Hi all, I have a pair of peach faced lovebirds who are currently producing their first clutch with me. Both are displaying the correct nesting and mate feeding behaviours appropriately, and eggs have been laid every other day no issue with there being three so far. The birds have been observed...
Hi everyone, hope you’re all safe and well. This is a bit of a long read but I’d really appreciate if anyone can help us out.
I have a lovebird who is around 2 years old
On June 30th we noticed jellybeans right foot was weak, and his right wing slightly droopy.
He was still able to walk and...
Hi, my lovebird was making noises when he was breathing (kind of sounded like a fart), and perching himself with his belly lower. He is able to eat and drink and perch, but because of covid-19 all my local vets aren't taking birds that aren't actively dying right then and there. After coming...
My Vet has prescribed 1ml of baytril and 11/4 ml of meloxicam daily for my sick bird. Several people have told me this is too much and they only gave their sick birds 1 drop a day. I've also spent hours researching the dosage online and I cant find anyone that recommend such a high dose. The vet...
Hey guys,
I'm new to the site so first of all just wanted to say hi!
I have a 10 month old female lovebird that just laid an infertile egg yesterday. I took away her nest, and she seems to be doing fine. She's eating and drinking normally and even comes out of the cage to play.
However, today...
Two days ago, I got a lovebird that the owner says is 6 weeks old. He said that it was off the formula, and gave me a bag of Zupreem pellets to feed it (image attached). The bird eats very well, and is learning how to use the bottle but we have a small dish of water as well. However, it seems to...
I have two beautiful lovebirds which will be 2yrs old in June. Before now I assumed they were both male because they hadn't laid any eggs. However in the past couple weeks they appeared to be copulating and this week egg laying started.
The first egg was laid in their food dish. So I quickly...
Hi! I'm kind of concerned with my lovebird, but im not sure if this is just the normal molting process? Below is the best picture I have of his neck but when he stretches out its actually all around his neck and seems to be spreading upwards to his head.
A few days ago he managed to escape...
Hello, so I have a 1 day old lovebird and dont know what to do, I have formula, and im keeping him warm with an infrared light, i also have a termometer to measure the temperature, how often should I feed him and should I feed him throught the night? I have him because my boyfriend's lovebirds...
Hi y’all! I’m back with another post about Fig (turns out he’s a boy not a lady), but I’m wondering what his mutation is?
(also yes his wing is growing back! (my last post is a comparison and explanation) he’s currently moulting so it’s going pretty good!)
**these were the best photos i could...
I’ve had this lovebird for about 6 years, he’s never been bonded to another bird but gets plenty of attention from our big family. A few months ago I noticed an open wound on his back, I live in a very secluded area no bird vets and no one knows how to help, the wound doesn’t seem to be getting...
Hello! I am picking up my hand fed/raised lovebird in a week. I have the cage and toys and other supplies. Haven’t purchased the food yet but will be doing so this week. I Purchased a rather large cage. The woman I have purchased the bird from has a second lovebird that is also being hand...
So my male Lovebirds original mate is quite a messy female and always throws her food and water around. Not to mention, she was very aggressive. What I ended up doing was introduce another, more docile female to him but he attacks her when she gets near him. I am 100% sure of their genders...
Hey everyone,
Basically, to start things off, we got 3 new lovies from someone who was neglecting them. All 3 had clipped wings, although 2 black cheeked lovies had their wings growing back and they could somewhat fly. The other is a white-ish lovie (similar to a blue opaline) and her wing...
:green1:I have a female lovebird of 1.5 month. She is hand-raised by me, and has weaned about 2 weeks ago. She has grown a great fondness for apple and today she finishes the half of a big apple! She has eaten a lesser amount of seeds today. And the seeds were removed before givint it too her...
Hey guys! So I totally caught the bird bug and I’m thinking about getting a second bird. I’ve narrowed down my options to either a GCC or a peachie.
I’m totally stuck between the two and was looking for some advice. For some background: I’m a college student, not living in dorms, and I do have...
My name is oussama i'm from tunisia and i came to this forum seeking for help
i have found a lovebird in the street , i helped him,he is living with me like 1 year and then i discovered that the bird is a she because she made an egg , and this morning she start acting weird , so pleas any...
Hi all! :57: I currently have a wonderful Rosy Bourke, and I've been thinking about getting another bird, but I have some questions. I absolutely would NOT house them together, but would they be ok coexisting with supervised time in my room? I'm a college student, living at home, and I have...
Hey everyone, I tried to cut my bird's nails last night and I accidentally cut the first one too short, it bled, I stopped the bleeding and it didn't reoccur.
