7 hours in emergency- Not a fun day

No more thick sweaters like that :)
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I had amazon ear muffs for many, many years...

Blue front on one shoulder, red lored on the other.

But they weren't rivals.

Amazons demonstrating for each other ripping ear lobes off would be more likely if you were shouldering two rivals at the same time.

Ha ha ha....I Have a pair of stereo head phones... An Amazon on the left, and a Grey on the right.... Surround sound with volume turned to max and no noise suppression switch.

Put my Grey and Senegal head phones on and well, lose the ears, and end up with a funky hair do...usually a buzz cut. These two hate each other. They are fine if not on me, both on me and it's like .." Get off my daddy you pine apple head......you get off you peanut breath" and the fight is on, have to then separate them. 2 Zons are ok, though I'm not sure about Vinney ( Other BFA)on my shoulders she's still a bit timid after coming from a terrible home before this. but by herself she's fine.
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I actually had one of my 'Zons go berserk when his claw got caught in a toy in his cage. Remember, their toes are incredibly sensitive, and a caught nail could be extremely painful - the more the bird pulls, the more painful it becomes and, with long nails, the tighter it embeds in whatever it's caught in. He pulled & pulled, screaming as loud as he could. I was finally able to towel him & used pliers to tear apart the toy and free him, but he was tearing chunks out of that towel, plus everything else in reach.

One freed and given a few minutes to calm down, he was contrite & very loveable.

This seems more likely to me than a hormonal spike. I've seen lots of those, too, but you can generally see them coming - the bird starts getting fussy, and over a few minutes, builds up a head of steam.

If this is, indeed, what happened, it's easy to ensure that it never happens again, and she can stay in her home & enjoy life!
I've been bitten by an aggressive U/M2, G2s, and big macs playing the dominance "game" but my absolute worst bite was from a tiny little conure who got her foot stuck in my hair...I mean she really went for it multiple times and there was blood everywhere. I can definitely see a talon getting caught leading to a scary bite.

Sending happy thoughts to you and your wife! I wish her neck and heart a speedy recovery!
Wow what a day, just so you know 1 cm over and poppie could have hit your wife's carotid ( no need to tell her this) and she wouldn't have made it to the hospital. Just a thought... Did poppie observe incident with your dog?... Animals sense others animals distress and this could have been the trigger. Your poor dog was howling with mortal fear and pain... Parrots are so sensitive she may have thought she was next and opted for the best defense is a strong offense. Best of luck to you.. I know your in a real tough spot. Keep us posted
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How are things with your wife and Poppie.

It's been Great...My wife is healed up and has been holding Poppie, and Poppie has not had another issue like that. Get's cranky a times, but nothing I can't deal with. Basically she's a cuddle bunnie, and been on her best behavior.

I explained to Poppie that her biting "Mama" was wrong. I really think after going over it a few times with her it actually sank in. She cuddled up to my wife and laid her head on my wife's shoulder....was a picture worth a thousand words, but my wife is still a bit nervous of the bird near her neck and face.

Poppie and I can be nose to beak and she'll never bite. She'll get excited and coo and rub her head in my chest and nibble my ears, and hair gently. She knows that I will place her in cage if she get's rowdy and nippy and cove her up. She doesn't like that so we have a mutual agreement.

Works wonders.

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