A Few Things With My Budgies...


Active member
Aug 15, 2023
1. I know this sounds odd, but I am confused by the chirping my budgies make. Normally it is the standard "chirrup" and I understand that is with everyone's budgies. However, in like clips of them in the wild and even some birds I see the variety of clicks, clatters and chirps makes me confused. In fact when they're not chirping it's often silent. I feel it is quite odd for an animal that lives in flocks in the hundreds. I feel that they lack a variety of calls. Is this like a social thing? Should I be concerned?

2. My bird Snow has started to make these soft chirps, it is kind of touching (the best way I could explain it) but I feel, not in a good way. Like something is off with this. I have thought it is a lack of attention. I have had her fly to my hand and I do give her attention when she does this. However, she does normally do this earlier in the night (8-10pm).

3. As I have said about my birds. I try to give them attention. However, there is this one thing: trust. I have trained them to fly to my hand. However, it doesn't feel like there is a bond with them. I understand with birds it takes time and there is still a "wild animal" factor with them. It seems like it isn't a flock (if you will) with all of this. And that trust is missing. How do I do gain their trust? But how do I take away this small fear they have?
Sounds like your budgies are living a great life!
1) I have two budgies and while they are noisy they definitely have plenty of quiet times throughout the day as well. I think smaller flocks are always going to be quieter than the big wild flocks. Just like two people at home don’t talk all of the time but fifty people at a party are going to make a lot of noise!

2). It sounds like your budgie might be making “ sleepy sounds!” My female, Fay, especially likes to make cute, tiny muttering sounds when she’s sleepy. I think it’s adorable!

3) when you have two or more budgies, they do tend to bond more with each other than with a person. My budgies and I are friends but they aren’t bonded to me like my Quaker parrot. If your budgies willingly fly to you, that is great and is a sign that they trust you!
Good thoughts above.
Snow, I know little about budgies, BUTTT... you sound like such a clever and caring owner, that I'd just suggest doing what you're doing... I predict good things for you and yours.
Oh, yeah, and the Rb makes sweet quiet muttering sounds at night when I come in to check on him... maybe it's our darlings' 'sweet nothing's... expressing comfort and contentment wit our care. Hey, why not? :)

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