However, today the bird was sleepy all day, didn't make a sound, and it's twitching its wings or its entire body sometimes in a weird...
So, a month or so ago, I got a lovebird. The internet told me to get a younger lovebird, so I figured 5 months was young enough. I was wrong. I don't want to regret buying her, however, and have tried to tame her. It doesn't work.
TL;DR: any advice on taming a non-hand fed, 5-month-old, female...
Hello, I am really hoping someone can help.
We have a near 8 year old lovebird, called Uno. He had developed an lump on his right "cheek". This was barely noticeable 4 weeks ago when we first spotted it, as we were not sure if it was just has feathers sticking up. He was happy any healthy, he...
Hello all thank you for reading and responding to my post. It is truly appreciated. Unfortunately two days ago my little baby Lovebird, kiwi, was feeling sick and we quickly realized it was heavy Metal Poisoning. Fortunately we brought him to the vet immediately after we recognized his symptoms...
Hello fellow bird owners :)
I just registered this account, mainly to ask advice on what to do with my love birds, but I’m already so excited about everything! Lol and I can already see myself being on this site allot. I mean just look at these parrot emojis!! :green1::red::orange::blue1...
Hi, I have a three year old peach faced lovebird since a chick. He's tame and has always been very closely bonded to me, however I've been wondering for some time, would it be possible to introduce him to a companion of his own species? would another lovebird be best/ easiest for him to bond to...
Im trying to find somewhere more visually entertaining to put my lovebird’s cage. He is only in his cage when Im not home other than that hes with me or on his playstand next to me. But since i am a college student i do spend part of the day out. I currently have him in the den of my apartment...
I am trying to figure out a good placement for my lovebird. I currently have him in the den of my apartment, which is a bit secluded from the living room and doesnt have any windows. I wanted to put him somewhere next to the windows of my apartment because I feel he needs more of a a...
Hello, first off, please forgive me if this is not the right way to begin a thread - this is my first time using a forum and I am just looking for some advice. Anyways, the issue is regarding my new peach faced lovebird, Darby. I got him from a pet shop, but not a large chain like PetCo, a small...
Backstory: one of two 3 y/o Peach-faced Lovebirds who became increasingly aggressive towards me (the only person who handles her) over the last several months, especially with regard to her cage. She wouldn't let me remove or place bowls of food and water without trying to bite me. Most of the...
I have two DNA-sexed Peach-faced Lovebird sisters who are now three years old. One often regurgitates for the other. In fact, Clementine will beg for it as if she were a baby where she gently flaps her wings, bends down and forward, and opens her mouth for Penelope to feed her. This behavior has...
Hi, I'm new to the forums and recently I got a 3 month old lovebird. So far day 1 I got his wings clipped and he's fine standing on my shoulders and when I sit down with my arm touching my body he snuggles in between them to warm himself so I feel like I'm on the right track for taming him good...
Hello, i’m new here and i have some lovebirds chick.. i feed my lovebirds chick the nytribird a21 formula starting 2 days ago, and they love it they’re eating a lot more than the previous local formula i use.. but my problem is, this morning i notice my chick’s poop is a reddish brown color? Is...
So, as I have seen be the case in a lot of posts, I just got a hand-fed lovebird who was probably not handled very much after it was weaned since it seems awfully terrified of hands. Also, I believe he is young because he still has some black color on his beak. I know it's been only a week since...
Hello everyone, well this is my first post here on Parrot-Forums and I have a question(s) about pairing and/or separating already bonded lovebird pairs. In my case I was recently given the opportunity to care for two lovebirds of different species (a black-mask and a peach-face) after their...
Hi everyone! My name is Parker, and after months and months of research and begging, I've found out that I'm going to get a bird for my birthday this Monday!
This is great and all, but I'm having some trouble figuring out the timing of it all. About a week after my birthday, me and my family...
I feel like I've made a rookie mistake and need urgent help!
I have had an aviary of lovebirds for some time, but have tried hand rearing for the first time this year. In spring I took 1 baby at about 3 weeks old and he has flourished! It took him around 24-36 hours to get the hang of the...
I have a male (don't know for sure) lovebird named Melon. Last day I heard a lovebird from the other apartments and Melon and that lovebird were talking to each other. (I heard he was screaming his lungs out haha.)
I now have a question in mind, does it make him angry or aggressive? Like when...
Hi there! I need some advice with my five year old lovebird. I got her 2 months ago when somebody needed to rehome her. Her old mate had passed away and she was crying for a new one. I got a 2 year old lovebird and he loves all the attention.
The guy who sold Chika (the one I am asking advise...