his finger, and surely enough, asking for head scratches. 5 minutes in, Pascal was snuggled up in my partner's hand, something he never ever has let us do to him. Only very recently he lets me cup him up in my hands in the very late evening when while I was watching some series. He would sit on my knee, and would lean into my palm, until he had enough and knew he needs to go back to the cage and go to sleep. Yesterday he has done the same, and it is such an amazing thing.

But what I have noticed is that he lets my partner hold him more often than me - and I thought about it a bit why.

Because my hands are cold. I have very bad circulation, he's not stupid not wanting to be touched my miss ice queen here. My partner's hands are so warm and toasty - of course he will snuggle up there! And I find it SO adorable. We joked that my partner stole my bird. My dad just asked "isn't he supposed to be your bird?!" ...I guess we share! :D I guess I have to soak my hands in hot water before holding him!

I am in quite big stress and still grieving my old dog that passed away. It is possible Pascal feels this stress and sometimes avoids being snuggled or touched by me. Instead he will beg for treats, that's something he will always do, and I do not mind it. Yesterday he was very inquisitive and running around my table while I was drawing on the special screen tablet, trying to eat my pen, then asked to be scratched by the same pen, then tried to pull out the plastic nib from my pen (no problem there - I need to replace those plastic nibs from time to time anyway!)... He always tries to eat the little icons on the screen, or just molest my poor phone and probably order stuff for which I have no money..... And of course the drawing time took at least an hour more because he just wouldn't sit still for 2 minutes. I swear he has hot peppers up his bum.

Yesterday he was sitting on my laptop while I was in an online meeting. My laptop has a touchscreen - pretty cool thing I use seldom. In the meeting, there is usually this big red button on the corner that says "leave". He always tried to lick that button, he really wanted me to leave the meeting. Me too, buddy, me too.

Today for first time he actually hopped onto my shoulder while I was working. He was hoping for some fresh treats I chopped up for him. ....And you're right, I did give in and gave him as he is just so stinkin' cute. And he always attempts to sit on my phone because it's warm, I guess. Even today he wanted to snuggle up against my partner's hand for 5 minutes. Interestingly, as soon as I left the room, he wanted to follow so he flew back where I work, just to pester the budgie. Sadly, the budgie isn't doing too great, she seems very calm, almost depressed I'd say. She refuses to preen him and vice versa, and is very aggressive with everyone... But that is for another thread.

Here's a snuggle bug:

And the critic who doesn't approve anything what's on my screen, not even the programme (and yes, that is a spider as my background - he was our jumping spider and I miss him :'( )

Recall=Yummy treat!!!

These days it is quite calm. After some awful gloomy and rainy days we finally have some sun during the rather short day. This lifted the birds' spirits as well, I'd say.

Pascal is very very playful, he's more responsive in general, since I got him a new playstand he visits me during my work a tad bit more. There he will either nibble on his pellets (which are yummier than the ones in his cage) or just nag me. He still loves waddling around on the table just to get to my phone. He just loves chewing on my phone case which I am not allowing. So, usually I just start fencing with his beak which often ends up with him melting while I am rubbing his cheeks. Poor thing is FULL of pin feathers, I am sure he's very uncomfortable, so I am being extra gentle and careful, and also helping him open some of those pins too. He always lets me know if it hurts with a slight nip. I'm extremely grateful to this day that he's not the biting type. He can bite hard, but only out of fear which he has done one or two times, and that bite was well deserved.

He's very motivated to train and fly for his treats. For those who do not know, I use Harrison's power treat, I slice it up very very finely and use that. A lot ends up as tiny crumbs, but he will happily work for those crumbs as well, which is great as I am sure he will not eat too much of the stuff, and yet he has to stay active. It's an amazing feeling having the bird fly to you on recall, I will not lie. I try my best for the next few days to always give him some of those treat crumbs on every recall. I randomly call him during day from different places, before he refused to fly to me unless it was directly from his cage, but now he will fly from most of the places, if he is motivated that is. If this keeps up, I will have a well behaved birdie in no time, hopefully! ...Well, plus that he always tries to chew my phone case, but that is forgiven. At least I can always use the phone to lure him. Yesterday while we were watching a movie, for nearly 20 minutes he was sitting on my phone while getting headscratches and bickering with my fingers, he always tries to chew and nibble gently.

