Derbyan parrot regurgitating for Cockatiel


Aug 23, 2023
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Hello all,

I just have a quick question. Is it safe and okay for my Derbyan parrot, Zazu, (male) to regurgitate for my cockatiel, Pearly (female)

Little bit of backstory. I have six birds. Four are smaller species, including two budgies a GCC, and obviously a cockatiel.

My two bigger species are including Zazu, is my eclectus. Now apart from my eclectus, pickles, because he gets very territorial and prefers his own company. The other birds all have a really nice flock. They will all eat together nicely, and play together. My conure recently just lost her bonded partner, my Quaker parrot, therefore she is a little quiet at the moment. But is receiving lots of cuddles from me. So the budgies and my cockatiel and Zazu are together all the time. The budgies have both been bonded to pearly since I brought them home and I consider that quite normal as they just preen each other and it’s quite safe for them to be very close to each other.

However, while Zazu does eat with them and play with them occasionally, he does prefer to be by himself most of the time. But recently he’s been trying constantly to regurgitate for pearly, who is having none of it!

Zazu doesn’t like being pet or handled very often, other than to step up therefore I know I haven’t brought this on by inappropriate petting. Everyone has just had a check up as well due to the sudden death of my Quaker, I wanted to ensure everyone was not ill too. The tests came back fine for everyone.

Therefore I wonder what’s brought this on? And if it would be safer to separate them completely. They all have separate cages and two different rooms to fly in between.

Maybe pearly just has a special air about her…. I don’t know! lol
Fabulous photography!
And beautiful birds...

I would guess that if the flock dynamics settle down, there's no harm in it. Parrot enthusiasts usually discourage hybrids, but I can't imagine there's a chance of that.

Haha. When I first typed HYBRIDS above, I mis-spelled it as HYBIRDS!
I'm funny!

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