How should I tame my aviary budgies?


New member
Nov 12, 2024
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An aviary with 3 pairs of budgies and one budgie that I hand reared named Tofu!
Hello!!! I'm new here, and I have an interesting question!

So I have this lil budgie named Tofu... And she's a goofy lil goober I hand raised! She's a couple months old now and doing great and has a super strong bond with me!

However... I have a flock of budgies in a big outdoor aviary that aren't very tame at all. Tofu is actually the offspring from one of the pairs named Clouds and Dan! I have two other pairs and they all get along very well and I've always wished they were were friendly with me! And recently I was getting a scoop of food for them and Bradley one if the budgies was on top of my double door and I looked at him and he jumped in it!!!!!! I'm not sure where the sudden trust us from but I want to know if you all have any suggestions on how I could continue this bonding?
Also... Sorry about any spelling mistakes I may have made!
Man you have a long row to hoe. Taming an aviary bird is difficult, taming a flock of aviary birds is more difficult and taming a aviary full of budgies (who have no reason at all to even interact with you) even more more difficult. My taming technique is all about being one on one with the bird, in a quiet setting. Maybe you can offer the flock a treat from your hand? At least that will get them used to THE HAND!

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