I've been a bit nostalgic and was watching some older photos since I've gotten Pascal which is 7 months ago. He has improved so much, it's incredible. I remember him being a little scared wild thing, who was terrified of even grabbing a piece of apple from my hand, now to a french fry stealing thief who occupies your plate, a little cuddle bug, a little playful and friendly thing. Those first step-ups, first tricks, first time on the couch or table, first recalls... All of those matter. I'm so proud of this little baby. And just to think he was almost rehomed because he wouldn't leave the budgie alone at all and refused to be with people...He finally accepted us as a part of the flock.

I know I am adult when I am super excited when the pellets I ordered arrived, hahah! I'll be switching him soon from Roudybush to Harrison's as soon he eats the rest of the pellets he has. I've gotten him the daily maintenance super fine, which is the size of a millet. I am praying that he will accept it, and make less of a mess with that one. I'm also trying with the high potency pepper (fine) - I like the idea it has cayenne pepper in it, I heard all good about it. Right now he's moulting like crazy so I let him eat the high potency during day as well, I let him try the pepper one as well, he wasn't too thrilled about it, but at least he ate it. Now I have enough bird food until next Christmas at least, hahah! Don't have to worry about that much any more.
Recall=Yummy treat!!!

These days it is quite calm. After some awful gloomy and rainy days we finally have some sun during the rather short day. This lifted the birds' spirits as well, I'd say.

Pascal is very very playful, he's more responsive in general, since I got him a new playstand he visits me during my work a tad bit more. There he will either nibble on his pellets (which are yummier than the ones in his cage) or just nag me. He still loves waddling around on the table just to get to my phone. He just loves chewing on my phone case which I am not allowing. So, usually I just start fencing with his beak which often ends up with him melting while I am rubbing his cheeks. Poor thing is FULL of pin feathers, I am sure he's very uncomfortable, so I am being extra gentle and careful, and also helping him open some of those pins too. He always lets me know if it hurts with a slight nip. I'm extremely grateful to this day that he's not the biting type. He can bite hard, but only out of fear which he has done one or two times, and that bite was well deserved.

He's very motivated to train and fly for his treats. For those who do not know, I use Harrison's power treat, I slice it up very very finely and use that. A lot ends up as tiny crumbs, but he will happily work for those crumbs as well, which is great as I am sure he will not eat too much of the stuff, and yet he has to stay active. It's an amazing feeling having the bird fly to you on recall, I will not lie. I try my best for the next few days to always give him some of those treat crumbs on every recall. I randomly call him during day from different places, before he refused to fly to me unless it was directly from his cage, but now he will fly from most of the places, if he is motivated that is. If this keeps up, I will have a well behaved birdie in no time, hopefully! ...Well, plus that he always tries to chew my phone case, but that is forgiven. At least I can always use the phone to lure him. Yesterday while we were watching a movie, for nearly 20 minutes he was sitting on my phone while getting headscratches and bickering with my fingers, he always tries to chew and nibble gently.

I've been a bit nostalgic and was watching some older photos since I've gotten Pascal which is 7 months ago. He has improved so much, it's incredible. I remember him being a little scared wild thing, who was terrified of even grabbing a piece of apple from my hand, now to a french fry stealing thief who occupies your plate, a little cuddle bug, a little playful and friendly thing. Those first step-ups, first tricks, first time on the couch or table, first recalls... All of those matter. I'm so proud of this little baby. And just to think he was almost rehomed because he wouldn't leave the budgie alone at all and refused to be with people...He finally accepted us as a part of the flock.

I know I am adult when I am super excited when the pellets I ordered arrived, hahah! I'll be switching him soon from Roudybush to Harrison's as soon he eats the rest of the pellets he has. I've gotten him the daily maintenance super fine, which is the size of a millet. I am praying that he will accept it, and make less of a mess with that one. I'm also trying with the high potency pepper (fine) - I like the idea it has cayenne pepper in it, I heard all good about it. Right now he's moulting like crazy so I let him eat the high potency during day as well, I let him try the pepper one as well, he wasn't too thrilled about it, but at least he ate it. Now I have enough bird food until next Christmas at least, hahah! Don't have to worry about that much any more.
Awesome to get more updates on Pascal, thanks for sharing!
here is a bonus drawing off pascal i did a few days ago

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