
  1. K

    Recommended cage size is too small

    I just got a peach-faced lovebird a week ago, and I can already tell that his 18x18x24 cage won't cut it. He's pacing the cage bottom and making some whole-hearted escape attempts. I want to know what cage size would be, without a doubt, enough for an active peach-faced (though if I can afford...
  2. CharlieSheen

    Just a quick question...

    I was at a local Nature Center doing comunity service, and when we had to leave (We'd been out over 4 hours in the sun showing people how to use binoculars.), I stopped at the adoption booth, where I saw an adorable Fancy Pigeon. He/she looked so sad whenever it was alone. So I just wanted to...
  3. MarciaLove

    4 week old lovebird refusing formula help!

    ok so I have hand-fed lovebirds before, the first clutch I had I totally hand-fed and I didn't have this problem though. The second clutch i hand-fed some but also let the parents mainly care for them. I was forced to put these in a brooder and hand-feed them myself because the daddy lovebird...
  4. CharlieSheen

    Kiwi the Lovebird

    As a few of you (Although since I posted about another bird type before, you most likely won't be in this forum) might know, I've been looking for Conures. So I went to the Local Avian Store, Golden Cockatoo. There I found that Conures weren't the right bird for me. Luckily for me, two employees...
  5. S

    Strange lovebird behavoir

    Hello everybody, I am new here in this forum. First of all: sorry for my not so good written english... I am Serbian, from Belgrade, and live in Italy for several years. It is very nice to see that there is a lot of people that love their parrots and take so much care. I will shortly present...
  6. bonton036

    help! over 36hrs since 1st egg

    My lovebird Juliet has not layed her 2nd egg yet, has been 36 hrs now. I don't know what to do here. She is just having a hard time it seems. I have been up all night with her, just to make sure she is ok. What could I do to help her in this situation????? Is this normal? I feel so bad for...
  7. Penelope The Lovebird

    Penelope The Lovebird

    My 9 week old peach-faced lovebird Penelope :)
  8. J

    In need of some serious help training.

    I have had my Slate Masked Lovebird, Token, for a year tomorrow. He was bought at a pet store and is not hand raised (I live on a small island in Canada and there are no breeders here). We have made extremely good progress, he was horrified of me for months, would not come out of his cage and...
  9. S

    Sick bird?

    I recently got a new lovebird. She was very lively yesterday, chirping and hopping around her cage. I gave her some slivered almonds (I looked it up online and many sources said it was ok for her to eat them), and for the next three hours she was rummaging through her food bowl... According to...
  10. I Miss You So Much :(

    I Miss You So Much :(

    Some memories of my two lovebirds toghether when they didn't fight... Still miss these days.
  11. I Miss You So Much :(

    I Miss You So Much :(

    Some memories of my two lovebirds toghether when they didn't fight... Still miss these days.
  12. I Miss You So Much :(

    I Miss You So Much :(

    Some memories of my two lovebirds toghether when they didn't fight... Still miss these days.
  13. pityu

    So he does this strange behaviour...

    My Lovebirds name is Pityu, as i'v told several times. He's a nice parrot and a good companion, but he is not hand raised or anything like that, so he is willing to hop on to my arm or shoulder and some lucky times when he is calm, steping up on my finger. Lately i'v noticed a very strange...
  14. L

    new member. ? about screeching lovebird

    long story short about 3 months ago i got two lovebirds. one is a peach face and she was vary calm and quite and then started to screech a lil here and there. now jump fwd to present time, from when i take the blanket off the cage in the morning till i put it back on at night all she does is...
  15. L

    What would these two parents produce color wise?

    The babies are already 3 weeks old and I'm handfeeding them, the oldest has green feather tips and black feather tips towards the end of the wings. The baby itself is a dark gray color and the fuzzy feathers are whitish. The beak has a black top towards the nose and the end is orange. The...
  16. L

    Treating a wounded Lovebird?

    My 5 week-old lovebird was attacked by my other lovebird pair and practically ripped off all of its feathers off its back! It wasn't bleeding profusely but I did manage to clean up most of the blood. The wound is still fresh, no bleeding, but I wanted to know if there is anything I can put on...
  17. U

    question/poll about sleepy lovebirds

    1.) Does your lovebird grind his beak before he goes to sleep? I've had two out of three do this, and I was wondering if it was the species I have (fischer) or if it was just a general lovebird behavior and my peachfaced was the exception. Also, when your birds were babies, how much did they...
  18. pityu

    Need help with my birds gender

    I know its hard to tell the sex of a lovebird, but i know there are some realy talented parrot people here:) So basicly i think its a HE cause he makes paper stripes but he cant put them in his feathers even though his trying. He is pritty small and but he is having a "big" stomach wich is true...
  19. N

    Hello. :) (A Bit of Help, If You Please)

    Hey. :) I adopted a lovebird a few days ago. She was a breeder whose mate had died. I worked at a pet store which specialized in birds, so I do know the basic ways of taming a bird. She is an enigma to me, though!! She is comfortable around me- she'll land on my head, shoulders, and loves to be...
  20. H

    Hello there - from tenerife (spain)

    Hey there, have been looking for parrot forum for a while now. I've recently finished school and found myself with alot more time on my hands. Because of my love for birds, but lack of experience with them... I bought a locally bred pearled cockatiel (just over 3 months old now.) He was very...
  21. S

    Lovebird Eggs

    So about a week ago one of my female lovebirds laid four eggs. She is bonded with a male, so I believe they are fertile. Though I have bird experience, I have not dealt with newly hatched baby birds. I saw in a few places and was told that I would not necessarily have to hand feed the babies and...
  22. BurdBrain

    Hello, from sunny Arizona!

    Hi! My name is Samantha, and I have long been a parrot enthusiast. In my early youth, I had two little budgies that were kept as family birds, Bluebell and Key-lime, whom I grew to love dearly; I soon had a flock of my very own, and began to work at an avian rescue. I adopted two cockatiels...
  23. A


    Hi! I live South Korea! and I have three Lovebirds!:rainbow1: Their name is Ahto ,Sodam and Hanbyeol. Ahto and Sodam is Peachfaced Lovebird. Hanbyeol is Eye-ring Lovebird. she is Violet Masked. Ahto and Sodam are a couple. They Love wooden toys. Nice to meet you. I usual using...
  24. My Special Lovebird <3

    My Special Lovebird &lt;3

    My Splayed legged Lovebird Scooter
  25. My Special Lovebird <3

    My Special Lovebird &lt;3

    My Splayed legged Lovebird Scooter
  26. My Special Lovebird <3

    My Special Lovebird &lt;3

    My Splayed legged Lovebird Scooter
  27. Cecilia

    Kix hurt his leg... :(

    Kix got his leg band stuck on the bottom grate in the cage.. somehow there was a slit in the grate wire and well needless to say Kix found it. His leg is not broken by any means... He is using it every so often... I think he just brusied it. He wasn't stuck for long... not even 5 mins as I was...
  28. Zephyra


    Zephyra, preening.
  29. B

    Hello every birdie

    Hello, I am from York, Pennsylvania. I am the proud mommy of a beautiful female, Pineapple Turquoise Green Cheek Conure who's name is Gracie. A Male Dutch Blue Pied Lovebird Snuggles: he is the newest member of our flock. And also a Female Blue Pied Budgie Parakeet. I am married and have 3...
  30. pityu

    Are they fighting?!! Help!

    I have two peachfaced lovebirds. They where puten together when they where small childs. 1 man and 1 female. I can see that they realy love eachother. They fooding each other help each other with things and problems like, when the other one wants the first to fix the feathers on the unreachable...
  31. R

    1 Cockatiel+2 Lovebirds+1 Indian Ringneck

    This is my first thread here,I just registerd cause I need some advise that couldn't find at anyone else's post. So here I go...:) I have a Cockatiel for about 5 months, not having a great relationship with each other, not that she (I think its a female) is scared of me. I just think she...
  32. Eva&Walle

    Babies?! Some questions. (:

    My two lovebirds just hatched there first egg. First off i was wondering what the chances of the colors will be with My male(Walle) being a black masked, and my female(Eva) a Peach Faced?? Also how do i tell if the babies are being fed? The baby has been squirming around. looks really good. The...
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